About the Public Health Division
About the Public Health Division

The Public Health Division's mission is to improve the length and quality of life for all North Dakotans. To accomplish our mission, we focus on six goals including two cross-cutting goals that help guide our work division-wide. These cross-cutting principles are to Improve Health Equity and Use Evidence-based Practices to Make Data-Driven Decisions.

Key Functions

The Public Health Division aligns each of our functions to these four goals:

image showing the key principles of public health



The Public Health Division comprises five sections:

  • Disease Control & Forensic Pathology – Supports disease prevention, surveillance, and identification as well as epidemiologic investigation and forensic examinations.
  • Healthy & Safe Communities (HSC) – Provides support for individuals, families, and communities by providing quality programs that protect and enhance the health and safety of all North Dakotans.​​​​​​​​​​
  • Health Response & Licensure – Leads the planning and coordination of the public health and medical response as well as the implementation of regulation programs that protect the health and safety of North Dakotans, including ensuring North Dakota’s inpatient care facilities, outpatient programs, and staff-provided-services meet relevant health care standards.
  • Laboratory Services – Provides rapid, accurate detection and identification of organisms that may threaten the public’s health.
  • Health Statistics & Performance – Coordinates epidemiological studies, investigations, and surveillance activities; conducts data analysis; manages the registration and certification of vital events in ND and provides expertise and consultation on disease surveillance, data acquisition, database management, quality improvement, and health intervention activities.

Dirk Wilke

HHS Interim Commissioner

Gov. Kelly Armstrong appointed Dirk Wilke as HHS Interim Commissioner on Dec. 15, 2024.

As Interim Commissioner, Dirk oversees all divisions within HHS, the state’s largest agency operating eight regional human service centers, the Life Skills and Transition Center in Grafton, the State Hospital in Jamestown and the State Laboratory in Bismarck.

Dirk joined the North Dakota Department of Health in 2008 and served in various roles before becoming the department’s chief operating officer in 2017. Dirk was named executive director for the public health division of Health and Human Services in 2022, a role in which he will continue to serve.

A two-time graduate from the University of Mary, Dirk received his bachelor's degree in communications and his master's degree in business administration. He also received his juris doctorate degree from the University of North Dakota School of Law. 

Public Health Addresses and Phone Numbers

Public Health Addresses and Phone Numbers

Public Health Division
600 E Boulevard Ave, Dept 325
Bismarck, ND 58505-0250
Phone: 701-328-2372
Fax: 701-328-4727

Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time

Location: Central Public Health Division offices are located on the 2nd floor of the Judicial Wing of the State Capitol. Vital Records is located on the 1st floor. 

Get directions

Public Health Hotline


8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CT

Monday through Friday (holidays may affect these times)

Disease Control


1-800-472-2180 (Toll Free)

Emergency Preparedness 

1720 Sykes Drive
Bismarck, ND 58504
Phone: 701-328-2270
Fax: 701-328-0357

Get directions

State Laboratory

2635 E Main Avenue
PO Box 5520
Bismarck, ND 58506
Phone: 701-328-6272
Fax: 701-328-0357

Public Health Media Inquiries

Media inquiries related to public health can be submitted by email to
HHS Communication Director Jecca Geffre at jegeffre@nd.gov 

There are 28 independent local public health units (LPHU)s across the state of North Dakota. Access health services such as child immunizations, adult immunizations, tobacco use prevention, high blood pressure screening, injury prevention screening, blood lead screening, early and periodic screening diagnosis and treatment. 

LPHU Map and Locations

image of accreditation badge