Here you can find Economic Assistance publications available by program. If you would like to translate the information you can do so using the translation service at the top of the webpage.
Application Information
Use the Application for Assistance to apply for Child Care Assistance (CCAP), Food Assistance (SNAP), Heath Care Coverage (HCC), Basic Care Assistance Program (BCAP), and Temporary Assistance (TANF).
Submit a request to have an application mailed to you.
For additional information about these programs view the Application for Assistance Guidebook.
Use the LIHEAP application to apply for Home Energy Assistance.
View the Public Charge Statement.
- Quarterly Budget Insight Report - Caseload and expenditure data for selected programs within the N.D. Department of Human Services
- State Fiscal Year 2022: Unduplicated Count Report for Economic Assistance Programs (recipients and cases by county)
- State Fiscal Year 2021: Unduplicated Count Report for Economic Assistance Programs (recipients and cases by county)
- State Fiscal Year 2020: Unduplicated Count Report for Economic Assistance Programs (recipients and cases by county)
- State Fiscal Year 2019: Unduplicated Count Report for Economic Assistance Programs (recipients and cases by county)
- State Fiscal Year 2018: Unduplicated Count Report for Economic Assistance Programs (recipients and cases by county)
- State Fiscal Year 2017: Unduplicated Count Report for Economic Assistance Programs (recipients and cases by county)
- State Fiscal Year 2016: Unduplicated Count Report for Economic Assistance Programs (recipients and cases by county)
- State Fiscal Year 2015: Unduplicated Count Report for Economic Assistance Programs (recipients and cases by county)
- State Fiscal Year 2014: Unduplicated Count Report for Economic Assistance Programs (recipients and cases by county)
- State Fiscal Year 2013: Unduplicated Count Report for Economic Assistance Programs (recipients and cases by county)
- State Fiscal Year 2012: Unduplicated Count Report for Economic Assistance Programs (recipients and cases by county)
Child Care Assistance (CCAP) - Information for Families
CCAP helps pay a portion of the cost of childcare for working families, or families in training or education programs.
Brochure: About CCAP
About CCAP
The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) helps pay a portion of the cost of child care for working families, or families in training or education programs.
Who does CCAP serve?
Families with low income who are:
- Working
- Paid employment or self-employed
- In allowable education or training programs
- Note: You must turn in a copy of your class schedule if attending allowable post-secondary school or training
- Looking for employment, education or training activities, and housing in situations of homelessness (limited time)
Who may be eligible?
What are the age requirements for children?
- Children are eligible from birth through the certificate period in which their 13th birthday falls.
- A child with special needs may qualify up to age 19.
What are the income and asset limits?
- Monthly income from wages, child support, pensions, veteran’s benefits or other sources must be less than the CCAP income limits. Please contact the Customer Support Center or visit for the current limits.
- A CCAP Sliding Fee Schedule was developed to determine cost sharing by a family and CCAP based on income, size of the family, age of the child, type of provider, and level of care.
- The CCAP Sliding Fee Schedule can be found at: or through the Customer Support Center.
How do I apply?
By Request: Applications are available from your the Customer Support Center.
Need help?
Who can help me find a child care provider?
- Child Care Aware® of North Dakota can assist parents in choosing a provider who will meet their needs.
- You can also search for care and view resources at, or call 800-997-8515 (press 1) to speak with a referral specialist.
Who do I contact for more information?
- The Customer Support Center at 1.866.614.6005; 711 (TTY)
- Health and Human Services 1-800-755-2716; 711 (TTY)
What do I need to know about CCAP?
How is my child care paid?
The ND Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will pay a portion of your child care determined by using the CCAP Sliding Fee Schedule. Payment is made directly to the provider unless the provider requests that payment be made directly to the family
What is a Child Care Certificate?
A child care certificate is issued to a family and provider once they are determined eligible, and have chosen an eligible provider for the program. The certificate contains:
- the name and address of the parent/caretaker
- the period of time covered by the certificate
- the monthly co-payment for which the family is responsible
- the children who are eligible to receive child care
- the level of care and provider each child is eligible for
What are my program rights?
As a participant in CCAP there are certain rights that protect you. You have the right to:
- Review the policy manual.
- Withdraw your application prior to receiving benefits.
- Appeal and request a fair hearing if you disagree with any decision made by CCAP to deny, reduce, or terminate benefits
- Note: Appeals must be requested within 30 days from the print date on the notice that is being appealed.
What happens if I give false information on purpose?
If you give false information on purpose, it might result in legal action against you (criminal or civil). It might
also mean we reduce your benefits, take money back from you, or disqualify you from benefits temporarily or permanently.
What do I need to know about providers?
Who may I use as a provider?
Families have the right to choose their own child care provider. Providers may be nonprofit, for profit, religious, or relatives. Families must contact the Customer Support Center for information about licensing, self-declaration or approval of relative providers.
Who qualifies to be a provider?
To receive payment providers must be at least 18 years old, licensed, self-declaration, tribal registered or an approved relative. An approved relative must be related to the child by marriage, blood relationship or court decree, and:
- a grandparent or great grandparent
- an aunt or uncle
- a sibling
Approved relative providers can not live in the same home as the child for whom care is being provided
What if my provider requires a contract?
If your child care provider requires you to sign a contract, read it carefully before signing so you are aware of all your obligations. HHS is not bound by or responsible for either party’s compliance with the terms of any contract entered between a provider and a parent/caretaker.
What access to my children do I have while they are at my providers?
Families must be given unlimited access to their child(ren) in child care and to the providers who are providing the care. This access is to be during normal operating hours of the child care facility.
Who do I contact for more information?
The Customer Support Center at 1.866.614.6005, or Health and Human Services 1-800-755-2716.
Will my personal information be protected?
Is my information kept confidential?
The information you provide is held in confidence and used solely for program administration.
Do I have to provide my Social Security Number?
The Privacy Act of 1974 requires the following information be provided when individuals are requested to disclose their social security numbers:
- Disclosure of the social security number is voluntary and it is requested for identification purposes.
- Failure to disclose this information will not affect participation in this program
Non-discrimination in Federal Assistance Program
You have the right to file a written complaint if you believe that you or members of your household have been discriminated against by reason of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, political beliefs, handicap, or status with respect to marriage or public assistance. A written complaint may be filed with your local human service zone office; the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services office for Civil Rights, Legal Advisory Unit, 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept 325, Bismarck, ND 58505-0250, 701-328-2311 or 711 (TTY); Fax 701-328-2173, email:; or U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, 200 Independence Ave. SW, HHH Building, Room 509-F, Washington, DC 20201 (1-800-368-1019 or TDD 1-800-537-7697; Fax 202-619-3437).
CCAP Provider Guidebook
Thank you for participating in the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). This booklet is for you, the child care provider. It explains what you need to know to receive payment from the Health and Human Services (HHS) Economic Assistance (EA) for families who participate in CCAP.
If you have any questions, email us at
CCAP Overview
The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) helps income-eligible families pay for child care while they work or attend school or training.
Program Guidelines
What are the requirements for families?
- Families must meet income guidelines.
- Parents must need child care to go to work or attend school or training.
- Children must meet age requirements:
- Birth through their 13th birthday.
- Special needs children may qualify up to age 19.
What are the requirements for providers?
- Must be at least 18 years old.
- Must be a licensed, tribal registered, self-declared or approved relative child care provider.
- Must complete a W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification form.
- Must report an address change to remain active as a child care provider.
- If you are a licensed, registered, self-declared or an approved relative child care provider, contact your human service zone office to get relicensed to prevent any payment delays.
Note: If you fail to report an address change, you will no longer be able to receive child care payments from the program.
Applications for a licensed, registered, self-declaration or approved relative child care provider can be picked up at the human service zone office.
What is a child care certificate?
A family and child care provider receive what’s called a certificate.
The certificate shows:
- Number of months covered.
- Monthly co-pay a family must pay.
- Children covered and if they are full-time or part-time.
- Maximum amount the program will pay.
A parent is responsible to pay any child care costs over the maximum amount paid by the program.
Additional Information
Can I find out the status of a family’s CCAP case?
Information about a family’s status is confidential and may be shared only under certain conditions.
What are the family’s rights?
- A family selects their child care provider.
- Child care providers must let parents have unlimited access to their children.
- Child care providers and families are responsible for deciding on a termination agreement.
- The state will not pay a child care provider more than what is charged for a self (private) pay family.
Types of Providers
State Licensed Provider
Who issues state licenses?
ND Early Childhood provides licensing for individuals or businesses who wish to provide child care services for children outside of their families.
Approved Relative Provider
Who is eligible to be an approved relative provider?
A relative residing in a separate home who is related to the child by marriage, blood relationship or court decree, and is a:
- Grandparent or great grandparent
- Aunt or uncle
- Sibling
Approved relative providers must keep attendance records for each child in their care. These records must be handled in a way that protects the identity of the CCAP family and must be provided at the request of the state or human service office. Records should include the following:
- Child's name
- Date care was provided
- Check in and check out times
Approved relative providers will receive a provider ID number. For more information contact the CCAP Office.
Are you an approved relative provider interested in becoming a state licensed provider?
Many of the requirements already completed for approved relative registration are the same for self-declared (state licensed) providers. Benefits of becoming state licensed include:
- CCAP can pay up to an additional $60 per month per child.
- Eligible to receive reimbursements for meals through the Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP>.
Tribal Registered Provider
Who provides tribal registration?
Tribes provide a licensing process to members. Registered tribal providers who provide proof of registration to the CCAP Office are eligible to receive CCAP payments. For more information contact your tribal office.
How does an out of state provider qualify to serve ND CCAP clients?
The license for an out of state provder is issued by the state in which they live. These providers may register with the State of North Dakota to provide services to clients receiving Child Care Assistance. Contact the CCAP Office to register.
Military licensed providers
Who provides military licensing?
Military licenses are issued by the military agency. Military licensed providers who register with the CCAP Office may receive CCAP payments.
Required Documentation
CCAP Required documentation
- Copy of License - Issued by appropriate licensing agency
- W9 - Request for Tax Payer ID Number and Certification
- SFN 433 - Child Abuse and Neglect Background Inquiry for each household member age 18 and over
- SFN 23 - Application for Approval for Relative Child Care Provider
- Copy of Training - Completion of the free Getting Started Training offered by ND Early Childhood Division
Note: These are the documents required to receive payment from CCAP. ND Early Childhood Division has additional requirements for state licensed or registered providers.
Billing Information
Child Care Provider Rates & Sliding Fee Schedule
Who sets provider rates?
Providers determine how much they charge for services. The state sets rates for how much CCAP pays toward the cost of child care.
How are CCAP rates set?
Providers can share what they are charging for services by participating in the Market Rate Survey which takes place every three years. The information provided in this survey helps the CCAP office set rates.
What is the sliding fee schedule?
The sliding fee schedule is used to decide if a family qualifies for the program and contains all the CCAP payment rates. Most families are required to help pay a part of their child care costs, which is also determined by the schedule.
Requesting payment
How do I request payment?
Payment can be requested through the Self-Service Portal (SSP). This must be completed each month the child is in your care. Note: It is your responsibility as a child care provider to request payment. CCAP participates in prospective payments. This means that if a child is enrolled in care for the month of June, payment for those services can be billed for at the first of June instead of waiting until July. This also means that families will need to notify their providers and human service zone workers as soon as possible when they are planning to change providers. Can I bill for registration fees? CCAP may pay for registration or deposit fees charged by Center (license types C,E,K,M) or Group/Family (license type F, G, H) providers.
Can I bill for hours that a child is absent from care?
Yes, as CCAP payments are now based on enrollment and not attendance. Note: The program cannot pay for meals, snacks, or transportation fees charged by the child care provider.
How do I bill for joint custody families?
- Payments will be made based on the time the caretaker has the child(ren) in their care.
- Certification is submitted for the time frame the child was in a particular parent’s custody.
- If both parents use the same provider, two certifications must be submitted.
For example:
- If a mother has custody of the child for two weeks each month, the provider would certify for those two weeks.
- If the same child’s father uses the same provider for the remainder of the month, the provider would certify for both the mother and the father.
Payment Information
Form of payment
How are CCAP payments made?
Providers are paid via direct deposit. If the provider has a garnishment by child support, or if the payment is made directly to the family instead of the provider, the payment must be issued via check.
Can payment be made directly to the family?
Child care payments are made directly to you and not to a family. If you would like to change this, you can select this option in the SSP. Note: Even if the child care payment is paid directly to a family, you must complete a W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification form. Child Care Assistance checks cannot be forwarded.
Payment Processing
Is there a deadline to request payment?
The electronically submitted payment request through the self-service portal (SSP) must be submitted within 2 months following the month child care services were provided.
How long does it take for my payment to be processed?
Payment certifications are processed nightly. Payments will be received within five working days.
How do I know the status of my payment?
You can monitor the status of your payment using the Self-Service Portal (SSP). For more information on the SSP see pages 16-17 of this guidebook.
What if I do not receive my payment within five working days?
If you have not received your payment within 5 working days, check the payment status through the SSP. You should also verify your direct deposit information. If the SSP shows payment has been made and your direct deposit information is correct, contact the state CCAP office.
Payment Notification
How do I know which families I have received payment for?
- A notice will be sent with each payment made showing the child’s name and the payment amount. Notices are also available in the SSP.
- There may be more than one family on the notice.
- Payments processed on the same day are combined into one payment.
Note: It is important to keep the notices for your records.
Will the family be notified that payment has been made?
The family will receive a notice listing the total child care bill, the amount paid by the program, and the amount the family is responsible to pay.
About Overpayments
What is an overpayment?
An overpayment is what occurs when a provider is paid more than they should have received.
How does an overpayment occur?
Overpayments can happen for the following reasons:
- The provider says a child was in their care, but there are no records showing the child attended.
- The provider says a child will attend in the next month, but the child attends for less than 8 hours.
- A provider stops giving care for a child during a month they have already been paid for. The days the child did not attend must be paid back.
- The enrollment amount or amount charged changes after payment has been made.
Repaying an overpayment
How do I repay an overpayment?
Future payments will be recouped by 10% until the overpayment is re-paid in full, or a check can be sent to:
Department of Health and Human Services
600 E Boulevard Ave. Dept. 325
Bismarck ND 58505
Tax Information
W9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification
What is a W9?
A W9 is used to verify the CCAP Office has the correct information is on file for tax reporting. You are required to provide a W9 to the CCAP Office.
What if my information changes?
If your name or address change after your initial W9 submission, you must submit a new W9 through the SSP so your information can be updated for tax reporting.
Employer ID Numbers
Child care providers can apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number. This is a free service offered by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Contact the IRS office to apply or go online to 1099 NEC Miscellaneous Tax Form
Who will receive a 1099?
Federal law requires that a 1099 NEC Miscellaneous Tax Form be sent to each child care provider who has received payments of $600 or more from the state.
How will I receive my 1099?
This will be done automatically at the end of a calendar year and mailed to the address provided on your W9 in January. You can also find this in the SSP. This information is also sent to the IRS.
What else do I need to know?
The 1099 NEC Miscellaneous Tax Form does not include the amount paid to you by a specific family. It is your responsibility to maintain records of a family’s copayments.
Self-Service Payment Portal
Self-service portal Overview
What is the self-service portal?
The Self-Service Portal (SSP) is an online tool that allows child care providers to submit their monthly payment requests online and view payments.
What are the benefits of using the SSP?
- CCAP payments will be even more timely.
- Streamline processes.
Note: The self-service portal is for child care subsidy reimbursement, not for licensing activities. Accessing and registering for the SSP
How do I use the SSP?
You will need to register for a North Dakota login if you haven’t already done so. (Note: If you have a North Dakota login for the child care licensing site, your may use the same one.) After that, you will need to create an account to use the self-service portal. An online training is available that shows you how to register and create an account.
When can I start using it?
Once your account has been approved, you can log in to the self-service portal to access your personalized dashboard to certify enrollment, review payment history, upload documents and manage your account. You can begin using the portal for payment requests when you see a child’s name on your dashboard.
Who can use the self-service portal for subsidy reimbursement?
All licensed and regulated child care providers, including relative, tribal, and out-of-state providers.
How do I access it?
The self-service payment portal can be accessed at
What do I need to register for an account?
In order to register for an account you will need your license type and provider number.
What if I need help using the SSP?
An online training is available for all provider types.
What if I do not want to use the SSP?
Beginning with the service month of October 2022 all billing must be submitted through the SSP.
Will using the SSP change the way I receive my CCAP payments?
Child Care Assistance Program payments will continue to be received as they are today, including payments sent to families.
CCAP Provider Agreement
By clicking this box, I certify that the information I provide during the North Dakota Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) enrollment process is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I will comply with all terms, conditions, and responsibilities of this agreement. I understand that I am providing this information so that state agency officials can verify that I am is eligible to receive subsidized child care assistance payments.
This Agreement is between the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services (NDDHHS) CCAP and the provider of child care to children authorized under this Agreement. The Provider agrees to comply with this Agreement and all applicable state statues, North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC), and all applicable Federal statutes and regulations in order to be paid for providing child care.
In order to receive Child Care Assistance Payments from the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services (NDDHHS), I understand and agree to the following:
General Information
- I understand that I must at all times comply with all North Dakota child care laws and rules that apply to the child care I provide, including all rules related to North Dakota CCAP. I understand that failure to comply with North Dakota Child Care Requirements may result in termination of this Agreement.
- I understand that I must keep all information I receive about children and families confidential.
- I agree to submit a W-9 Form through the Provider Self Service Portal at initial enrollment with CCAP, to submit an updated form when a change needs to be reported, and periodically review and certify the information is correct.
- 4. I understand that the income I receive as child care subsidy payments is taxable and all subsidy payments will be reported as income to the Internal Revenue Service. DHHS does not withhold any taxes from subsidy payments.
- I am responsible for any and all information provided through the Provider SSP. If I allow Financial or Facility Administrative security access to the Provider SSP to anyone else, I will be responsible for any incorrect information provided by that other individual even if the error was unintentional.
- For providers who are licensed by another state, tribal agency, or military agency:
a. I agree to submit copy of current license from state of residence or tribal agency. Renewed licenses, registrations, and self-declarations must be submitted yearly.
b. I agree to disclose to NDDHHS any adverse action enacted or proposed, including license or certificate revocation or accreditation suspension or removal. Any disclosure of information to NDDHHS must be made within five business days of the enacted or proposed adverse action.
c. Secure, maintain, and display a license as required by NDAC sections 75-03-08-04, 75-03-09-04, 75-03- 10-04, 75-03-11-04, and 75-03-11.1-04. A border state child care Provider is required to maintain and display the license certificate or approval to provide child care issued by the border state.
Self Service Portal (SSP)
- I will access the Provider (SSP) by the 25th of each month and review the child care subsidy payment information for each child in order to receive payment by the first of the following month. If the child's information has not been reviewed and certified as correct by the 25th, payment is not guaranteed by the 1st and will be processed within 3-5 business days.
EX: I will access the Provider SSP by the 25th of July, certify and submit the child information is correct in order to receive payment for August by August 1st. - I understand that certification must be completed within 2 months of the month the care was provided.
EX: I will access the Provider SSP by July 31st in order to receive payment for care provided in May. - I understand that if I do not enter and submit attendance records in the Provider SSP by the twenty-fifth (25th) calendar day of the following month, I will not receive payment for the following month.
EX: I will submit attendance records for July by August 25th in order to receive payment for the month of September. - I understand that it is my responsibility to maintain CCAP certificates, track and submit attendance records, and update information in the Provider SSP. This includes when a child in my care moves from full-time to part-time or afterschool care, as well as any other schedule changes that impact enrollment rates.
Enrollment and Documentation
- I will keep accurate records of subsidized child care payments, and time and attendance records for each child for a minimum of three years. Time and attendance means the date and time the child arrived and left my care. These records also include enrollment, private paying parent rates and rate forms/attachments, parent fee receipts, and agreements that involve outstanding parent fees due. I further understand that I must, at all times, have all records related to CCAP available for review by local, state, and federal officials at my child care facility location. I understand that failure to keep accurate and complete records may result in termination from CCAP or overpayments.
- I understand that it is my sole responsibility to monitor the eligibility dates on the child’s CCAP certificate. I further understand that I will not be paid for care provided to the child after the end date listed on the child’s certificate.
Billing and Payment
- I understand that if a child is absent for more than ten (10) days during any month, I must contact the parent or responsible adult to determine if or when that child will return. If a child is absent for more than one month, I understand that I will only be paid for the first month in which the absences occurred.
- I understand that in order to receive payments directly I must set up direct deposit. I will access the Provider SSP to provide information about the financial account I want used for direct deposit. I will keep that information current. I understand the North Dakota Child Care Assistance Program is not responsible for any payments made to the wrong financial account.
- I understand that I must enter the child care rates that I charge private paying parents into the Provider SSP before I can receive payment. I understand that I cannot charge a lower rate for private paying families than what I enter in the Provider SSP.
- I understand that I am solely responsible for collecting any parent fees, which may include copayments, supply and transportation fees, or any amount remaining after CCAP payment.
- I understand that I must notify the Child Care Assistance Program if I am receiving payment from other sources for a child enrolled in CCAP.
- I understand that CCAP will not pay for care of children in unlicensed space. I also understand that the CCAP will not pay for children to be cared at a location other than that listed on the license or approval letter.
a. If my license ends or expires while proving care, I can only bill for the days in which I am licensed to provide care. - I understand that I must review my payment summary through the Provider SSP and report any underpayments to CCAP within thirty (30) calendar days to be eligible for reimbursement.
Fraud and IPV
- I understand that I will not be paid for children who cause my facility to exceed licensed enrollment capacity, age range, shifts, and all other applicable restrictions on my license. I further understand that if I provide care for such children, I may be subject to an administrative action against my license, up to and including revocation.
- I understand that submitting false or fraudulent attendance records may result in termination from the Child Care Assistance Program. I understand that failure to update enrollment rates in the Provider SSP may result in my being issued an overpayment notice, or an Intentional Program Violation may be pursued.
Payment Inaccuracies
- I understand that I must repay any overpayment. I must report any overpayment to CCAP as soon as I learn of the overpayment. In addition, I understand that CCAP will correct overpayments by withholding money from future payments for services provided. I understand that, although CCAP will not withhold more than 20% of my payment in any given month, withholding will continue each month until the entire amount has been repaid.
- I understand that I may appeal the determination of an overpayment.
- I understand that if I provide care for at least eight hours and terminate services of a child during the month, I can only keep payment authorized for the hours the child was in care.
- If I receive payment from CCAP for services I did not provide, I am responsible for repayment of any resulting overpayment and agree to cooperate with CCAP to repay the overpayment in full. This also includes the following situations; (i) I reported a change to CCAP in a timely manner but I incorrectly received payment or (ii) I was not notified by the parent that the child would not attend child care in that month or attended less than eight hours. An overpayment exists in these situations even if the funds were previously approved by CCAP.
As the business owner or authorized person to manage portal account information, I have reviewed the provider guidebook, and I read or had read to me the Child Care Provider Agreement. I understand these statements and agree to adhere to them. I understand I can be penalized by law NDAC if I intentionally or by failing to act, make a false or misleading statement or misrepresenting, concealing, or withholding facts.
I certify that I have read, understood, and will comply with my responsibilities under this Child Care Provider Agreement. I understand that the above is a contract between me and DHHS, Division of Economic Assistance and Division of Early Childhood and is enforceable under the laws of the State of North Dakota. I further understand that, if I wish, I may consult an attorney prior to signing this agreement. I agree to maintain a copy of this agreement in my child care files for a minimum of three (3) years.
Growing Futures Guidebook for Approved Relative Providers
How to create a Growing Futures account and register for training.
Create an account with Growing Futures
- Go to
Click “Login.” - On the log in screen, click “Create Account”
- Enter your information.
Note: You must use a real, working email address to create an account. The email address must belong to you personally. DO NOT use an employer’s email or try to share an email with another person.
Click “Create Account.” - You will see a message that an email has been sent to the address you provided.
Click “Okay.” - Go to your email account and open the email verifcation.
Click on “Verify Email.”
Note: The email may reference an “Insight Account.” This is related to the Growing Futures account and is safe to open. - You will be prompted to create a password.
The password will need to follow the requirements shown at the bottom of the page.
Enter your password twice to confirm it, and then click “Save Password.” - Return to the login page.
Enter your email address and password.
Click “Login.” - To verify you do not already have an existing account you will need to provide information such as birth date and the last five digits of your social security number.
After you have entered that information click “Next,” and the system will look for an existing account with your information. - If no existing account is found, you will be directed to complete the application form for a new Basic Individual Account.
You will need to enter the following:- A mailing address
- A home address
- A primary phone number
- Any previous or maiden names, if applicable
- Your enrollment status in a federally recognized tribe, if applicable
- An indication of which age group you typically work with
- You will also be asked to indicate your communication preferences, and review and accept the Growing Futures Registry Privacy Policy. Once complete, click “Submit.”
Register for Training
- Once you are in your account, you can access the training calendar from the blue side bar on the left.
- Click “Search Training Events.”
- In the Course Title box type “Getting Started.”
Hit the enter key. - Click “Register” to enroll in the course.
What’s next?
Notify CCAP
- Once you have completed the training send a copy of your DHS Licensing Training Record to CCAP.
- Log into your account.
- Under the “Summary” tab scroll to the bottom of the page. Look for the North Dakota Department of Human Services logo next to the record link.
- Select the “DHS Licensing Training Record” link. The record will open as a PDF which can be saved or printed.
- Send a copy to CCAP either by mail or email:
- Email a PDF copy to
- Mail a paper copy to:
Child Care Assistance Program
600 East Boulevard Ave Dept. 325
Bismarck, ND 58505
- The training will need to be completed every four years.
- A reminder notice will be sent out prior to the due date.
Up to Date Information
We do our best to keep this information updated. However the most current instructions on this process can always be found on Growing Future’s site:…
Account Assistance
For assistance setting up your account, contact Growing Futures directly:
- Phone: 800-997-8516
- Email:
- Help Center:
Crossroads Program
Crossroads supports parents up to age 21 by helping pay a portion of their child care and transportation costs so they can continue their education.
Crossroads Brochure
Updated 5.2024
About Crossroads
The Crossroads Program supports teen parents up to age 21 by helping pay a portion of their child care and transportation costs so they can continue their education.
Who does Crossroads serve?
Parents who qualify must be:
- Currently pregnant
- The pregnancy and estimated due date must be medically verified
- Pursuing an education
- Under the age of 21
- Exception: If the parent is already participating in the crossroads program and enrolls in a bachelors degree program, they are eligible until the degree is completed.
- Parents who are married or unmarried
- Primary caregiver of the child
- North Dakota resident
- Living in the same house with the child
How does Crossroads help?
- Help with transportation costs
Child Care
- Waived co-payment under the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
Case Management
- Parenting skills
- Housing
- Goal setting
- Child care selection
- Decision making
Educational incentive
- Incentive payment for achieving goals
Graduation incentive
- Incentive payment upon completion of high school, GED, college or post-secondary education
How do I apply?
By mail: Print an application and mail it to the Customer Support Center.
In person: Visit your local human service zone office. A list of office locations can be found at
How does case management work?
Each parent works one-on-one with a Crossroads case manager who will offer ongoing guidance and support.
Together you and your case manager will:
- Complete an assessment, talk about education goals, and look for any barriers that might prevent reaching your education goals
- Create an education plan that includes an estimated graduation date and progress report
- Determine transportation allowance
- Monitor involvement in educational activities and provide help if needed (tutoring, etc.)
- Complete a progress report at the end of each semester that may include school staff
You will meet with your case manager at least once per month.
You have the right to file a written complaint if you believe that you or members of your household have been discriminated against by reason of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, political beliefs, handicap, or status with respect to marriage or public assistance. A written complaint may be filed with your local human service zone office; the North Dakota Department of Human Services office for Civil Rights, Legal Advisory Unit, 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept 325, Bismarck, ND 58505-0250, 701-328-2311 or 711 (TTY); Fax 701-328-2173, email:; or U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Officefor Civil Rights, 200 Independence Ave. SW, HHH Building, Room 509-F, Washington, DC 20201 (1-800-368-1019 or TDD 1-800-537-7697; Fax 202-619-3437).
Energy Assistance - Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP helps eligible families with home heating and weatherization costs.
Brochure: General Information
Updated 10.1.2024
The purpose of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is to provide home energy assistance to eligible low income households. The North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services and the human service zone offices (formerly known as county social service offices) administer the LIHEAP program. Services that are available through LIHEAP are explained within this brochure.
Who does LIHEAP serve?
- Households who buy their heating fuel from a fuel dealer or utility company (fuel oil, propane, natural gas, electricity, wood, coal, and kerosene).
- Households whose rent payments include the cost of heat, and they do not live in subsidized housing or receive housing assistance.
- Households who need assistance with non-repairable furnaces and heat costs, that are high due to houses that are older or in poor shape.
- Households who have difficulty paying heating bills due to other rising costs and are in danger of losing their heating source.
Who is eligible?
- Income: The total adjusted income of all persons living in the household must be counted. Income guidelines can be found at
- Deductions: There are some expenses over which a household may have little or no control, that leave less funds available to spend on heating costs. These are called allowable expenses, and may be deducted from a household’s income. These expenses include:
- Child care
- Child support
- Medical expenses
- 27% income deduction on earned income
When do I apply?
LIHEAP applications are accepted from October 1 ‑ May 31 close of business or until program funds are used up. A new application is required each heating season. Emergency applications can be submitted at any time.
How do I apply?
By Request: Applications are available at your local human service zone office, or your Community Options office.
Need Assistance? A human service zone eligibility worker, a friend, or a relative can assist you in completing the LIHEAP application. A Community Options outreach worker can help with the application process by assisting with completing the LIHEAP application, obtaining verifications, and submitting the LIHEAP application and verifications to the Customer Support Center. You may also call 1-800-755-2716.
What Services are Available?
Heating: LIHEAP can pay for a portion of your heating bill used to heat your home during the months your household is eligible. The amount of the benefits depends on your income, some household information, and the type of heat used to heat your home.
When: During the LIHEAP heating season, which begins October 1st and ends May 31st of each year.
Payments: There are three different methods of payment:
- If you buy your fuel from a fuel vendor or utility company, your bill will be sent directly to the state LIHEAP office, and the payment will be returned directly to your fuel dealer or utility company;
- If eligible, you can be reimbursed for bills you have already paid to your fuel vendor for heating fuel purchased since October 1;
- If your heating costs are included in your rent and you do not live in subsidized housing or receive housing assistance, a payment will be made directly to you each month that you are eligible.
Weatherization: The weatherization program helps low income people make their homes and apartments energy efficient. Weatherization seals a home to keep warm air in and cold air out during the winter. The weatherization is done by skilled crews from the seven Community Action Agencies. The weatherization program is funded by LIHEAP. There is no charge for the weatherization program.
FURNACE & CHIMNEY CLEANING: LIHEAP can pay up to $500 for the furnace cleaning and tuning, and/or up to $150 for the chimney cleaning. Prior authorization by the human service zone eligibility team is required. Renters: please check with the Customer Support Center about this service.
Cooling: A temporary cooling program may be implemented in the event of unusual cooling needs due to weather abnormalities if there are funds available after the regular heating season. Cooling devices are available for eligible recipients who are most vulnerable to heat-related illnesses.
EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE: LIHEAP funds are available when there is a home energy emergency that may threaten the life of your family. Households are encouraged to submit requests before a shut off or other emergency has occurred. Appropriate community and personal resources and personal liquid assets are to be considered before Emergency Assistance is approved. These are explained below:
Fuel: You can be assisted with your co-payment when you have unusual expenses or income changes.
Furnace replacements: Payment for the cost of a furnace is made possible for an eligible individual home owner or eligible renter with verifiable responsibility for maintenance of their furnace (must be pre-authorized). You must look for other sources to pay for the furnace replacement before requesting assistance from LIHEAP. Human service zone eligibility workers refer eligible households that need a furnace replaced to an area Community Action Agency. LIHEAP/Community Action agencies only replace furnaces that: A) are unsafe, B) are not operating, or C) cannot be repaired. Clients may share in the cost of the new furnace.
Consumer Goods: Consumer goods are bought when an emergency occurs and the household needs to purchase or rent supplemental heating or cooling devices, or needs temporary shelter outside their home.
Minor Repairs: Minor repairs can be provided only if the weatherization services cannot be provided. You must contact the Customer Support Center prior to making minor repairs.
Electric Utilities: Primary responsibility for emergency payment for electric utilities (lights only) will be assumed by Energy Share, which is located in each Community Action Agency. Emergency payment for electric utilities for homes heated by electricity, including lights, will be assumed by LIHEAP. The program cannot issue electric utility payments under any circumstances for persons who do not meet the program requirements.
When: Emergency applications are taken all year.
ENERGY COST REDUCTION DEVICES: If you heat with electricity, consider installing a separate meter for heat, a back-up heating system or a “Demand Controlling Device” so you can qualify for much lower electric heating rates. Funds are sometimes available to help with some installation costs. Ask for more information through the Customer Support Center or your electric utility company.
In accordance with Federal law, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (US HHS) policy, and North Dakota state law, HHS is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, sex, including gender identity and sexual orientation, age, disability, national origin, religion, or status with respect to marriage or public assistance. In accordance with the USDA, HHS is also prohibited from discriminating against political beliefs or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by the USDA.
A written complaint may be filed with your local Human Service Zone Office; or the Legal Division, Department of Health & Human Services, 600 E. Boulevard Ave - Dept 325, Bismarck ND 58505-0250; Phone: 701-328-2311; TTY 711; Fax: 701-328-2173; Email:; or Centralized Case Management Operations, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 200 Independence Ave SW, Room 509F HHH Bldg, Washington DC 20201; Toll-free: 1-800-368-1019; TTY: 1-800-537-7697; Fax: 202-619-3437; Email:; or U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, Region VIII, 1961 Stout Street, Room 1185, Denver, CO 80294-3538; Toll-Free: 1-800-368-1019; TDD: 1-800-537-7697; FAX: (202) 619-3818; Email:
Housing Stabilization: ND Rent Help and Help for Homeowners
ND Housing Stabilization programs offer financial assistance for qualifying North Dakota homeowners and households experiencing homelessness.
NDRH Housing Stabilization Checklists and Guides
Find NDRH Housing Stabilization publications here.
ND Help for Homeowners Checklist
Documents to have when you apply:
- Government-issued photo ID
- Most recent copy of your mortgage statement
- Most recent real estate tax statement or escrow account disclosure statement showing taxes paid and/or taxes due
- Three (3) months most recent utility bills (all utilities)
- Proof of income: Most recently filed tax returns or two (2) months most recent pay stubs for each adult as applicable:
- Most recent pay stubs
- Social security or retirement benefits
- Child support or spousal support
- Unemployment
- Tribal payments
- Royalties
- Proof of homeowners insurance and, if relevant, flood insurance
NDRH Housing Stabilization Dashboard
See the impact NDRH Housing Stabilization makes for North Dakota families by viewing the NDRH Data Dashboard.
Food Assistance - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SNAP provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of lower-income families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency. Households or individuals with low income who meet certain requirements may be eligible for assistance based on income limits.
Before You Apply for SNAP
You have the right to file an incomplete application as long as it contains the applicant’s name, address and signature of either the applicant or the authorized representative. If you are eligible, your assistance will start from the date we receive your complete or incomplete application. However, if you provide more information, it will help us determine your eligibility more quickly.
When we get your application for SNAP or TANF, we will set up an interview with you. For SNAP, a face-to-face interview may be waived in favor of a telephone interview on a case-by-case basis determined by household hardship reasons. Health Care Coverage and Child Care Assistance do not require an interview.
If you are eligible, you will get your benefits no later than 30 days from the date you submit your application. If you submit your application after normal business hours or on a weekend or holiday, your date of application will be the next business day.
You may get SNAP within 7 days of your application date if any of the following are true:
- Your household’s monthly income before taxes is $150 or less; or
- You are a migrant or seasonal farm worker; or
- Your household’s monthly rent/mortgage and utilities are more than your household’s income before taxes.
There is no limit to the length of time you can receive benefits for SNAP. Time limits and requirements for other programs such as TANF do not apply to the receipt of SNAP. If you are no longer receiving TANF benefits or if your case is closed for time limits, because you started working or for some other reason, you may still qualify for SNAP.
If you are applying for SNAP you can have someone help you, if you wish. This person can fill out your application, answer questions for you, give information at your interview, and buy your food with an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. We will be able to share information with this person.
You will be asked to provide Social Security Numbers (SSNs) for all persons for whom you want assistance, except for the Child Care Assistance Program. Disclosure of SSNs for the Child Care Assistance Program is voluntary and is requested for the purpose of accurate identification. Failure to disclose SSNs will not affect participation in the Child Care Assistance Program. If any of these persons do not have an SSN, we can help you apply for one. Providing or applying for an SSN is voluntary; however, any person who wants assistance but who doesn’t want to give information about their SSN will not be eligible for benefits. Other household members may still get benefits if they are otherwise eligible. If you are applying only for emergency Medicaid because of your citizenship or immigration status, you do not need to give us information about your SSN.
The social security number is used to check the identity of household members, to prevent duplicate participation, to monitor compliance with program regulations, for claim collection, for official examination by Federal or State agencies, and to help make mass changes. The social security number is also used to check information in our records against other Federal, State or local government computer matching systems participating in the Income and Eligibility Verification System, including but not limited to the Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration, Department of Labor and TANF, which may affect eligibility and the level of benefits.
Use of social security numbers provided for SNAP and TANF benefits may be disclosed to law enforcement for purposes of apprehending fleeing felons.
We will not share your SSN with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
For SNAP, the collection of information on the application, including the SSN of each household member, is authorized under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 2011-2036. Information requested may also be used and verified through collateral contacts when discrepancies are found.
You will be asked to provide information about the SSN and citizenship or immigration status for all persons for whom you want to receive assistance. This information may be subject to verification by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), and information received from USCIS may affect the household’s eligibility and level of benefits.
- For SNAP and Medicaid, if any of these persons do not want to give information about their SSN, citizenship or immigration status, they will not be eligible for benefits. These persons must provide their financial information to determine eligibility for other household members. Other household members may still get benefits if they are otherwise eligible. We will not share alien or citizenship information about nonapplicants with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).
- For TANF, if an individual who is required to be included in the TANF household does not want to give information about their SSN, citizenship or immigration status, the entire household will be ineligible to receive benefits.
Additional information regarding your rights and responsibilities can be found in the Application for Assistance Guidebook (
Brochure: About SNAP
Updated 8.2024
About SNAP
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps low-income North Dakotans meet their nutritional needs.
Who does SNAP serve?
Eligible households include:
- People who live together, buy food, and prepare meals together are grouped as a household.
- Spouses and most children under age 22 must be one household.
Can legal non-citizens get SNAP benefits?
You may be able to get SNAP benefits. Talk with a human service zone worker about this. Even if you can’t get SNAP benefits, family members born in this country can. Getting SNAP benefits won’t hurt you if you want to become a citizen.
Can I get benefits if I’m not working?
If you are age 16–59 and able to work, you may need to meet the general work requirements to get SNAP benefits.
You may be excused from the general work requirements if you meet an exemption.
For more information on work requirements you may contact the Customer Support Center.
Who may be eligible?
Can I have assets?
Assets are not counted for most households. Assets are counted for a household when a member of the household is not eligible due to failure to comply with SNAP requirements. Households with a member who is 60 or older or disabled may have up to $4,500 in countable assets. Other households may have up to $3,000. We don’t count the assets of people who are receiving state cash assistance (TANF), federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or TANF Information and Referral Services. Check out TANF Information and Referral Services at your local human service zone office.
What are the allowable deductions?
- 20 percent of earned income;
- a standard deduction based on household size;
- medical expenses over $35 a month for elderly or disabled members;
- certain dependent care costs when needed for training, education, or work;
- legally owed child support; and
- a percentage of shelter costs.
How much income can we have?
Earned and most unearned income is counted. Gross income means income before any deductions. Net income means gross income minus allowable deductions. TANF and SSI households are income eligible. A majority of households must meet the 200% gross income test. Households with members who are not eligible due to failure to comply with SNAP requirements must meet the 130% gross income test.
Income Limits
People in Household | 200% Gross Income Limits | 130% Gross Income Limits | 100% Gross Income Limits |
1 | $2,510 | $1,632 | $1,255 |
2 | $3,408 | $2,215 | $1,704 |
3 | $4,304 | $2,798 | $2,152 |
4 | $5,200 | $3,380 | $2,600 |
5 | $6,098 | $3,963 | $3,049 |
6 | $6,994 | $4,546 | $3,497 |
8 | $7,890 | $5,129 | $3,945 |
How do I apply?
By Mail: Print the application for assistance at Submit the application to the Customer Support Center.
In Person: Call the human service zone office to set up a meeting with a worker. At the human service zone office, you will talk with an eligibility worker, answer some questions, and sign some papers. If you can’t go to the office, you may send a relative or a friend to talk with the worker. You may also be able to talk with a worker on the phone.
What do I need to know about SNAP?
If my household is eligible, how much will we get?
For October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025, the table below shows the most you could get if you have no income. As your income goes up, the amount of SNAP benefits you will get may go down.
Maximum Monthly Benefits
People in Household | Maximum Monthly Allotment |
1 | $292 |
2 | $536 |
3 | $768 |
4 | $975 |
5 | $1,158 |
6 | $1,390 |
7 | $1,536 |
8 | $1,756 |
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
The worker will need to see the following:
- verification of all income
- rent or mortgage payments
- utility bills
- child or elder care bills
- child support orders (the court order and canceled checks)
How do I receive my benefits?
In North Dakota, a plastic card is used to access SNAP benefits that are deposited into an account just like you would a bank card, but only to purchase food.
What if I have more questions?
If you have more questions, contact the Customer Support Center. You can find their contact information at
You may also contact the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services toll-free at
1-800-755-2716 (North Dakota only), or visit our website at
The USDA is an equal opportunity provider.
Good food choices promote a healthy future at every stage of life.
SNAP expands your ability to eat a variety of foods. The Family Nutrition Program (FNP) helps you use your SNAP benefits to make better food choices on a budget. With FNP you can learn how to:
Increase Healthy Foods
- Cook easy and delicious recipes at home.
- Make half your plate colorful fruits and vegetables.
- Read labels to make half your grains whole grain.
- Make the switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) dairy.
Save Money on Healthy Foods
- Plan meals ahead of time and make a grocery list.
- Use leftovers and planned overs in delicious ways.
- Compare “Unit Prices” to find the best buy.
- Buy fruits and vegetables in season.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) is available to SNAP recipients through NDSU Extension Service’s Family Nutrition Program. Please see for more information.
Helpful EBT Tips
Proper Care and Use
- Keep your card safe in a purse or wallet and keep the card clean, but do not get it wet.
- Do not bend or fold your card and keep it away from magnets, TVs, stereos, VCRs, microwaves and direct sunlight.
- Keep the magnetic strip clean and free of scratches.
Protect your PIN
- Write your PIN down at home and keep it in a safe place. Never under any circumstance give your pin number out to anyone.
Fraud Alert
- Be aware and on the lookout for potential scammers during COVID-19, that may be trying to steal personal information. If individuals receiving SNAP are contacted and unsure if a request for information is legitimate, contact your local SNAP office as soon as possible. If you believe you are the victim of identity theft, contact your local police department regarding procedures for filing a report.
What can I purchase?
- Foods for you and your household such as:
- Breads, cereals, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, poultry and dairy products
- Seeds and plants which produce food
- Meals prepared in group homes, senior citizen meal sites, or home delivered senior meals (Meals on Wheels)
What you CANNOT purchase:
- Nonfood items
- Pet food, soap, paper, household products, grooming and cosmetic items
- Vitamins and medicines
- Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco
ebtEDGE mobile app, what information does it provide?
- Deposit and transaction history, benefit schedule, locating SNAP retailers near your location.
- To download the app, look for the logo to the right in the Apple App Store or Google Play, by searching ebtEDGE.
FIS Customer Service Helpline
- 1.800.630.4655
FIS Online Portal
EBT Client Handbook
- Please refer to the Department of Health and Human Services website to view a PDF copy of the EBT Client Handbook.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- For information on SNAP visit
Penalties for Misuse
It is against the law to sell or trade your EBT card. If you are caught using your EBT card in an unlawful manner, you may be disqualified from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and/or be referred for criminal prosecution by the Office of the Inspector General. The regulations also require counties to pursue intentional program violation anytime a SNAP recipient has made a false or misleading statement, misrepresented, concealed, or
withheld facts or, the individual has committed any act that constitutes a violation of the Food and Nutrition Act, SNAP regulations, or any State statute for the purpose of using, presenting, acquiring, receiving, possessing, or trafficking of benefits.
EBT Handbook
This handbook contains important information about North Dakota EBT. The handbook will answer many of your questions and tell you who to contact if you need help. Please keep this handbook in a safe place and refer to it when you have questions.
Getting Started with EBT
What is EBT?
Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) is the way you receive and use your SNAP benefits in North Dakota. You can use your EBT card in any store that accepts SNAP benefits in North Dakota and throughout the United States.
When do I get my card?
Your card will arrive within 7-10 business days. If your card does not arrive in this timeframe, contact FIS customer support.
How do I get my SNAP benefits with EBT?
The benefits are deposited into your EBT account, much like a bank account. Your benefits are available by using your EBT card and Personal Identification Number (PIN).
When do I get my SNAP benefits?
If you are a new client, you will receive a notice from your human service zone office telling you when the SNAP benefits will be available in your EBT account. If you are an ongoing client, you will receive your benefits in your EBT account on the 1st day of the month, even if the 1st falls on a weekend or a holiday.
What does my EBT card look like?
Your EBT card is a plastic card with a colored picture of the North Dakota Capitol grounds, a picture of the North Dakota Prairie Rose, and the words North Dakota. It has your card number on the front and a place for your signature on the back.
Using Your EBT Card
Where can I shop?
Most authorized food retailers and convenience stores accept EBT. Authorized retailers display a decal on the door that looks like your card. Your card should work at any terminal that displays the Quest logo.
Is there a mobile app for EBT?
Yes, there is a mobile app called ebtEDGE. The benefits of this app include:
- viewing your deposit history
- viewing your transaction history
- viewing your benefit schedule
- ability to locate SNAP retailers near your location
- ability to set your language preferences to English or Spanish.
To download the app, look for the logo shown in the Apple App Store or Google Play, by searching ebtEDGE.
How do I use my EBT card?
Follow these steps to use your EBT card:
- Once your items are scanned by the cashier, swipe your card.
- Enter your 4-digit secret PIN on the key pad. The machine will show (****).
- Press the Enter key.
- You will receive a store receipt once the transaction is completed.
Note: A good practice is to check your balance before shopping. You can check your balance by:
- using the ebtEDGE app
- calling the FIS Customer Service Helpline at 1-800-630-4655
- logging on to a computer at
Can I check my balance with the ebtEdge app?
Yes, an account summary can be found by going to My Account List, then selecting the card from the list.
Can someone else shop for me?
In an emergency, you may let someone else use your EBT card to buy food for you.
Note: Be careful - If you let someone else use your card to purchase food for you, they could use all of your benefits. These benefits cannot be replaced.
Will I receive an EBT receipt and what information is on my EBT receipt?
You should always be provided with a printed EBT receipt. At minimum your EBT receipt will contain a date, the retailer’s name, the location, transaction type, transaction amount and your remaining SNAP balance. The households name shall not appear on the receipt. A sample receipt is below for your information.
What can I purchase with my EBT card?
You can purchase:
- Foods for you and your household to eat, such as:
- breads and cereals
- fruits and vegetables
- meat, fish and poultry
- dairy products
- Seeds and plants which produce food for you and your household
- Meals prepared in group homes, senior citizen meal sites, or home-delivered senior meals (Meals on Wheels)
You cannot purchase:
- Any nonfood items:
- pet food
- soap, paper and household products
- grooming and cosmetic items
- Vitamins and medicines
- Food that will be eaten in the store
- Hot foods that are ready to eat
- Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco
- Container deposit fees
You CANNOT receive cash.
Contact the store manager if you have any questions on whether you can purchase an item with your EBT card.
Personal Identification Number
What is a PIN?
A PIN, or Personal Identification Number, is the four-digit secret code you will select when you receive your EBT card. The PIN acts as your signature or authorization. You will use your card and PIN to purchase groceries.
Choosing your pin:
- Choose four digits that are easy for you to remember but hard for someone else to guess
- Do not use your date of birth or your Social Security number as your PIN
- Use a unique PIN to avoid fraud
Keeping your pin safe:
- Do not write your PIN on your EBT card or cardholder
- Do not keep your PIN in your wallet or purse
- Do not share your PIN with anyone else
What if I forget my PIN?
If you are in the grocery store and forget your PIN or enter the wrong PIN, you have two more chances that day to enter the correct PIN. If the correct PIN is not entered on the third try, your account will be “locked.” The next day, you will have three more chances to enter the correct PIN.
If you do not remember your PIN or think someone else knows it, you can choose a new PIN one of the following ways:
- Call the FIS Customer Service Helpline at 1-800-630-4655
- Log on to
- Mobile app
How do I choose a new PIN by calling the helpline?
- Have your EBT card in front of you.
- Call the FIS Customer Service Helpline at 1-800-630-4655. You will hear “Welcome to the North Dakota EBT customer service line.”
- For English press 1.
- Enter your 16 digit EBT card number. You can press star at any time to start over.
- You will hear “The SNAP balance is xx.xx. To hear that again, press 1 or hang up. Stay on the line and you will hear more options. To change PIN, press 4.”
- You will hear “Please enter your date of birth using two digits for the month and two digits for the day. For example, if your date of birth was August 21, you would enter 0821.”
- You will be asked to enter the last four digits of your Social Security number. Example: if your social security number is 111-11-4444, you would need to enter 4444.
- You will be asked to enter a 4-digit PIN.
- To confirm your PIN, please re-enter the same four digits”.
- Once the PIN has been changed, you will hear “Thank you. I’ll go ahead and change your PIN. All set. If you are done here, just hang up. If you need further assistance, press the star (*) key. You may use your EBT card with the new PIN immediately.
Who may call the helpline to select a new PIN?
The primary individual or another SNAP household member who uses the EBT card may call the helpline. You are required to provide the social security number and date of birth of the primary individual in the case when selecting a new PIN.
Card Security
What should I do if I lose my EBT card?
Call the FIS Customer Service line immediately at 1-800-630-4655 to report your EBT card as lost, stolen, damaged, or to request a new EBT card. These actions may also be completed in the EBTEdge app. No one else may use your EBT card once you report it missing.
What if I think I’ve lost my card?
You have the ability to freeze your card if you think it is lost. Call customer service or app.
Can I block certain types of activity on my card?
You can block certain activities using the ebtEDGE mobile app. See the image below for an example.
How do I cancel my card by calling the Helpline?
- Call the FIS Customer Service Helpline at 1-800-630-4655. You will hear “Welcome to the North Dakota EBT customer service line.”
- For English press 1.
- Enter your 16 digit card number. You can press star at any time to start over.
- If you do not enter a 16 digit card number you will hear, “We did not get your card number. To re-enter your card number press 1, If your card has been lost, stolen or damaged, press 2 to cancel your card.”
- You will hear “You have requested your EBT card cancelled. If your EBT card is cancelled, you will not be able to use your benefits until a replacement card is issued.
- To have your EBT card cancelled now, press 1. If you do not want to cancel your EBT card, press 2.”
- You will hear, “You are being transferred to a representative who can help you. Please hold. From this point on, your call may be monitored or recorded.
This can also be done online or in the app.
Can I get additional security on my EBT account in addition to the PIN number?
Yes, you can have a Security Code added to your EBT account. Adding a Security Code will provide an additional password that would be needed to change your PIN and/or cancel your card. To add a Security Code to your EBT account, please contact the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program at (701) 328-2328 or 1-800-755-2716.
What if my card doesn’t work?
If your card does not work or you get an error message, call the FIS Customer Service Helpline at 1-800-630-4655 or log on to for assistance. Examples of error messages on a store’s EBT machines are:
- Not Sufficient Funds (NSF)
- Invalid PIN
- Invalid Card
How do I obtain a replacement card?
Contact the FIS Customer Service Helpline at 1-800-630-4655, log on to, or use the mobile app for assistance. You are allowed up to four EBT cards within a 12 month period of time. Once you hit 4 cards with a 12 month period your account will be monitored for potential fraud. If your card is visibly damaged or you have continuous problems using it, contact contact the customer service line, online, mobile app.
Note: Protect your card as you would any other credit card; Never lend your card to anyone. If you do and your benefits are misspent, they will not be replaced.
How do I obtain my balance when calling the Helpline?
- Have your EBT card in front of you.
- Call the FIS Customer Service Helpline at 1-800-630-4655. You will hear…”Welcome to the North Dakota EBT customer service line.”
- For English press 1.
- Enter your 16 digit EBT card number. You can press star at any time to start over.
- You will hear “The SNAP balance is $xx.xx.”
What if I think my balance is wrong?
- Have your EBT card in front of you.
- Call the FIS Customer Service Helpline at 1-800-630-4655. You will hear…”Welcome to the North Dakota EBT customer service line.”
- "For English press 1.”
- Enter your 16 digit EBT card number. You can press star at any time to start over.
- You will hear “The SNAP balance is $xx.xx, To hear that again, press 1 or hang up.”
- Stay on the line and to hear more options. For Transaction History, press 1.
- You will be given your transaction history and provided with the following options:
- To hear that again, press 1.
- To get a statement, press 2.
- For disputes, press 3.
- To hear other options, press 4.
You can also view your balance online or the mobile app.
Additional Information
Will my benefits carry over from month to month?
SNAP benefits carry over from month to month and may be used even when your SNAP case closes. Benefits in an account that have not been used for 274 days will be removed and you will not be able to use them.
Is there a minimum dollar amount per transaction and is there a maximum number of transactions per month?
No, there is not a minimum dollar amount per transaction, nor is there a maximum number of transactions per month. You will need to be sure you have the funds in your account to cover your transactions. In addition, no transactions fees shall be imposed.
How do I take something back to the store? Can I get cash back for the returned item?
Take the item and the receipt back to the store. The store will put the amount back into your EBT account or you may select a new item from the store. You will NOT receive cash.
Can I charge a grocery purchase for payment with EBT benefits when they are deposited at a later date?
No, you cannot charge grocery purchases to be paid with EBT benefits at a later date.
What if I move or travel out of North Dakota?
If you move keep your EBT card to use any remaining food assistance benefits in another state. If you wish to receive SNAP benefits in the state you have moved to, you need to apply for benefits in that state. You may use your EBT card in any state you travel to.
Exception: Your EBT card will not work in the state of California. If traveling to CA please contact the state office.
If you are not sure if you can use your card, try a balance inquiry before using it for a purchase. If you are able to get a balance, you will be able to use your card at that store.
Should I destroy my EBT card if my SNAP case closes?
Do not throw your EBT card away. You should use any remaining benefits in your EBT account and keep your EBT card. It may be possible to use the same EBT card if you reapply for SNAP benefits in North Dakota at a later date.
Errors on Your EBT Account
Errors on your EBT account do not happen often but may occur. If you notice an error, call the FIS Customer Service Helpline at 1-800-630-4655 to report the problem. You have 90 days from the date of the error to request an adjustment of your EBT account.
If the error results in you receiving more funds than you should have, an adjustment may be completed to reclaim those funds. The State will send you a notice explaining the problem and the amount removed from your EBT account. If your current EBT balance does not have enough funds to cover the full adjustment, it will be removed from next month’s benefits.
If you disagree with the action taken on your account, you may request a hearing within 90 days from the date of the notice. If you contact the State within 15 days of the notice, no funds will be removed from your account, pending the outcome of the hearing.
If the action taken to adjust your account is upheld by the hearing decision, it will be deducted from your next month’s benefits.
Fair Hearings
If you disagree with a decision, we have made about your EBT account, you have the right to request a fair hearing. You must request the fair hearing within 90 days of date of the action taken.
To request a fair hearing, contact the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Office at (701) 328-2328. You may also write the office at:
600 East Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58505-0250.
As a SNAP recipient, you must:
- Use your benefits to buy eligible food items only.
- Not use another person’s EBT card for your own use.
- Not sell, trade, or give away your EBT card.
People who break SNAP rules may be disqualified from the program, fined, imprisoned, or all three.
This institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex and in some cases religion or political beliefs.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture also prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, religious creed, disability, age, political beliefs or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who required alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Form, (AD-3027), found online at:, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992.
Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
Fax: (202) 690-7442
For any other information dealing with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) issues, persons should contact the USDA SNAP Hotline Number at (800) 221-5689. This hotline is available in Spanish.
You can also call the State Information/Hotline Numbers found online at:
To file a complaint of discrimination regarding a program receiving Federal financial assistance through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), call (202) 619-0403 (voice) or (800) 537-7697 (TTY). You can also write:
HHS Director, Office for Civil Rights, Room 515-F, 200
Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Balancing Calories
- Enjoy your food, but eat less.
- Avoid oversized portions.
Foods to Increase
- Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
- Make at least half your grains whole grains.
- Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.
Foods to Reduce
- Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals and choose the foods with lower numbers.
- Drink water instead of sugary drinks.
For questions related to SNAP:
If you have a question regarding program services, please contact the Customer Support Center.
Customer Support Center
P.O. Box 5562
Bismarck, North Dakota 58506
For questions or help with your EBT card:
Download the ebtEDGE mobile app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store
Call the Customer Service Helpline at 1.800.630.4655
Temporary Assistance (TANF) Program
TANF is intended to move families from public assistance to self-sufficiency by providing cash assistance along with work readiness, training and job placement services.
Electronic Payment Card (EPC) Handbook
What do I need to know about the EPC?
What is an Electronic Payment Card?
An electronic payment card (EPC) is the way you will receive and use your TANF benefits. You will be issued a Way2Go Card® Debit MasterCard®. You may use your card at store and bank locations where MasterCard® debit cards are accepted. The Way2Go card is not a credit card, but is a debit card, similar to other types of checking or savings accounts debit cards. Purchases or cash withdrawals are deducted from the available balance on the card.
The Way2Go Card® provides a convenient, safe, efficient and secure method of receiving TANF funds. Your funds will automatically be deposited on your Way2Go Card®.
Who receives an EPC?
For TANF, all applicants and recipients are issued a card. TANF protective payees will not be issued a card and will receive a check.
When will I receive my EPC?
If you are a new recipient for TANF, you will receive your card within 7 to 10 days from the date your application is approved. If you are an ongoing TANF recipient, you will receive your benefits in your card account on the first working day of each month.
Your card will be mailed in a plain, white envelope. Please be sure to watch for your card and not discard the envelope as junk mail.
Are there any fees?
The card is provided to you at no cost. Replacement cards are also free. If you have not used your card after 12 consecutive months, you will be assessed a $4.00 fee in the month following the 12th month of inactivity. This $4.00 fee will be charged every month until the card is used, or the balance on the card reaches $0.
Other fees may be charged when using an out of network ATM, and when using the card internationally.
How do I set up my EPC?
I have received my EPC, now what?
Once you receive your card, you must activate it to access any funds. The card will also come with instructions on how to activate it. You can activate your card using the Way2Go Card® mobile app, visit or call 1-844-893-3118. During activation you will create a personal identification number (PIN).
Once you have activated the card and created a PIN, check the card balance to ensure there are funds available.
You must activate the card in order to access your funds.
What is a PIN?
A personal identification number (PIN) is a four-digit code you will select when you activate your card. The PIN acts as your signature or authorization on purchases.
You will use your PIN to get cash from an ATM or when making debit card purchases.
When creating a PIN, choose a number that is not easily guessed. Never write your PIN down or give it to anyone. The Department of Health and Human Services or Way2Go will never call or text you asking for your PIN.
What if I want to change my PIN or I forget my PIN?
If you ever want to change your PIN or you forget your PIN, call 1-844-893-3118.
How do I use my EPC?
My card is activated and ready to use, how can I use it?
You can use your card to:
- get cash at ATMs and banks
- make daily purchases
- to pay bills
Unlimited ATM cash withdrawals are allowed for no fee at “in-network” ATMs (i.e. MoneyPass, Comerica, and Transfund ATMs). You are allowed two (2) ATM cash withdrawals for no fee each calendar month at “out-of-network” ATMs. A fee of $1.25 will be assessed for each additional “out-of-network” ATM cash withdrawal.
The maximum daily amount that can be withdrawn from an ATM is $500. If you need to withdraw more than $500, you will need to visit a MasterCard Member Bank or
Credit Union teller window.
Can I use my EPC anywhere?
You can use your card to make purchases wherever MasterCard® debit cards are accepted, such as:
- Grocery stores
- Gas stations
- Restaurants
- Department Stores
- Websites
Federal Law prohibits the use of TANF EPC at:
- Liquor Stores;
- Casinos, gambling casinos, or gaming establishments;
- Any retail establishment that provides adult oriented entertainment in which performers disrobe or perform in an unclothed state for entertainment
If you would like to pay bills with your card, you will not be assessed a fee if you set up bill pay with your biller directly.
When making purchases at certain merchants, such as hotels, a hold may be placed on your available funds for an amount equal to or greater than your original transaction. If this happens, any funds on hold will not be available to you for other purchases. Any funds on hold that were in excess of the purchase amount will be released back to the card.
Can someone else use my card to make cash withdrawals or purchases for me?
For security reasons, you should never share your card or PIN number with anyone.
What do I do if my card is lost or stolen?
If your card is lost or stolen you should report it immediately by calling the Way2Go Card® Debit MasterCard® Customer Service Helpline at 1-844-893-3118 or sending a letter to:
Customer Account Services
P.O. Box 245997
San Antonio, TX 78224-5997
What happens if my TANF case changes?
What happens if my TANF case closes?
You should keep your card and continue to spend the remaining balance in your card account. If you plan to reapply for TANF in the future, you will want to keep your
current card as it would be used to receive funds if your case is reopened.
Who should I contact with questions or to report changes?
Contact the Customer Support Center with questions specific to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program, or to report changes.
Phone: 1.866.614.6005
Mail: Customer Support Center, P.O. Box 5562, Bismarck, ND 58506
Contact the Way2Go program at 1-844-893-3118 with questions about your EPC.
State and Federal laws prohibit discrimination in all Department of Health and Human Services’ programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin,
gender, religion, age, disability and political beliefs. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
To file a complaint of discrimination write to:
Civil Rights Officer
North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services
600 East Boulevard Avenue Dept 325
Bismarck, ND 58505-0250
Contact Information
Way2Go Card® Debit MasterCard® Customer Service Helpline:
- 844-893-3118
Way2Go Card® Debit MasterCard® Client Website:
North Dakota Health and Human Services Economic Assistance Policy - TANF:
- Telephone: (701) 328-2332; TTY: (711)
TANF General Information Brochure
About TANF
TANF provides cash assistance to qualifying low-income households with needy children.
How do I apply?
Print the application for assistance at Submit the application to the Customer Support Center.
Apply for TANF at your local human service zone office.
Eligibility Information
Who may be eligible?
If you are a relative taking care of a child, you and the child may be eligible if the child is:
- Without parental support because of a parent’s death, physical or mental disability, age or continued absence from the home; and
- Under age 18 or will graduate from high school by age 19.
You may also be eligible if you are pregnant.
You will not be eligible to receive benefits if:
- You are a fleeing felon, parole or probation violator.
Note: If you are not eligible for benefits for this reason, your children may be eligible.
What are the income and asset limits?
Monthly income from wages, child support, Social Security, pensions, veterans’ benefits, or other sources must be less than the TANF income limits. Please contact the Customer Support Center for the current limits.
Asset limits are $3,000 for one individual, $6,000 for a household of two individuals, and an additional $25 per person for households of three and more.
Some assets are not counted such as:
- The home you live in
- One car
- Your household goods and furniture
- Your personal belongings and clothing
How does TANF work?
When will I receive benefits?
TANF applications are processed within 30 days from the date of application. Benefits for TANF applications are issued after the application is approved. Benefits for ongoing TANF cases are received the first working day of the month.
How do I receive my benefits?
You will receive an Electronic Payment Card (EPC) in the mail. Benefits are deposited into your EPC account, much like a bank account. (See the TANF EPC Cardholder Handbook for more information.)
How long can I receive TANF benefits?
You may receive TANF benefits for up to 60 months. There are some exceptions. You may contact the Customer Support Center about these exceptions, but for most people benefits are temporary.
What are the program rules?
Before you can receive benefits you must:
- Comply with the child support requirements by completing required forms which will be provided to you by the eligibility team.
- Contact the JOBS/Tribal NEW Employment Contractor within 7 days from the date of referral to schedule an appointment to complete Orientation; and attend the Orientation appointment.
- Be a resident of North Dakota.
Once you are eligible you must:
- Cooperate with the JOBS/Tribal NEW Program. (See the JOBS brochure for more information.)
- Cooperate with the Child Support Division. (See the Child Support Division section for more details.) If you are interested in receiving TANF and your cooperation with the Child Support Division might not be in the best interest of your child (example: domestic violence situation), you may claim “good cause.” If you claim “good cause,” you will need to provide information so “good cause” can be established. Refusal to cooperate, without good cause, will result in lower benefits and could result in case closure.
Other programs
What is Diversion Assistance?
Diversion Assistance provides short-term help to families to assist them in becoming or remaining self-sufficient. Diversion cash assistance is provided to qualified families for up to 4-months within a 12-month period, while helping individuals eliminate issues that might push them further into poverty. TANF rules that do not apply to Diversion Assistance will be explained during your interview with your worker.
What is Transition Assistance?
Transition Assistance promotes job retention by providing an extended period of cash assistance to qualified TANF households. TANF households with earnings from employment exceeding the TANF benefit for their household size may remain eligible for assistance for up to six months. Transition Assistance provides a safety net of financial support during this six-month period to assist households in attaining self-sufficiency; thereby reducing the need for future government benefits.
Are there any other financial incentives available to my household?
People under age 21 who are eligible for Medicaid and TANF and who are screened through the preventive health program known as Health Tracks, are eligible for $25 per person. The incentive is available after completing the initial screening and each annual Health Tracks screening. It does not include the follow-up appointments or referrals to other physicians that may result from a screening.
Additional Information
What information do I need to report if eligible?
Once you qualify for TANF, the following changes must be reported within 5 days of the time you learn of the change. Report changes in:
Gross monthly unearned income.
- Child or Spousal Support
- Social Security Benefits
- Unemployment Compensation
- Veterans’/Military Benefits
- Workers Compensation
- Gross monthly earned income.
- Examples:
- Wages (including tips)
- Salary
- Self-Employment
You will also need to report:
- Changes in the source of income (a new job, a job loss, receipt or loss of unearned income)
- Changes in persons moving in and/or out of your home (This includes friends, family, relatives, etc.)
- If you are moving to a new address
What are my program rights?
You have the right to:
- Review the policy manual
- Withdraw your application at any time prior to your application being approved.
- Appeal and request a fair hearing if you disagree with any decision to deny, reduce, or terminate benefits. Appeals must be requested within 30 days.
What happens if I give false information on purpose?
If you:
- Give false information on purpose, it might result in legal action against you (criminal or civil). It might also mean we reduce your benefits, take money back from you or disqualify you from benefits temporarily or permanently
- Give false information about who you are or where you live, you may not get TANF for 10 years.
Is my information kept confidential?
The information you provide is held in confidence and is used solely for the purpose of program administration.
Do I have to provide my Social Security number and how is it used?
You will be asked to provide Social Security numbers (SSNs) for all persons for whom you want assistance. The Social Security number is used to check the identity of household members, to prevent duplicate participation, to monitor compliance with program regulation, for official examinations by federal or state agencies, and to help make mass changes. The Social Security number is also used to check information in our records against other federal, state, or local government computer matching systems participating in the Income and Eligibility Verification System, including but not limited to the Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration, Department of Labor, and TANF, which may affect eligibility and the level of benefits.
Use of Social Security numbers provided for TANF benefits may be disclosed to law enforcement for purposes of apprehending fleeing felons.
Non-discrimination in Federal Assistance Programs
The North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services makes available all services and assistance without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, disability, or status with respect to marriage or public assistance, in accordance with Title IV of the Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Age Discrimination Act, the Americans With Disabilities Act, and the North Dakota Human Rights Act.
Individuals needing accommodation or who have questions or complaints regarding the provision of services according to these acts may contact the Civil Rights Officer, North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services, Judicial Wing, State Capitol, 600 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58505 (1-800-755-2671 voice or 711 TTY); or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, Region VIII, Federal Office Building, 1961 Stout Street, Denver, CO 80294
Child Support
Do I get my child support while I receive TANF?
All child support that becomes due while your family is receiving TANF is assigned to the State of North Dakota. North Dakota will keep assigned child support up to the amount of TANF benefits your family received. If you receive a child support payment from any source other than the North Dakota Child Support Division (such as directly from the absent parent or from another state’s child support enforcement agency), you must immediately give the payment to the Child Support Division. Failure to do so is fraud and prosecution through the state’s attorney’s office will be pursued.
Do I get my child support when I stop receiving TANF?
After you stop receiving TANF, the State of North Dakota will not keep any child support payments, unless the payment received is for a month in which you received TANF. Child support received for a month in which you did not receive TANF will be sent to you.
What if I have more questions about child support?
See the Child Support brochure for more information. You may also contact the Child Support Division at or your local human service zone office.
JOB Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS)
Updated 9.2024
Work Requirements for Recipients of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (TANF)
What are work requirements?
If you are an adult who receives a TANF benefit, you are required by law to work or to participate in approved work activities. Please read this brochure carefully. It describes your work requirements.
Time is important; you are limited to 60 months of TANF benefits in your lifetime!
Who must work or do work activities?
- If you are an eligible caretaker or parent who receives a TANF benefit, you must participate in work activities:
- Unless you are over age 65, or
- Unless you are a parent or caretaker of a child under two months of age,
- Unless you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Income (SSDI),
- Unless you are a parent providing care for a disabled family member living in the home, as supported by medical documentation.
- If you are a dependent child who is age 16 or older and not in school, you must participate in work activities.
What is expected is the work requirements applies to you?
Your TANF eligibility worker will refer you to the JOBS or Tribal NEW program. You must contact the JOBS or Tribal NEW program within 7 business days from the date of the referral and schedule an orientation appointment.
Please note: JOBS and Tribal NEW offices are not open on Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays.
To set up your JOBS or Tribal New appointment, contact the JOBS or Tribal New Office and:
- Speak directly with a staff person on or before 5 p.m. on the last working day in your 7 business day referral period.
- Arrange for child care and transportation as needed to attend the orientation and do work activities.
- Complete the orientation as scheduled.
- Work with your JOBS Employment Contractor to assess your work skills for the job market and to complete a plan that outlines how you will meet work requirements as soon as possible.
- Meet all program requirements.
What are my JOBS requirements?
If full-time, paid employment is not available, your JOBS Employment Contractor will work with you to develop a plan to help you find and keep a job. Your plan may contain different work or job readiness activities. You are responsible to participate in the assigned activities for a minimum number of hours each week as instructed by your JOBS Employment Contractor.
What is an allowable JOBS work activity?
Full-time, paid employment is the first priority. If full-time, paid employment is not available, other allowable work activities are required. Allowable JOBS work activities include:
- Paid employment
- On-the-job training
- Unpaid work experience
- Community service
- Job search-job readiness activities
- Job skills training directly related to employment
- High school/GED or education directly related to employment
- Child care services for another recipient doing community service
- Vocational Education training. Limited vocational education training may be available through the JOBS program for individuals who meet the
- criteria. Contact your JOBS Employment Contractor to find out if you qualify. Participation in more than one JOBS work activity may be required.
Can I get help paying for JOBS WORK ACTIVITIES?
Special financial assistance may be available to help you get a job or do work activities, such as:
- Money for gas, car repairs, taxi, bus fares, or paying others for rides.
- Money for interview costs, clothing, or a haircut.
- Money for relocation assistance to accept a job is available to help with utility hookups or other moving expenses.
- Child care for approved activities may be reimbursed up to the maximum limits allowed by the Child Care Assistance Program if it is provided by a licensed or registered child care provider. NOTE: If you are working in paid employment, you may choose to have your childcare expenses treated as an earned income disregard.
What is Tribal Native Employment Works (NEW) Program?
If you are enrolled in or eligible for enrollment in a federally recognized tribe, and are attending college, vocational education, or GED classes, you may be eligible to work with one of the Tribal NEW programs to meet your TANF work requirements. There are Tribal NEW programs located on the Spirit Lake Nation, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa reservations.
What happens if I do not cooperate?
Your cooperation is required. You must contact the JOBS or Tribal NEW program within 7 business days of your referral and schedule an initial appointment for orientation. You must also complete the orientation as scheduled. If you do not, your TANF application will be denied. If you do not cooperate with the JOBS or Tribal NEW program, you may be sanctioned. This means your TANF benefits will be reduced. If a sanction is not corrected within a short period of time, your entire TANF case will be closed.
You may be sanctioned if you:
- Miss a scheduled appointment for any program or approved work activity
- Are absent from a program or approved work activity when scheduled to be there
- Refuse to participate in any program or approved work activity
- Refuse to maintain satisfactory progress in any program or approved work activity
- Fail to follow the requirements of your employment plan
- Refuse a job, quit a job, or reduce hours at work without a good reason.
Discrimination Prohibited:
State and federal laws require that the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services provide services to all eligible or otherwise qualified persons without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or status with respect to marriage or public assistance.
If you feel, you have been unlawfully discriminated against for any of these reasons; a written complaint may be filed with the county office, the North Dakota Department of Human Services Civil Rights Officer, or the Office for Civil Rights Department of Health and Human Services, Federal Office Building, 1961 Stout Street, Denver, CO 80294
North Dakota Kinship Care Program
What is Kinship Care?
North Dakota’s TANF Kinship Care Program provides an alternative to out of home foster care by placing children in the homes of relatives. TANF Kinship caregivers take on the responsibility of caring for their relative’s children and
may experience unexpected costs. TANF Kinship Care is available to help offset such costs.
TANF Kinship Care placements are usually temporary until the child is reunited with parents or moves into a more permanent living situation.
How do I apply?
For more information on the TANF Kinship Care Program please contact the Customer Support Center:
Phone: 1.866.614.6005
As a relative caregiver, you must work with the child’s foster care case manager to begin the process of applying for TANF Kinship Care.
You will be referred to an eligibility professional who will guide you through the application process for TANF Kinship Care benefits.
How do I qualify?
In order to be considered for the TANF Kinship Care Program, children and relative caregivers must meet the following criteria:
Qualified Children
- Be in foster care under the care, custody, and control of the Human Service Zone, Division of Juvenile Services, or a tribal agency within North Dakota.
- Be under age 18 (unless the child is enrolled in high-school full time and is expected to graduate before age 19).
- Cannot receive Supplemental Security Income.
Qualified Relative Caregivers
- Must be a grandparent, aunt, uncle, sibling (over age 16) or a cousin (age 18 or older) of the child.
- Must complete a TANF Kinship Care Agreement and participate in required background checks.
- Complete an application for TANF benefits and complete an interview. Households will have to pass an income test that is based on the child only.
- Cooperate with the Child Support Division to pursue support from the legally responsible parents.
What are the benefits of participating in the program?
TANF Kinship Care benefits help relatives address the unexpected financial expenses that arise when caring for a child.
Participating in the program may provide the following supports:
- Assistance with child care costs
- Clothing allowance
- May assist with legal fees associated with obtaining guardianship status.
- School and community activity fees (uniforms, activity fees, school pictures, transportation, etc.)
- Transportation costs
- Other Emergency Needs
Please note that reimbursement for the above mentioned costs require approval from the TANF Kinship Care program prior to purchasing.
Foster children enrolled as a recipient of TANF Kinship Care may also qualify for health care coverage under Medicaid.
TANF Environmental Scan
Learn about the work North Dakota is doing to modernize the TANF Program by reading the Environmental Scan Report.