Who can become a Free Through Recovery Provider?
FTR providers can be private providers, non-traditional providers like faith-based or cultural-specific groups, as well as other individuals that meet the minimum qualifications. If you or your agency is interested in becoming a Free Through Recovery provider, please reach out to
What services do providers provide for participants?
FTR participants will work with local providers to receive:
- Care coordination — Includes an ongoing source of connection, helping participants access treatment and recovery support services, and creatively addressing barriers to individual success. It also includes the provision of assessment, care planning, referrals, and monitoring collaboration with clinical services and probation and parole.
- Recovery services — Includes helping participants access nourishment assistance programs, supportive housing, educational opportunities, meaningful employment, leisure activities and wellness, family and community social supports, parenting education, spiritual engagement, and any other individualized resources the person needs to lead a healthy and fulfilling life
- Peer Support — Connecting the participant with a peer who has similar lived experience and demographics. Peer support specialists provide mentorship, advocacy and additional individualized recovery support.
What are the four outcome measures providers will be assisting participants obtain?
Participants will be working on making progress in the areas of housing, employment, recovery and criminal justice involvement.
What types of training are required of providers?
Care coordinators and peer support specialists are required to receive training prior to providing services to participants, such as care coordination training and peer support training. This training is provided by the Behavioral Health Division. Ongoing trainings will also be required once a provider has been approved.
How many participants can a full-time care coordinator serve?
A full-time care coordinator can serve roughly 20-25 participants, which may change depending on level of service.
How many times should a care coordinator meet with a participant?
Providers are expected to make an appointment with participants within three business days of receiving the referral. The initial appointment should include a collaborative process of identifying the participant’s goals, particularly those that relate to addressing criminogenic risk and behavioral health needs. This information will then be used to formulate the care coordination plan, which must be completed within ten days of the referral. After that, engagement could be multiple times a week, or once a month depending on the level of need.
Who does the provider contact if they have questions or concerns?
Providers can contact their assigned FTR Administrator or the state-wide FTR Administrator with questions or concerns. FTR Administrators are available to provide technical assistance upon request. This contact information can be found under the “Regional Services” section on our website and then clicking the appropriate region.
Who makes the referrals for Free Through Recovery?
Parole or probations officers will serve as the main source of referrals. Participants can also be referred if they are transitioning from prison, through assessment within prison facilities.
Can a client only be referred to Free Through Recovery once?
No. If a client is denied entry into the program they can be re-referred, at any time, if their condition deteriorates. Additionally, a client who has stopped receiving Free Through Recovery services, for any reason, can be re-referred at any time.
If a client is receiving targeted case management, Release and Reintegration, or other services can they be referred to Free Through Recovery?
Yes. The Clinical Administrator will determine final eligibility and if there will be any duplication of services. Free Through Recovery will provide a unique set of services than current options across the state.
Discharge and Terminations
Does Free Through Recovery stop if a participant goes to jail, a residential crisis center, or residential treatment facility?
No. However, If the participant returns to prison, we will most likely discharge and the participant can be referred at a later time.
How does a client discharge from Free Through Recovery?
Discharges from FTR need to be approved by the FTR Clinical Administrator. There is no time limit to how long someone can participate in FTR. Participants of FTR have intense behavioral health needs and the program is designed to engage participants for long periods of time. However, if a participant has not engaged with FTR services for 60 days, discharge may be requested.