Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) works with students who have difficulties with education and/or employment to gain skills and independence.
As a student, there are many paths to consider after high school. We can help you plan for your future and work toward your career goals.
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
VR services are available to high school students with disabilities age 14 to 21.
These services can be available regardless if you have been determined eligible for VR or not.
VR will work with you while you are in high school to find a career path so you have a plan when you graduate.
After graduation, we will continue to help you achieve your career goal through further education, job training, or directly entering the workforce.
Eligibility for Services
To qualify for our services, you need to:
1. Have a documented disability such as physical, mental health, medical, or learning concern,
2. Need services that lead to employment, and
3. Want to work.
Students do not need to have an Individual Education Plan or 504 plan.
What Can I Gain from Working with VR?
Job Exploration
- Identify career interests.
- Find and explore jobs in the community.
- Locate in-demand jobs.
Work Based Learning Experiences
- Participate in job shadows, mock interviews, and work experiences.
- Try different jobs in the community.
Counseling for Post-Secondary Education
- Explore information on careers, degree programs, and other training paths.
- Referrals to college campus resources and supports.
- Prepare for college or training programs.
Workplace Readiness Training
- Work on listening, communication, time management, and problem-solving skills.
- Financial training and independence.
- Understand what is required at work.
- Peer mentoring and group activities.
- Independent living and community living skills.
Instruction on Self-Advocacy
- Learn about student rights and expectations.
- Be part of youth leadership activities.
How We Help
VR can work with you in high school and continue to support you after you graduate to help you find a career.
- Connect you to other agencies, resources, and supports.
- Provide career counseling.
- Help with tuition assistance.
- Assist with accommodations and or assistive technology.
Your VR counselor will work with you to get and keep a satisfying job.
Contact Us
1000 E. Divide Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: (701) 328-8950
Toll Free: (800) 755-2745
711 (TTY)
Fax: (701) 328-1884
Email: dhsvr@nd.gov