NDHAN: Health Advisory Monoclonal Antibody and Antiviral Updates (12/29/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Monoclonal Antibody and Antiviral Updates
NDHAN: Health Advisory Omicron Variant Update (12/24/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Omicron ( Variant Update North Dakota
NDHAN: Health Advisory Update on Omicron Variant and Influenza (12/17/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Update on the Omicron Variant and Influenza Activity
NDHAN: Health Advisory Expanded monoclonal antibodies for treatment and post-exposure prevention. (12/9/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory FDA expands authorization of two monoclonal antibodies for treatment and post-exposure prevention of COVID-19 to younger pediatric patients, including newborns.
NDHAN: Health Advisory New SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern Identified: Omicron (12/2/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory New SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern Identified: Omicron (B.1.1.529) Variant
NDHAN: Health Update Influenza Update, 2021-2022 Influenza Season (11/29/2021)
NDHAN: Health Update Influenza Update, 2021-2022 Influenza Season
NDHAN: Health Advisory Update on mAb Shipments for Week of Nov 1 (10/28/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Update on Monoclonal Antibody Shipments for Week of Nov 1
NDHAN: Melioidosis Update: Possible Source Identified (10/25/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Melioidosis Update: Possible Source Identified
NDHAN: Health Advisory for Expansion of Recall of LeadCare Blood Lead Tests (10/15/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Expansion of Recall of LeadCare Blood Lead Tests Due to Risk of Falsely Low Results
NDHAN: Health Advisory Update on mAb Shipments for week of October 11 (10/8/2021)
NDHAN Health Advisory Update on Monoclonal Antibody Shipments for week of October 11
NDHAN: Health Advisory Update on mAb Usage and Packaging (10/7/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Update on Monoclonal Antibody Shipment
NDHA: Health Advisory Update on mAb Shipping Delay (10/6/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Update on Monoclonal Antibody Shipments for Week of October 4
NDHAN: Health Advisory Update on Pregnancy and COVID-19 Vaccinations (10/5/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Update on Pregnancy and COVID-19 Vaccinations
NDHAN: Health Advisory COVID-19 Pregnancy and COVID-19 Vaccinations (10/1/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Pregnancy and COVID-19 Vaccinations
NDHAN: Health Advisory Respiratory Illness Surveillance and Diagnostic Testing (9/29/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Respiratory Illness Surveillance and Diagnostic Testing: Influenza, COVID-19, and other respiratory Pathogens
NDHAN: Health Advisory Information for Awareness and Action for People Arriving from Afghanistan (9/21/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Information for Awareness and Action for People Arriving from Afghanistan
NDHAN: Rescinding Interim Guidance for Tuberculosis Testing and COVID-19 Vaccine (9/16/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory for Rescinding Interim Guidance for Tuberculosis Testing and COVID-19 Vaccine.
NDHAN: Health Advisory for Blood Lead Test Recall Expansion (9/10/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory for MaGellan Diagnostics, Inc LeadCare Blood Lead Test Recall Expansion
NDHAN: Health Advisory for the use of Ivermectin (8/27/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory for the use of Ivermectin for treatment or prophylaxis against COVID-19
NDHAN: Health Advisory CDC Updated STI Treatment Guidelines (7/26/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory CDC Releases Updated STI Treatment Guidelines
NDHAN: Health Update on SARS -CoV-2 Delta Variant (7/19/2021)
NDHAN: Health Update on SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant and Other Variants of Concern
NDHAN: Health Advisory Monkey Pox Alert for the United States (7/19/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Monkey Pox Alert for the United States
NDHAN: Health Alert Meliodosis reported from three states (7/7/2021)
NDHAN: Health Alert Meliodosis reported from three states
NDHAN: Health Advisory Blood Lead Test Recall (7/7/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Magellan Diagnostics, Inc LeadCare Blood Lead Test Recall
NDHAN: Health Update on SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern, Testing and Treatment (6/29/2021)
NDHAN: Health Update on SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern, Testing and Treatment for COVID-19
NDHAN: Health Update on SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern (4/21/2021)
NDHAN: Health Update on SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern
NDHAN: Health Advisory Pause in Administration of Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine (4/13/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Pause in Administration of Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine
NDHAN: Health Advisory COVID-19 Breakthrough Cases (2/18/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory COVID-19 Breakthrough Cases
NDHAN: Health Advisory CDC Extensively Drug-Resistant Salmonella Typhi Infections (2/16/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory CDC Extensively Drug-Resistant Salmonella Typhi Infections Among U.S. Residents Without International Travel
NDHAN: Health Advisory Interim Guidance for Tuberculosis Testing and COVID-19 Vaccine: 0119202101rd (1/19/2021)
NDHAN: Health Advisory Interim Guidance for Tuberculosis Testing and COVID-19 Vaccine: 0119202101rd
Download alert (pdf)
NDHAN: Health Advisory for New Recommended Treatment for Gonococcal Infections: (1/11/2021)
Health Advisory for New Recommended Treatment for Gonococcal Infections:
Download alert (pdf)