
Syphilis in North Dakota

In 2022, the North Dakota Department of Health (NDDoH) is reporting an increase in the number of syphilis cases throughout the state.  Syphilis has been increasing nationally with large outbreaks reported across the country, including in nearby states. With this rise in syphilis, the NDDoH recommends health care providers to: 

  • Obtain a complete sexual risk history of all patients.
  • Test for syphilis and other STIs, including HIV, for all persons with high-risk sexual behaviors.
  • Test and treat patients presumptively with symptoms suggestive of primary or secondary syphilis.
  • Test and treat patients presumptively when exposed to syphilis.
  • Test all pregnant persons at the first prenatal visit, at 28 weeks and then at delivery, regardless of risk.

Syphilis Provider Resources

There are many resources available for health care professionals about syphilis.  Here are health alerts issued by the NDDoH on syphilis as well as training opportunities: 

Contact the HIV.STI.Hepatitis Prevention Coordinator, Sarah Weninger at, for additional syphilis training opportunities including syphilis in-person educational presentations.