Model EMS Treatment Guidelines (Not Mandatory)
Below is an editable version of EMS treatment guidelines that must be modified by an EMS agency medical director prior to use by an EMS agency (or agencies) under their authority. They are based on the National Association of State EMS Officials Model Clinical Guidelines, version 3 adapted to reflect the North Dakota Scopes of Practice for EMS Personnel. These EMS treatment guidelines include procedures and medications that a medical director may elect not to use or authorize. It is imperative for the medical director to review these EMS treatment guidelines and modify them to reflect the EMS agency’s practice of prehospital medicine. They are not intended to be adopted without modification. There are treatment modalities within the document that defer to local practice and are not defined.
The use of these EMS treatment guidelines is not mandatory and EMS agencies may use all or part as they wish. Regardless of their origin, EMS agencies must have medical director approved EMS treatment guidelines per NDAC 33-11-01.2-07(11).
The EMS treatment guidelines are provided in WORD format but may be opened and modified by other word processing software. Additional formatting may be required to produce a printable document.
North Dakota EMS Treatment Guidelines (2024, Version 1)