Welcome! Please review and click on the options below for the type of service you are seeking.
- You can order records online, or by mail, or (if needed) by appointment.
- Appointments, if needed, must be scheduled in advance.
- UPDATE: Due to a recent surge in customer requests, our response time has been impacted. Once a request is received in our office, please allow 7 - 10 business days for processing (this does not include return mail time).
Electronic Registration
Vital Records Forms
Vital Records Publications
Contact Us
You can contact North Dakota Vital Records in one of three ways.
- Email: vitalrec@nd.gov
- Phone: (701) 328-2360; or 711 (TTY)
- Mail: Vital Records, 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 325, Bismarck, ND 58505-0250