North Dakota Health and Human Services administers a Money Follows the Person Grant program to enable Medicaid members with disabilities to transition from institutions to community living.
Protocols and Policies
- Operational Protocol (1.55MB pdf)
- Emergency Backup Policy (74kb pdf)
Stakeholder Committee
Stakeholder participation is vital to the successful implementation of the Money Follows the Person Rebalancing demonstration grant.
Stakeholder Committee Responsibilities
- Participate in the design of North Dakota's implementation plan
- Provide ongoing review and/or advice on state policy changes to achieve rebalancing
- Monitor grant implementation progress during the five-year grant
- Monitor achievement of grant benchmarks
- Suggest ways to improve implementation
- Represent consumers and/or their family members, advocacy entities, provider association representatives, state agency staff, and housing agency representatives
- Member list
Committee Meetings
- 2024 Meeting Schedule
- Tuesday, Feb. 13, 1 to 4 p.m. CT - virtual and in-person at the Southeast Human Service Center in Fargo
- Tuesday, May 7, 1 to 4 p.m. CT - virtual and in-person at the Northeast Human Service Center in Grand Forks
- Tuesday, Aug. 6, 1 to 4 p.m. CT - virtual and in-person at the North Central Human Service Center in Minot
- Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1 to 4 p.m. CT - virtual and in-person at the Prairie Hills Plaza in Bismarck
The Microsoft Teams link for all the virtual meetings can be accessed here.
Tribal Initiative
North Dakota’s Money Follows the Person Tribal Initiative helps tribal elders and/or tribal members with disabilities transition from long-term care facilities or institutions to community living that meets their needs and wants. The program covers one-time moving costs and provides services and supports to help individuals achieve successful transitions.
The goals of the Tribal/State Partnership:
- Expand the capacity of Medicaid community-based long-term services and supports
- Enhance the leadership role of Tribes in the design and operations of these programs
- Rebalance the long-term care system by transitioning, at their choice, eligible and interested tribal members to their communities
- Build capacity of tribal organizations to work with their partner state in designing and managing a system of community-based long-term services and supports focused on culturally responsive support services with continuous quality improvement
The program is a collaborative effort between North Dakota Tribal Nations, the North Dakota State University Master of Public Health Department and the North Dakota Department of Human Services. The program is funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
- North Dakota Phase Two Operational Protocol - Aug. 2017 (593kb pdf)
- Tribal Initiative Concept Paper - Sept. 2015 (625kb pdf)
For more information about the Money Follows the Person Tribal Initiative Program, contact:
Melissa Reardon, program administrator
Phone: 701-231-6108
MDS 3.0 Section Q - Local Contact Agency Referral And Discharge Planning Process
Local Contact Agency (LCA) Contact Information:
Submit Local Contact Agency Referrals to the Aging Services Division by fax to 701-328-8744 or email at
Contact the Aging and Disability Resource LINK at 1-855-GO2-LINK (1-855-462-5465) Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Central Time) to learn about community living options.
Local Contact Agency Referral Process and Flow Sheets (424kb pdf)
Nursing Facility/Human Service Center Designation (243kb pdf)
Local Contact Agency - Overview Training (May 2017) - Click the "Power button" on the image to begin the training.
MDS Section Q - General Overview Training (May 2017) - Click the "Power button" on the image to begin the training.
- Plan of Care for Discharge Potential (Print Version) (32kb Word Doc)
- Plan of Care for Discharge Potential (Word Version) (44kb Word Doc)
- Discharge Instructions (Word Version) (158kb Word Doc)
- SFN 584 - Local Contact Agency Referral Form (457kb PDF)
- SFN 585 - Local Contact Agency Transition Plan (967kb PDF)
- Your Right to Get Information about Returning to the Community (CMS Section Q brochure) (1.54 MB pdf)
Housing Facilitation
MFP Housing Facilitation Program helps people with disabilities to access safe, affordable and accessible housing. This program enables individuals to transition out of institutions or nursing facilities and back into the community. Housing program staff include a State Housing Facilitator (SHF) and six Regional Housing Facilitators located in Bismarck, Fargo, Grand Forks, Jamestown and Minot. Learn more at Minot State University Center of Excellence
Historical background
- In November 2006, North Dakota's Department of Health and Human Services submitted an application for a federal “Money Follow the Person” rebalancing demonstration grant with the goal of rebalancing the state's long-term care services and support system by expanding access to services in the community.
- The federal Department of Health and Human Services - Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) originally awarded North Dakota a $8.9 million, five-year MFP grant in 2007. CMS has continued to extend grant funding.
- As of May 2022, CMS had awarded North Dakota $47 million to help move eligible individuals from institutions to community settings.
For more information about North Dakota's Money Follows the Person grant, contact Kayla Trzpuc, program administrator.
North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services - Adults and Aging
1237 West Divide Ave.
Bismarck ND 58501-0250
Phone: 701-328-8652
ADRL: 855-462-5465/ 711 (TTY)