What is the Voucher Program?
The Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Voucher program was established to address barriers to treatment and increase the ability of people to access treatment and services for substance use disorders. State funds were set aside by the legislature with the directive that the department develops rules to:
- Focus on underserved areas and programs
- Increase the provision of evidence-based services
- Ensure reporting on process and outcome measures
Apply for the SUD Voucher
If you are approved for the SUD Voucher program and appear eligible for North Dakota Medicaid, an eligibility specialist will contact you to begin the application process. To remain eligible for the SUD Voucher Program, you must complete all steps of the Medicaid application process. Individuals who do not complete the Medicaid application process will have their SUD Voucher program benefits discontinued.
Apply Now
For questions on how to apply, please email sudvoucher@nd.gov or call 701-328-8920
What Services are Covered
The SUD Voucher program provides support to individuals in need of substance use disorder treatment and recovery services. The following services are covered through the program:
- Screening
- Assessment
- Individual therapy
- Group therapy
- Family therapy
- Room and board
- Peer support
- Urine analysis
- Transportation
- Methadone maintenance
Who is Eligible?
- Resident of North Dakota
- Twelve (12) years of age or older
- Have an annual income no greater than 200% of federal poverty guidelines
- Lack resources to cover treatment costs or meet one of the following conditions
- Third-party payment resource will not cover all costs of treatment
- Has a pending application for medical assistance which presents a barrier to timely access to treatment
- Does not qualify for medical assistance and has no alternative third-party payment resource
If you don't qualify
If an individual has a need for the SUD Voucher but does not meet these requirements, an exception request can be submitted with the application.
Appeals Process
Exception Requests are not appealable under NDAC 75-09.1-11-11; however, a new application can be submitted with further information or if individual feels their situation has changed to suffice for eligibility.
If the voucher team is unable to determine eligibility by failure to receive additional information, you may reapply again with the requested information.
There are no time limits to when an individual may apply for the voucher after a denial, nor are there limits to how many times an individual may apply for the program.
Additional Information
Purpose and Goals
The purpose of the SUD Voucher program is to address needs identified in both reports and increase the ability of people to access evidence-based treatment and services for substance use disorder while building the infrastructure and workforce to provide those services.
Goal 1: Allow individual to choose provider
- Objective 1.1: Increase number of providers and service options.
- Objective 2.1: SUD Voucher providers provide evidence-based services based on individual need.
Goal 2: Improve access to quality services
- Objective 1.2: Service options are communicated to individuals.
- Objective 2.2: Reduce financial barriers for individuals accessing needed services.
Voucher Legislation
The SUD Voucher was established during the 64th Legislative Session. Since its inception, approximately 6,350 individuals have received services through the SUD Voucher program (through July 5, 2023).
68th Legislative Session (2023)
- Licensed substance treatment programs with sixteen beds or more may apply for the Voucher program, effective July 1, 2023. (SB 2012)
67th Legislative Session (2021)
- Eligible programs from bordering states may apply to participate, effective July 1, 2022 (HB 1402)
- Licensed residential substance abuse treatment programs considered an institution for mental diseases (IMD) are ineligible, effective July 1, 2020. (HB 1012)
- No more than forty-five percent of the appropriated funds may be allocated for existing residential IMD programs, effective July 1, 2021. (HB 1012)
66th Legislative Session (2019)
- Providers who access the SUD Voucher were expanded to public agencies (i.e., public health and tribal agencies) who hold a substance abuse treatment program license - not including Human Service Centers. (HB 1105).
65th Legislative Session (2017)
- Methadone maintenance was added as a covered service, effective July 1, 2017 (HB 1012).
64th Legislative Session (2015)
- The ND Department of Human Services appropriated funding to administer a voucher system to pay for substance use disorder treatment services. The Department's Behavioral Health Division was assigned the responsibility to develop administrative rules and implement the voucher system. (SB 2048).
Application Questions? Contact Us
For questions on how to apply, please email sudvoucher@nd.gov or call 701-328-8920