For additional information regarding the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) programs, you may choose from several options:
Brochures/Other Publications:
- TANF Family Violence Option Program - explains options for victims of domestic violence (82kb pdf)
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - provides a general overview in a question and answer format (529kb pdf)
- North Dakota Electronic Payment Card Client Handbook (DN 1203) (Revised Jan. 2022)
- TANF Information and Referral Services - provides information about other programs and services that may benefit low-income families (164kb pdf)
- JOBS General Information - explains the work requirements TANF recipients must follow (108kb pdf)
- Notice of Right to Claim "Good Cause" - This form is to be completed by TANF applicants who believe they have "good cause" not to cooperate with the state's effort to establish paternity or collect child support or medical support.
- Kinship Care (1.54mb pdf)
To apply for TANF, please complete the Application for Assistance.
- TANF Caseload Reduction Report for Federal Fiscal Year 2016 (82kb pdf)
- TANF Caseload Reduction Report for Federal Fiscal Year 2015 (151kb pdf)
Other Documents:
2016 N.D. TANF State Plan (791 kb pdf)
Tribal Native Employment Works (NEW) Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) (107kb pdf) - Posted January 2, 2013
- This is an agreement between the four Tribal NEW programs in the state, the North Dakota Department of Human Services, and county social service offices. It outlines the referral criteria that county social service eligibility staff are to use to determine when a Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program applicant or recipient should be referred to the Tribal NEW program instead of the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) program.
Summary of N.D. TANF Report on Engagement in Work Requirements (61 kb pdf) - Posted October 10, 2011
- N.D. TANF Report on Engagement in Work Requirements (79 kb pdf) - Posted June 2011
If you would like to view the policy manual, select the Financial Assistance link on the Policy Manual Homepage.
Quarterly Budget Insight: This report includes caseload and expenditure data for selected programs within the N.D. Department of Human Services.