
The North Dakota Health and Human Services Behavioral Health Division is requesting feedback on proposed revisions to Article 75-09.1 Substance Abuse Treatment Programs of the North Dakota Administrative Code.

View the draft Administrative Code changes here.

The Division's goals in updating the administrative code are:

  • Ensure the health and safety of individuals served by Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs
  • Improve access to services for individuals
  • Reduce regulatory burden for providers
  • Increase clarity for providers on requirements
  • Align to legal and best practice updates that have occurred since the last code revisions, including;
    • ASAM 4th edition
    • DSM 5
    • Updates in ND Century Code
    • Updates in Code of Federal Regulations

Any feedback or comments on the draft should be submitted in writing no later than 5:00 p.m. CT June 12, 2024 and must be sent via email to