
Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schools(link is external)

Provides : Screening tools, information about warning signs and risk factors, parent education materials, research-based guidelines, resources to assist the whole community in its suicide prevention efforts, practices to help identify students at risk of suicide, protocols to response to suicide death, educational programs to engage youth in suicide prevention programs, recommended actions to increase parent and school community support

Model School District Policy on Suicide Prevention(link is external)

This document outlines model policies and best practices for school districts to follow to protect the health and safety of students. It is critically important that school districts have policies and procedures in place to prevent, assess the risk of, intervene, and respond to youth suicidal behavior. It may be used to draft your own district policy based upon the unique needs of your district.

After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools(link is external)

A toolkit for schools that provides information on crisis response, helping students cop, working with the community and media, memorialization, social media, suicide contagion, bringing in outside help, going forward. It also includes tools and templates of sample guidelines, letters and procedures to be used in the aftermath of a suicide.

After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools | AFSP(link is external)

A toolkit for schools that provides information on crisis response, helping students cop, working with the community and media, memorialization, social media, suicide contagion, and bringing in outside help, going forward. It also includes tools and templates of sample guidelines, letters and procedures to be used in the aftermath of a suicide.


Children, Teens and Suicide Loss(link is external)




Screening for Suicide