
IMPORTANT: All SUD Voucher providers are required to enroll and become credentialed to bill North Dakota Medicaid.

Become an enrolled SUD Voucher provider:

Become an enrolled SUD Voucher provider:

North Dakota licensed Substance Abuse Treatment Program

Out-of-state licensed Substance Abuse Treatment Program



Additional Information

Provider Requirements

Enrolled SUD Voucher programs must meet the following guidelines:

Resources for Providers

Archived Provider Guidance Documents

Provider Reimbursement

*Services must meet medical necessity: an accepted health care service provided by health care entities that is appropriate to the evaluation and treatment of a disease, condition, illness, or injury and is consistent with the applicable standard of care.

Providers shall only submit one invoice per month per participant to ensure timely reimbursements can be made. Billing for services must be submitted within 180 days from when services are provided. If it is past 180 days from when services are provided, reimbursement will be forfeited.

Provider reimbursements will be paid in the PPS once per calendar month between the first and the fifth working day. Reimbursement rates can be found in the Provider Program Guidance.