North Dakota's Best in Class program is a targeted state investment in programs committed to delivering the highest quality experiences to the children and families they serve, and whose actions can demonstrate the return that is possible with intentional, research-supported investments in early childhood. ND Best in Class is built on program characteristics that drive results - high quality, supported interactions between adults and children based on developmentally appropriate experiences.
Teaching staff will be coached and supported in implementing developmentally appropriate environments, play-based curriculum, and authentic observation-based assessments to drive individualized experiences to support children in reaching widely held expectations in the year before kindergarten.
The work done in these programs will be monitored, evaluated, and supported to help ensure that the investment we make has an impact.
Who can apply to participate in ND Best in Class program?
North Dakota early childhood programs interested in quality improvement that serve children who have reached age four before Aug. 1, of the current school year are eligible to apply.
This includes:
- Licensed child care programs (center or group), including those operated through a church, business, or organization, that are in good licensing standing and participating in Bright & Early ND with a current rating of Step 3 or 4 or Nationally Accredited.
- Programs operated by educational facilities, public or private that are committed to completing the Four-Year-Old Program Approval every two years.
- Federally funded Head Start programs. If not also licensed by NDDHHS, program must have completed the Four-Year-Old Program Approval.
2025-2026 Best in Class Application Process
Step 1: Review the following documents
- 2025-2026 Program Description
- Environment Standards
- Health and Safety Standards
- Coaching and Consultation Framework
Step 2: Applications are Closed for 2025-2026
Step 3: Submit application to by 5 p.m., Feb. 19, 2025
Step 4: Applications will be reviewed, and you will be contacted between March 3 and April 10.
Step 5: Final notifications of awards will be announced by May 9. (Awards are subject to legislative funding)
Program Documents
Family Enrollment Packet
- Cover Letter to Families
- 2025-2026 Child Information Form
- Health Screening Permission Form
- Family Engagement Participation Form
- Ready Rosie Family Invite Letter
- 2024-2025 Child Information Form
Questions about ND Best in Class? Contact Us.
Early Childhood
600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 325
Bismarck, ND 58505-0250
Phone: (701) 328-2115
Toll-Free: (800) 997-8516
Relay ND TTY: 711