
Early Childhood Services Advisory Board

Based on North Dakota Century Code section 50-11.1-15, the Early Childhood Services Advisory Board shall:

  • Advise the department each time the department reviews early childhood services rules.
  • Upon the completion of the department's review, with the assistance of the department, conduct an analysis of and make recommendations to the department regarding the department's review of the early childhood services rules, however, final approval of any administrative rule changes must be completed through the administrative rulemaking process.
  • On an ongoing basis, make recommendations to the department regarding changes and revisions to the early childhood services rules. The recommendations, the goal of which is to streamline and improve the quality of the early childhood services process, must seek to balance the need for rules that ensure safe quality child care with the need to revise or eliminate rules that create unnecessary barriers for early childhood service providers.

This board is composed of seven members appointed by the director of the department. The term of office is typically four years expiring on July 31st with no more than two terms expiring in any one year.

The members are entitled to be paid for mileage and expenses incurred in attending meetings and in performance of their official duties in amounts provided by law for other state officers and employees. A member also is entitled to be reimbursed up to one hundred dollars per day for the expenses incurred by the member which relate to the hiring of a substitute early childhood services provider in order that the member may attend meetings and perform the member's official duties.


Center Child Care Provider – eastern ND

  • Rhoda Elmi – Jasmin Child Care and Preschool, Fargo
  • Term: 8/1/2024 – 7/31/2027

Center Child Care Provider – western ND

  • Open
  • Term: open – 7/31/2025

To be considered, complete the ECS Advisory Board application and submit it to no later than Monday, March 3, 2025.  

Family Child Care Provider/Group in a Home Provider – Statewide

  • Linda Schroeder – West Fargo
  • Term: 8/1/2024 – 7/31/2028

Group Child Care Provider – eastern ND

  • Shelby Short – Dunseith
  • Term: 8/1/2024 – 7/31/2028

Group Child Care Provider – western ND

  • Kathaleen Busche – Hazen
  • Term: 6/1/2022 – 7/31/2025

Preschool Provider – Statewide

  • Catherine Heyd – Lamoure Church of the Nazarene Preschool, LaMoure
  • Term: 6/1/2022 – 7/31/2026

School Age Provider – Statewide

  • Tania Zerr – YMCA of Cass and Clay Counties School Age Learning Centers, Fargo
  • Term: 6/1/2022 – 7/31/2026


North Dakota Early Childhood Council (ECC)

The ECC serves as the designated North Dakota consulting body as per the Office of Head Start requirements for state implementation of the Head Start Act and the duties of the Head Start Collaboration office. The ECC also serves as a designated consulting body for the State Child Care Development Fund Plan (CCDF). 


The North Dakota Early Childhood Council shall:

  • Review the availability and provision of early childhood services in this state,
  • Identify opportunities for public and private sector collaboration in the provision of early childhood services in this state,
  • Identify ways to assist with the recruitment and retention of individuals interested in working as providers of early childhood services, including training and continuing education or professional development opportunities,
  • Seek the advice and guidance of individuals who are uniquely familiar with the nature, scope, and associated challenges of providing early childhood services in geographically and socioeconomically diverse settings, and develop recommendations pertaining to the short-term and longer-term improvement and expansion of early childhood services in this state; and
  • Provide a biennial report regarding the council's findings and recommendations to the governor and the legislative assembly.

Under Section 50-11.1-25, the council consists of 24 members and must meet at least twice a year.



Questions? Contact Us

Early Childhood
600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 325
Bismarck, ND 58505-0250

Phone: (701) 328-2115
Toll-Free: (800) 997-8516
Relay ND TTY: 711