
Choosing the right type of care for your child requires an investment of time. Use the online search tool, checklist and other resources to help you make an informed decision.

Learn About Your Options

When looking for an early childhood program, there are several types to choose from. You will want to take your family’s needs, preferences, and experiences into account and choose the type of care that is the best fit for you.

Begin Your Search

Begin your search for a licensed, quality early childhood program by using this free online search tool(link is external). Get customized results by adjusting criteria like location, hours of operation, and ages served. Personalized help is available through your local Child Care Resource and Referral by calling 1-800-997-8515 or by emailing sends email).

Visit and Ask Questions

Visit programs in-person and talk with the providers. Use the Child Care Checklist as a guide to the most important things to look for and key questions to ask.

Take a Closer Look

Check references and records for the programs you are considering. Ask for references from families who are currently using the program and families who have used the program in the past. Ask about the program's participation in Bright & Early, North Dakota's Quality Rating and Improvement System. Review the programs’ monitoring reports when using the search tool(link is external)

Get Involved!

Now that your child is enrolled, what’s next? You are your child’s first and most important teacher! Play, read, sing and talk with your child every day. Make sure you talk to your child’s provider regularly about how your child is doing at home and in child care.