
Licensed and self-declared child care providers and staff are required to complete preservice and ongoing training. Each licensing year, your licensing specialist will review your training records to ensure you have completed the required training.

Preservice Training Requirements


The online new provider orientation course provides an overview of the laws, processes, and expectations of being a licensed or self-declared provider. New owners/operators must successfully complete the course prior to license or self-declared approval. New directors and supervisors must successfully complete the course within 30 days of employment. This training does not count towards your annual training requirements.

Become a Child Care Provider

All North Dakota child care providers and staff are required to complete Getting Started, a 15-hour basic child care course, within the first three months of becoming licensed or employed. This free training counts towards your annual training requirements.

Search and Register for Getting Started

Mandated reporter training is required to be completed by all providers and staff of programs submitting renewal or annual licensing requirements on or after Feb. 1, 2024, and completed annually thereafter.

Child care providers can access the training by logging into their Registry account and then searching for Mandated Reporter on the training calendar.

Search and Register for Mandated Reporter Training

All staff members caring for infants must complete of one hour of department-approved safe sleep training prior to staff member providing care to infants and annually thereafter. This free training counts towards your annual training requirements.

Search and Register for North Dakota Safe Sleep

All staff members responsible for caring for or teaching children must be certified within 90 of employment and prior to staff member having unsupervised access to children under care, in:

  • infant and pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) by the American Heart Association, American Red Cross, or other similar CPR/AED training programs that are approved by HHS; and
  • pediatric first aid by a program approved by HHS

Online pediatric CPR/AED training courses are approved, however, trainees must also have completed a hands on in-person skills test with a certified instructor.

This training does not count towards your annual training requirements.


Ongoing Training Requirements

Child care providers and staff must complete a minimum number of approved training hours each licensing year. The number of training hours needed depends on your provider type and number of hours worked. Staff should check with their supervisors to determine their provider type and licensing year.

Training may not be duplicated within a 3-year period, with the exception of safe sleep and mandated reporter annual training.

Completed training hours can be found within your Growing Futures account in either your HHS Licensing Training Record or your Learning Record Report.


Annual Training: 3 hours, including:

  • 1 hour on safe sleep prior to caring for infants
  • 1 hour on mandated reporter of suspected child abuse or neglect

Current Pediatric CPR/AED and Pediatric First Aid Certification

  • Training does not count towards your annual training requirements

Annual Training: 9 hours, including:

  • 1 hour on safe sleep prior to caring for infants
  • 1 hour on mandated reporter of suspected child abuse or neglect

Current Pediatric CPR/AED and Pediatric First Aid Certification

  • Training does not count towards your annual training requirements


Annual Training: 10 hours, including:

  • 1 hour on safe sleep prior to caring for infants
  • 1 hour on mandated reporter of suspected child abuse or neglect

Current Pediatric CPR/AED and Pediatric First Aid Certification

  • Training does not count towards your annual training requirements


Work 30 to 40 hours/week

Annual Training: 8 hours, including:

  • 1 hour on safe sleep prior to caring for infants
  • 1 hour on mandated reporter of suspected child abuse or neglect

Current Pediatric CPR/AED and Pediatric First Aid Certification

  • Training does not count towards your annual training requirements

Work 20 to 30 hours/week

Annual Training: 6 hours, including:

  • 1 hour on safe sleep prior to caring for infants
  • 1 hour on mandated reporter of suspected child abuse or neglect

Current Pediatric CPR/AED and Pediatric First Aid Certification

  • Training does not count towards your annual training requirements

Work 10 to 20 hours/week

Annual Training: 4 hours, including:

  • 1 hour on safe sleep prior to caring for infants
  • 1 hour on mandated reporter of suspected child abuse or neglect

Current Pediatric CPR/AED and Pediatric First Aid Certification

  • Training does not count towards your annual training requirements

Work Less than 10 hours/week

Annual Training: 2 hours, including:

  • 1 hour on safe sleep prior to caring for infants
  • 1 hour on mandated reporter of suspected child abuse or neglect

Current Pediatric CPR/AED and Pediatric First Aid Certification

  • Training does not count towards your annual training requirements


Annual Training: 13 hours, including:

  • 1 hour on safe sleep prior to caring for infants
  • 1 hour on mandated reporter of suspected child abuse or neglect

Current Pediatric CPR/AED and Pediatric First Aid Certification

  • Training does not count towards your annual training requirements


Work 30 to 40 hours/week

Annual Training: 13 hours, including:

  • 1 hour on safe sleep prior to caring for infants
  • 1 hour on mandated reporter of suspected child abuse or neglect

Current Pediatric CPR/AED and Pediatric First Aid Certification

  • Training does not count towards your annual training requirements

Work 20 to 30 hours/week

Annual Training: 11 hours, including:

  • 1 hour on safe sleep prior to caring for infants
  • 1 hour on mandated reporter of suspected child abuse or neglect

Current Pediatric CPR/AED and Pediatric First Aid Certification

  • Training does not count towards your annual training requirements

Work 10 to 20 hours/week

Annual Training: 9 hours, including:

  • 1 hour on safe sleep prior to caring for infants
  • 1 hour on mandated reporter of suspected child abuse or neglect

Current Pediatric CPR/AED and Pediatric First Aid Certification

  • Training does not count towards your annual training requirements

Work Less than 10 hours/week

Annual Training: 7 hours, including:

  • 1 hour on safe sleep prior to caring for infants
  • 1 hour on mandated reporter of suspected child abuse or neglect

Current Pediatric CPR/AED and Pediatric First Aid Certification

  • Training does not count towards your annual training requirements


Questions? Contact Us

Early Childhood
600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 325
Bismarck, ND 58505-0250

Phone: (701) 328-2115
Toll-Free: (800) 997-8516
Relay ND TTY: 711