
What is Newborn Screening?

Newborn screening is a state public health service that reaches each of the nearly 4 million babies born in the United States each year. It ensures that all babies are screened for certain rare, but serious health conditions at birth. For babies identified with a health condition, early detection allows providers to start treatment before the baby becomes symptomatic and harmful effects happen.

Click here to view the North Dakota Newborn Screening brochure. 


Family Voices of North Dakota

Family Voices of ND partners with families who have children with special health care needs to find resources and services that can help them navigate through the public and private health systems. Family Voices staff are also parents of children/youth and young adults with chronic health, physical, developmental and mental health challenges. Having a child with a disability can be overwhelming and exhausting, but Family Voices staff are here to help!

Family Voices has created a Care Notebook for families who have children with special health care needs or disabilities to help organize important health information about their child's health care all in one place. The notebook is available online as a fillable pdf document or a hard copy can be requested by sending an email to sends email).

Project Carson supports families who have received a prenatal or at birth diagnosis. This program is sponsored by Designer Genes of Bismarck.

Parent to Parent(link is external) is a statewide network of parents supporting families of children with developmental delays, disabilities and special health needs.


Special Health Services

The HHS Special Health Services Unit promotes a system of care and services that improves the health and well-being of individuals with special health care needs and their families. If your baby's provider suspects that your baby may have a medical condition that requires testing and treatment, North Dakota Health and Human Services may be able to provide financial assistance and resources for you. To determine eligibility contact SHS directly at 701.328.2436 or toll-free 800.755.2714 or email


Prenatal Genetics Video

This video explains what genetics testing is available for pregnant women and their baby. A genetic counselor can help expecting parents to decide what genetic testing may be beneficial for them.