For any additional questions, please reach out to Kayla Stastny at
- How much funding is my district/unit eligible to receive?
- ND public or private elementary or secondary schools who utilized ND State Medicaid reimbursements during the 2023-2024 school year are eligible to apply. Eligibility is based on the "State Match" withheld from those units, schools or districts who have billed Medicaid for services on a student's Individualized Education Plan.
- See the Eligibility Totals Tab to determine if your school is eligible to apply for funding and to what amount.
- What is the entire process for applying for the grant and receiving funding?
- Complete an application detailing the school district’s collaboration regarding student behavioral health needs and the use of grant funding to develop student behavioral health interventions and email it to Kayla Stastny, at
- Application will be reviewed for collaboration and communication efforts, allowable expenses, and overall plan.
- Primary grant contact will be notified via email of approval or denial of grant application. The Notification of Award will outline the total grant amount and the approved/allowable expenses from your itemized budget. Behavioral health efforts can begin at this time.
- A contract will be created outlining the efforts and agreements and sent to designated grantee. Please wait forty-five (45) days until submitting another application to allow time for processing.
- Designated Grantee will submit quarterly reimbursement requests using the SFN 1763 Request for Reimbursement, Quarterly Progress Report Form and General Ledger summarizing behavioral health efforts after services have been provided to Kayla Stastny at by due dates outlined in the contract. All needed forms can be found under the "Forms" tab. This designated grantee should be the person identified as the BHSG primary contact on the application.
- Should I submit multiple applications for each behavioral health effort? Or submit one application detailing multiple efforts?
You should submit one application for all behavioral health efforts. In the event that you decide to submit a separate application, please wait at least 45 days in order to allow the initial contract to be fully executed - My actual expenses do not align with the itemized budget I submitted. (e.g. I budgeted for clinical services but only a portion was used; the cost of an item went up; I realized I needed more materials; etc.)
You are able to adjust your approved itemized budget by completing the Reallocation of Funds form found under the "Forms" tab. Send the completed form to Kayla Stastny @ Please be sure to complete the Reallocation of Funds form and gain approval from BHD before reallocating funds. If the total amount of contract needs to increase, a new application must be completed. - Why is my school’s Medicaid amount different than last year?
Medicaid amounts are received from the Department of Public Instruction. Medicaid amounts will vary from year to year depending on the number of qualified services billed or the timing of Medicaid payments.
- How do I submit a reimbursement request?
Designated Grantee must submit quarterly reimbursement requests following the schedule outlined in the contract. The SFN 1763 Request for Reimbursement, Quarterly Progress Report, and a General Ledger outlining BHSG expenditures must be completed and sent to Kayla Stastny at To ensure there are no delays, the total reimbursement amount must match between all three documents. - Do I need to submit proof of purchase (receipts, invoices, etc.) when submitting a reimbursement request?
No. However, please keep these documents in the event the contract is audited and in accordance with your retention policy. - Can the grant pay for services in advance?
Funds can only be utilized for services that have been provided.
Allowable Expenses
- Can funding be used for clinical services?
Clinical services must be billed through applicable insurances (Medicaid, private insurance, etc.). A school cannot receive funding for reimbursable services. However, gaps in coverage and services for underinsured or uninsured students are allowable. Please visit for further detail. - Are shipping and handling expenses covered?
Yes; it must be included in the cost of your itemized budget. - Is salary allowable?
Salary can be covered as long as it is not supplanting current funds or being used where other reimbursement is available. A school district may not use grant funding to duplicate or fund existing staff or services. If you have questions regarding this, please reach out to Kayla Stastny at - Are stipends allowed?
Stipends are covered as long as it is for professional development outside of the contract hours. - Can funding be used for substitute teachers?
The cost of substitute teachers is covered if it allows school personnel to attend professional development related to the students' behavioral health needs or development of student behavioral health interventions and is included in your approved budget. - How do I know if an expense is allowable?
- All applications and budgets will be reviewed. If there are unallowable expenses, the grant administrator will notify the primary contact via email. Grants with unallowable expenditures may still be eligible to be partially funded.
- Please visit the Guidance tab of the BHSG for specifics.
If you have specific questions, please reach Kayla Stastny at
- When are the quarterly progress reports due?
- Quarter 1 - Start of contract to September 30, 2024 – Due October 15, 2024
- Quarter 2 - October 1 to December 31, 2024 – Due January 15, 2025
- Quarter 3 - January 1 to March 31, 2025 – Due April 15, 2025
- Quarter 4 - April 1 to June 30, 2025 – Due no later than July 8, 2025
- How do I report on efforts if I have not yet implemented the plan or used funds?
Please still submit a quarterly progress report and report $0 for that specific effort. - How do I submit quarterly reports?
The designated Grantee will submit quarterly reimbursement requests using the SFN 1763 Request for Reimbursement and quarterly progress reports summarizing behavioral health efforts after services have been provided to Kayla Stastny at This should be the person identified as the BHSG primary contact on the application. The SFN 1763, Quarterly Progress Report, including the General Ledger, must be submitted before reimbursement can occur for that quarter.
Grantees are encouraged to collaborate with other BHSG eligible schools. The Attachment A must be completed anytime funds will be pooled amongst eligible schools. For more information regarding collaboration efforts, please reach out to Kayla Stastny at