Physical Activity

Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans- 2nd Edition
The Federal Government has issued its first-ever Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. They describe the types and amounts of physical activity that offer substantial health benefits to Americans.
The U.S. National Physical Activity Plan is a comprehensive set of policies, programs, and initiatives that aim to increase physical activity in all segments of the American population. The Plan is the product of a private-public sector collaborative. Hundreds of organizations are working together to change our communities in ways that will enable every American to be sufficiently physically active.
Physical Activity Resources for Health Professionals
Links to key reports and recommendations that serve as the foundation for addressing physical activity. About Physical Activity | Physical Activity | CDC
Physical Activity for Children
Health Benefits for Physical Activity is good for children in many ways. Benefits include academic performance, brain health, muscular fitness, heath and lung health, cardiometabolic health, long-term health, bone strength, and measures of a healthy weight. Lean more: Health Benefits of Physical Activity for Children | Physical Activity Basics | CDC

Child nutrition facts for children and adolescents:
Childhood Nutrition Facts | School Nutrition | CDC
Child nutrition recommendations for ages 0-2 and 2-8:
Ages 0-2 Feeding Recommendations | Healthy Eating Research
Ages 2-8 Feeding Recommendations | Healthy Eating Research
Healthy Drinks – Healthy Drinks, Healthy Kids
Ages 5-18 Beverage Recommendations | Healthy Eating Research

National Survey for Children’s Health- Nationwide vs. North Dakota:
NSCH 2022 23: Percent of children who are physically active at least 60 minutes per day, Nationwide vs. North Dakota (ages 6 - 11).
NSCH 2022 23: Percent of children who are obese (BMI at or above the 95th percentile), North Dakota vs. Nationwide (ages 6 – 17).
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps (CHR&R), a program of the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, draws attention to why there are differences in health within and across communities. The program highlights policies and practices that can help everyone be as healthy as possible. CHR&R aims to grow a shared understanding of health, equity and the power of communities to improve health for all. This work is rooted in a long-term vision where all people and places have what they need to thrive.