Coordinated Services Program (metabolic food, multi-disciplinary clinics, school nurse consultations)
The Coordinated Services Program provides services and resources that support coordinated management of specific chronic health conditions. Services within this program include:
- Metabolic Food – Provides formula and low-protein modified food products for individuals with Phenylketonuria (PKU) and Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD). Age requirements apply. See Fact Sheet.
- Multidisciplinary Clinics – Families are able to see many different medical providers and health care professionals in one place at one time. The seven types of clinics available through SHS include:
- Asthma
- Autism
- Cleft Lip/Palate
- Developmental Evaluation
- Metabolic Disorders
- Myelodysplasia
- Neurodevelopmental Coordinated Care
- School Nurse Consultation – Supports school nursing initiatives and promotes the connection between health and academic achievement by ensuring nursing care is safely and effectively delivered to schools, particularly in rural communities.
Financial Coverage Program
The Financial Coverage Program helps families pay for medical services for eligible children, youth, and young adults who require specialty care to diagnose and treat their chronic health conditions.
- Diagnostic Services – Provides coverage for services that promote early diagnosis of SHS eligible medical conditions to all children who meet medical and financial eligibility criteria.
- Treatment Services – Provides coverage for services to children with chronic health conditions who meet medical and financial eligibility criteria.
- Russell Silver Syndrome – Provides coverage for growth hormone treatment and medical food.
Newborn Screening and Follow-up Program
The goal of the Newborn Screening and Follow-up program is to identify conditions at an early age when treatment and intervention can prevent health problems, support early development, and save lives. Newborn screening consists of three simple tests:
- Blood Spot – Newborns are screened for nearly 50 genetic and metabolic conditions.
- Hearing Screening – Newborns are screened for hearing loss.
- Pulse Oximetry Screening – Measures the amount of oxygen in a newborn’s blood and can identify serious heart problems. This is also known as Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD) screening.
For infants with a condition identified through newborn screening, follow-up is available to ensure the child receives services that support their health, growth, development, and overall function.
Children with Special Health Care Needs System Enhancement
Improves health outcomes of children with special health care needs (CSHCN) by advancing a quality, comprehensive system of care that promotes the healthy development and well-being of children and their families. Six core outcomes that describe the system of services for CSHCN include:
- Family professional partnership
- Medical home
- Adequate health insurance
- Early and continuous screening and surveillance
- Easy-to-use services and supports
- Transition to adult health care