


Health and Human Services, along with North Dakota State University's Center for Collaboration and Advancement in Pharmacy (CAP center), are pleased to present North Dakota's Antimicrobial Stewardship Honor Roll for Hospitals and Long-term Care Facilities. The honor roll was developed to:

  1. Recognize facilities meeting each of the CDC's seven core elements of antimicrobial stewardship
  2. Promote optimal use of antimicrobials
  3. Prevent emergence of antimicrobial resistance and C. difficile infections
  4. Show case participating facilities

Benefits of the Honor Roll

  • Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum level ASP designation will receive a certificate and an Honor Roll logo that can be displayed on the facility website and other publications
  • Recognition on the ND HHS website, CAP center website and through social media
  • Demonstration to the public that your facility meets and exceeds national ASP guidelines
  • Opportunities to show case your ASP interventions and provide examples to help other healthcare facilities with their ASP

Who Should Apply


How to Apply

Facilities should fill out the application form:

Hospital Application Form-Online

Long-Term Care Facility Application-Online

The complete application form must be submitted by October 31st each year.

Honor roll status will be awarded in January of each year.

For questions please email Emily Perry, HHS Antimicrobial Stewardship Lead, 

Example of a commitment letter can be found here.


Criteria for Each Status Level




  • A facility antibiotic stewardship policy or similar document
  • Letter from CEO, COO or administrative leader supporting antimicrobial stewardship, dated within the last year
  • Names and titles of stewardship leaders and team members
  • Description of staff and clinical caregiver antibiotic stewardship education activities

Meets all Bronze level requirements plus:

  • Tracks and reports antibiotic use quarterly to stakeholders
  • Demonstrates use of evidence-based treatment and prescribing guidelines within the previous year
  • Demonstrates use of antibiogram and shares annually with HHS
  • At least one stewardship initiative implemented within the last year

Meets all Bronze and Silver requirements plus:

  • Engages with community partners on antimicrobial stewardship initiatives: examples include but are not limited to the transition of care planning with local long-term facilities, collaborating on stewardship projects with facilities outside of your health system, partnering with a clinic on a stewardship initiative, or creating a multi-health system collaborative effort to improve antimicrobial use
  • Reports data annually to NHSN's Antimicrobial Usage module

Limited to previous year's Gold level honorees that can provide documentation of improved antimicrobial usage due to stewardship initiatives and continues to meet requirements of Gold level


Long-Term Care Facilities


  • A facility antibiotic stewardship policy or similar document
  • Description of antibiotic use tracking
  • Letter from CEO, COO or administrative leader supporting antimicrobial stewardship or statement of commitment to antimicrobial stewardship, dated within the past year
  • Names and titles of stewardship leaders and team members
  • Description of yearly education for staff and prescribing providers

Meets all Bronze level requirements plus:

  • Minimum of two actions including:
    • education about antibiotic use to residents/family/public
    • improving antibiotic use in the facility
  • Optional action: C. difficile tracking

Meets all Bronze and Silver requirements plus:

  • Engages with community partners on antimicrobial stewardship initiatives: Examples include but not limited to transition of care planning with local hospital, collaborating on stewardship projects with facilities outside of your health system or partnering with a clinic on a stewardship initiative

Limited to previous year's Gold level honorees that can provide documentation of improved antimicrobial usage due to stewardship initiatives and continues to meet requirements of Gold level.


Honor Roll Members