ND currently has Critical Access Hospitals, General Acute Hospitals, Long Term Acute Care Hospitals, Psychiatric Hospitals, Rehab Hospitals, Indian Health Services Hospitals and Transplant Hospitals. In addition to certification, ND also licenses hospitals as Primary Care or General Acute.
- List of Hospitals in North Dakota
- Find, compare nursing homes, hospitals & other providers near you
- Search Critical Access/Acute Hospital near you
Regulatory Code
- North Dakota Century Code for Health and Safety, Chapter 23-01
- North Dakota Century Code for Health and Safety, Chapter 23-16
- North Dakota Licensing Rules for Hospitals, Chapter 33-07-01.1
- North Dakota General Standards of Construction and Equipment for Hospitals, Chapter 33-07-02.1
- Food Establishments, Lodging Establishments and Assisted Living Facilities , Chapter 33-33-04
Transplant Hospital
Transplant Hospital Regulations
The Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub) is the nation's rural health information source. The website offers an online library, coverage of rural issues, state guides, toolkits, program models, and more. RHIhub provides customized assistance by phone or email and is funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. For more information follow this link:
- Rural Health Information Hub - The North Dakota Center for Rural Health, Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Quality Network supports ongoing performance improvement of North Dakota's CAHs.
- North Dakota CAH Quality Network Website - Quality Health Associates of North Dakota serves as a link between healthcare providers and the community.
- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services provides additional information on licensing and regulations of Critical Access Hospitals.
- Appendix W: Survey Protocol, Regulations and Interpretive Guidelines for CAH's and Swing Beds in CAH's
- Appendix A: Survey Protocol, Regulations and Interpretive Guidelines for Hospitals
- Appendix AA: Survey Procedures and Interpretive Guidelines for Psychiatric Hospitals
- Disease Control Electronic Reporting
- Survey Results