If you work in a healthcare setting and are experiencing additional stress because of the COVID-19 pandemic, call “Reach for Resilience” at (701) 365-4920 to be connected with a mental health expert who can provide support and resources 24/7.
Coping with Stress
Providing care to others during the COVID-19 pandemic can lead to stress, anxiety, fear, and other strong emotions. How you cope with these emotions can affect your well-being, the care you give to others while doing your job, and the well-being of the people you care about outside of work.
Recognize the Symptoms of Stress You May Be Experiencing
- Feeling irritation, anger, or denial
- Feeling uncertain, nervous, or anxious
- Feeling helpless or powerless
- Lacking motivation
- Feeling tired, overwhelmed, or burned out
- Feeling sad or depressed
- Having trouble sleeping
- Having trouble concentrating
The emotional toll it takes to respond to COVID-19 may lead to experiencing secondary traumatic stress. Secondary traumatic stress is stress reactions and symptoms resulting from exposure to another individual’s traumatic experiences, rather than from exposure directly to a traumatic event.
Ways to Reduce Secondary Traumatic Stress Reactions
- Acknowledge that secondary traumatic stress can impact anyone helping families after a traumatic event.
- Learn the symptoms including physical (fatigue, illness) and mental (fear, withdrawal, guilt)
- .Allow time for you and your family to recover from responding to the pandemic.
- Create a menu of personal self-care activities that you enjoy, such as spending time with friends and family, exercising, or reading a book.
- Take a break from media coverage of COVID-19.
- Ask for help if you feel overwhelmed or concerned that COVID-19 is affecting your ability to care for your family and patients as you did before the outbreak.
- Learn more tips for taking care of yourself during emergency response.
ND Critical Incident Stress Management Team (Cooperating with the Chaplains Community Service Program)
The North Dakota Department of Health (DoH) administers a critical incident stress management (CISM) system in order to provide assistance in developing healthy stress-coping mechanisms.
This free resource can be activated by calling State Radio at (800) 472-2121 seven days a week, 24 hours a day (page unit 6501).
Reach for Resilience Newsletters
July Newsletter - Spark Joy at Work
June Newsletter - Outside Connection & Wellness
May Newsletter - Mental Health Awareness Month: Participating within the Workplace
April Newsletter - Spring Clean Your Mental Health
March Newsletter - "Pandemic Brain" in Regards to Your Mental Health
February Newsletter - Expressing Support to Your Employees
January Newsletter - Men's Mental Health
December Newsletter - Seasonal Affective Disorder
November Newsletter - Well-being Check In
October Newsletter - What Part Do You Play
September Newsletter - Could You Be Burned Out?
Preventing Suicide
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, and prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved one. Call (800) 273-TALK (8255).
Find more information here - Suicide Prevention: How to Help a Loved One