Exciting news for our ND Medicaid members who are or become pregnant!
ND Medicaid has extended coverage for eligible new moms from 60 days to 12 months to help address maternal health needs after birth.
What you should know about extended postpartum Medicaid coverage:
- ND Medicaid has extended its postpartum coverage period from 60 days to 12 months for eligible new moms.
- Notify your human service zone office right away when you become pregnant so you can extend postpartum coverage.
- This will provide 12 months of continuous coverage to eligible ND Medicaid members and access to full Medicaid benefits such as;
- Healthy mom check-ups after birth
- Ongoing care for diabetes, high blood pressure and other health needs
- Dental care
- Behavioral health services
- Preventive care services like mammograms and cervical screens.
- Chiropractic care
- Physical therapy
- Family planning services
- Vision and eyeglass services
Frequently Asked Questions about extending postpartum Medicaid coverage
How do I qualify for this extended postpartum coverage?
If you are already enrolled in ND Medicaid, you must call your human service zone office:
• when you become pregnant
• if your due date changes
• when your pregnancy ends
If you are not currently enrolled in ND Medicaid, you can find out how to apply by clicking on this link:
What happens if I do not apply for ND Medicaid before giving birth?
In order to qualify for this extended coverage, you must update your status before you give birth. If you do not apply for ND Medicaid before the baby is born, you will not qualify for this coverage.
How soon will my baby have ND Medicaid coverage after birth?
You will want to report the birth of your child to a human service zone office as soon as possible after the birth so a ND Medicaid Number can be assigned to cover any costs.
What benefits do I have access to under this extended Medicaid postpartum coverage?
There are no additional benefits as part of the 12 months of coverage. However, you will have continued coverage for 12 months allowing you access to ALL routine, preventative and behavioral health services currently offered by ND Medicaid.
Here are some of the available benefits you may want to get:
• Healthy mom checkups after birth
• Ongoing care for diabetes, high blood pressure and other needs
• Dental care
• Behavioral health services
• Preventative care services like mammograms and cervical screens
• Chiropractic care
• Physical therapy
• Family planning services
What services does my baby have access to?
ND Health Tracks provides routine physicals, hearing and vision checks, glasses, hearing aids, vaccines, dental care and other medical services if your baby is enrolled in ND Medicaid. Visit Health Tracks webpage. Learn more: HT page. Hhs.nd.gov/health-tracks.
Where can I find a mental health provider?
It’s important for new moms to address their maternal health needs after birth. North Dakota has a mental health program directory where you can find mental health services that are offered both in-person or by telehealth. The directory allows you to search for services by where you live and by the type of service you are looking for. Learn more about the Mental Health Program Directory.
Do I qualify for WIC?
The Women, Infants and Children’s program (WIC) is for:
- Pregnant women
- Moms breastfeeding a baby under 1 year of age
- New moms who had a baby or were pregnant in the past 6 months
- Infant or child younger than 5 years of age
WIC welcomes all parents and caregivers. If you are a dad, grandparent, foster parent or any caregiver of a child under 5 years of age, you may get WIC for your child.
You or your child will need to have a nutritional and/or medical need. The WIC Staff will be able to find one by checking you or your child’s height, weight, and iron level, and asking you some health and diet questions.
WIC is open to many incomes including working and non-working families. If you are enrolled in Medicaid, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), you are automatically income eligible. If you do not qualify for these programs, you may still qualify for WIC by meeting the income guidelines for your household.
Learn more about WIC.
How can I apply for the Child Care Assistance Program?
The ND Child Care Assistance Program helps income-eligible families pay for child care while they work or attend school or training. Anyone may apply for assistance. Individuals who qualify for the program must live in North Dakota.
You can apply for the program one of three ways.
- Apply online
- Print out and complete the Application for Assistance and return it to the Customer Support Center.
- Submit a request to have an application mailed to you.
How do I find a human service zone office near me?
There are human service zone offices located across North Dakota.
To find one near you, visit this page.
How do I update my contact information?
If you moved, or need to update your contact information, please contact a human service zone office. To find one near you, visit this page.