- Know measles signs and symptoms.
- Recommend staff make sure they have received MMR vaccine or are considered immune to measles.
- Educate families about the importance of vaccination

- Isolate the patient as soon as possible, preferably in a negative pressure room
- Instruct staff to use airborne precautions around suspect patient: PPE, N95 masks
- Assess patient for need to test with the flow chart linked above
- Report suspected measles case(s) to North Dakota Health and Human Services IMMEDIATELY. Do not wait for test results. Call (701) 328-3386.
- Prepare to give HHS information for individuals who were exposed to measles at your facility
- PCR test patient for measles using a nasopharyngeal swab or oropharyngeal swab. Send sample to the ND HHS Laboratory Services Division.
- Other diagnostic tools may include PCR test of urine specimen, serology (IgM), but cannot be used without PCR to properly diagnose active measles
- Inform patient to isolate at home until the test comes back.
- Inform patient that they will be contacted by ND HHS staff.
Signs and Symptoms of Measles

Symptoms include:
- High fever
- Cough
- Cold-like symptoms
- Pink eye
- White spots inside mouth (Koplik spots)
- Red rash that starts on forehead and spreads down body
Nearly everyone with measles will experience the fever and rash. A person is contagious from four days before the beginning of the rash until four days after the beginning of the rash. Their symptoms may persist after this period but they would no longer be considered contagious.

Contact Us
To contact the Immunization Unit, call (701) 328-3386 or toll-free (800) 472-2180.