Measles is a highly contagious, airborne disease.
A person who enters an airspace within two hours of someone with measles being in that airspace is considered exposed to measles. Anywhere with a shared ventilation system is considered the same airspace.
Measles has a hospitalization rate of 20% and is especially severe in young children. Of those who catch measles, 1-2 persons per 1,000 die – even with access to health care.
A community needs an immunity rate (immunized or considered immune to measles) of greater than 95% to achieve community immunity.

- Know measles signs and symptoms.
- Make sure students have record of MMR vaccine or legal exemption on file.
- Recommend staff make sure they have received MMR vaccine or are considered immune to measles.
- Let families and staff know that if they have not received MMR vaccine they may need to quarantine at home for 21 days each time exposure to measles occurs.

- Report suspected measles case(s) to North Dakota Health and Human Services. Call (701) 328-3386.
- Prepare to give HHS contact and vaccine information for students and staff members in attendance while the person(s) had measles and were in attendance.
- Prepare to give HHS contact information for visitors, volunteers, etc., who were at the school/child care while the person(s) had measles and were in attendance.
- Follow HHS guidelines for exposed students and staff according to immunization/immunity status.
Signs and Symptoms of Measles

Symptoms include:
- High fever
- Cough
- Cold-like symptoms
- Pink eye
- White spots inside mouth (Koplik spots)
- Red rash that starts on forehead and spreads down body
Nearly everyone with measles will experience the fever and rash. A person is contagious from four days before the beginning of the rash until four days after the beginning of the rash. Their symptoms may persist after this period but they would no longer be considered contagious.

Contact Us
To contact the Immunization Unit, call (701) 328-3386 or toll-free (800) 472-2180.