
The North Dakota Cancer Coalition is made up of partners from across the state who work together with the common goal of reducing the incidence and death of cancer among North Dakotans. North Dakota Cancer Coalition partners worked together to write North Dakota's Cancer Control Plan.

Any organization or individual interested in working to reduce the incidence and death of cancer among North Dakotans may join the Coalition at no cost. As a North Dakota Cancer Coalition member, partners also have the option of receiving resources, at no cost, for their cancer prevention and control implementation efforts.

Mission and Vision

As a means to develop a strong sense of direction, the North Dakota Cancer Coalition developed a vision and mission statement for the organization to stand by. The vision and the mission are the overarching compasses of all activities supported and implemented by the North Dakota Cancer Coalition.


A cancer-free future in North Dakota.


Working together to reduce the incidence and impact of cancer for all North Dakotans.


The goal of the North Dakota Cancer Coalition (NDCC) is to reduce the number of new cancer cases, as well as the illness, disability and death caused by cancer for all North Dakotans. The NDCC accomplishes this by working together as a statewide network of organizations and people to provide a coordinated approach through prevention, early detection, treatment, rehabilitation, palliation and survivorship efforts.


Click here to download the NDCC Bylaws.

Executive Board

The North Dakota Cancer Coalition Executive Board (comprised of the immediate past chair, chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer) is responsible for implementing the decisions of the members and shall act for the members between meetings. The board will issue final decision authority if the membership cannot come to a decision through consensus, majority rule, or secret ballot. The executive board appoints members to serve on the North Dakota Cancer Coalition Steering Committee and as indicated in the North Dakota Cancer Coalition bylaws.


Julie Garden-Robinson, PhD, RD, LRD

NDCC Chair

North Dakota State University Extension

Fargo, ND

Brian Halvorson

NDCC Vice Chair

Grand Forks Public Schools

Grand Forks, ND

Pam Gahr

NDCC Past Chair

Essentia Health

Fargo, ND

Laura Scott

NDCC Secretary

Sanford Health

Fargo, ND

Maria Schmidt

NDCC Treasurer

Roger Maris Cancer Center

Fargo, ND


NDCC - Meetings, Minutes and Notes



NDCC - Data and Reports