
Each participant in Community Connect has the opportunity to select a provider.


Advocates for Change was established by human service professionals and those with the lived experience of addiction and mental health needs, to offer comprehensive support to the people of our community. We're dedicated to your individual progress and provide Care Coordination and Peer Support Services through the Free Through Recovery and Community Connect programs. Whether you are seeking resources such as housing, employment, or recovery services, or simply want to work with someone who will advocate for your well-being, we’re eager to assist and strive to provide the highest quality services, based on each person’s individualized need. is external)
(701) 289-7676

All Of Us In Recovery offers comprehensive Case Management that provides client support in accessing services in the community, such as behavioral healthcare, peer support, housing, medical care, advocacy, education, employment, social and spiritual opportunities to improve their lives in recovery.

Phone: (218) 779-6825

The mission of Better Together ND is to provide care coordination, peer support, and recovery services aligned to each individual’s specific needs. A participant-centered care plan and client-driven goals will provide guidance and encouragement while helping participants engage in services that enrich their lives, prevent criminal justice involvement, and put them on a path to future success.

Email: sends email)
Phone: (701) 404-9180

Building Community Resilience (BCR) is a comprehensive community mental health center that was established 2022 within Region 5. It is founded on the premise of providing holistic, community-based, culturally competent, Community Connect services. BCR will collaborate with other service providers and help bridge the gap between competent care and clients that need extra cultural attention. BCR will enhance the local behavioral health system and provide services to those who do not seek them today due to lack of representation and other barriers like language or culture.

1323 23rd St. S., Suite C
Fargo, ND 58103

Cass Clay Integration Center's mission is to empower and support the community by providing employment supports, housing supports, education, and resources. The agency is committed in providing care coordination, peer support, and recovery services.

2512 7th Ave S Suite F1
Fargo ND 58103
Phone: 701-730-9236

Centre, Inc. is a private non-profit agency that provides rehabilitative services to individuals to achieve social re-integration. Centre has over 40 years of experience providing services to justice-involved individuals in outpatient and residential settings. We understand the unique risks and needs of these individuals and the importance of collaboration that assists in making transitions and reintegration successful.


3501 Westrac Dr.
Fargo, ND 58103
Phone: (701) 365-4199

123 15th St. N
Fargo, ND 58102
Phone: (701) 237-9340

Website: is external)

Centric Solutions is a community-based mental and behavioral health care provider. A trauma- informed and culturally responsive, we challenge stigma associated with mental illness and addiction through education, counseling, and peer support. Our core service is to provide individualized services that are responsive to our clients’ goals. We support client’s journey to recovery and full independency.
Centric Solutions envisions that clients affected by substance use receive mental care, thrive, and achieve full recovery. To better meet the behavioral mental health needs, our trauma informed approaches promote resilience, empowers community integration, and enhances access to mental health facilities. As a data and evidence-driven agency, we support equitable access and better outcomes.


Community Options provides evidence-based, person-centered services to individuals and families residing in North Dakota communities.

Care coordinators will:

  • Connect you with peer supports
  • Assist you in finding and retaining employment
  • Assist you in your education goals
  • Assist you in identifying barriers and how to overcome barriers by making appropriate referrals
  • Assist in finding housing

2701 9th Ave S. Ste. E
Fargo, ND 58103
Phone: (701) 364-2682

Community Uplift Program was founded on the idea of inclusivity with emphasis on providing support, resources, and assistance in areas of mental health, recovery, housing stability, and more for anyone in the community. We currently offer care coordination and certified peer support services through Community Connect, Free Through Recovery, and 1915i. We also have a free legal kiosk and offer notarizing on a sliding fee scale.

We believe that no matter who you are, where you come from, what you look like, or how much money you have, it shouldn’t prevent you from having a welcoming place to support you in challenging times. Support should also be provided during the positive times in your life. We believe in a person-centered approach and meet you where you’re at, no matter what phase of your journey you’re in."

Fargo: (701) 639-3094

Deep Roots mission is to empower and support our community by actively engaging with its members, fostering meaningful connections, and providing access to resources and opportunities that promote personal and collective growth. Through collaboration, education, and advocacy, we aim to create a community where everyone can thrive and achieve their full potential.  We are rooted in your future!

Cole Thomsen
1351 Page Dr. Suite 202
Fargo, ND 58103

Evolve Recovery is a community-based program based in Fargo, ND. We have over 15 years of experience providing community-based help. Our program is designed to create seamless service access to build better lives to those we serve. The three components of our services will include care coordination, recovery services and peer support.


F5 Project provides transitional and re-entry support for those who were and are incarcerated before they are released. We pride ourselves on working on the inside to help bridge to the community. We believe in meeting the individual where they are at, and that sets us apart from other organizations in the same sector. We believe that by meeting the individual where they are at will help with character development, parenting, employment readiness, and social engagement. 

We believe that not only is the person being transformed, but our community as well. That is why we have community meetings where our staff, the people coming out of incarceration and the community can engage one another and destroy stigmas. These connections heal worldviews, families, and communities. As part of the transition and re-entry support, we provide safe and affordable housing with peer mentorship. The peer will help with employment support, positive social networks, and transportation. A peer is defined as someone who was formerly incarcerated that has lived in the shoes of the person they are providing support for.

F5 Project works with the state of North Dakota on the Free Through Recovery program. Free Through Recovery (FTR) is a community-based behavioral health program designed to increase access to recovery support services for individuals engaged with the criminal justice system who have serious behavioral health concerns. Free Through Recovery is a partnership between the Department of Human Services and the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. The mission of Free Through Recovery is to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce recidivism by delivering high-quality community behavioral health services linked with effective community supervision. The goals are to improve engagement in quality services and to provide access to individualized services that are responsive to each person’s specific needs.

F5 Project is proud to be joining the state of North Dakota and the North Dakota Department of Behavioral Health’s newest program, Community Connect. Community Connect helps pregnant women, families, caregivers, and individuals by providing a one-stop entry point for needed services, such as housing, employment, financial, parenting, physical health, and community connections.

F5 Project has homes in Fargo, Grand Forks, Bismarck and Moorhead, MN. We offer care coordination for Free Through Recovery (FTR) and Community Connect and peer support services in Fargo, Grand Forks, Bismarck, Jamestown, Dickinson, Minot, and Williston.

Website: is external)

1122 1st Ave N 
Fargo, ND 58102
Phone: (701) 210-2491

The mission of Fraser Ltd is to support individuals on their life’s journey to independence. Our core services provide the basic care needed for a healthy life. This includes safe, affordable housing; teaching independent living skills; crisis management - including Valley Hope counseling center open to both the public and internal clientele in crisis; representative payee services (financial literacy/management) for adults ages 18 and older; and at-risk youth ages 16 to 26 years of age. We are a housing-first model which focuses on person-centered care, and we support individuals from six weeks to the end of life. We serve a broad range of individuals across our three major programs including children typically developing and those with special needs, as well as those on the autism spectrum. Youth at risk of homelessness, incarceration, trafficking, and adults with intellectual, developmental disabilities, mental health and behavioral issues are served in our residential and day programs. The Stepping Stones Resource Center (SSRC) is a part of the Fraser Continuum of Care model, providing drop-in and emergency care for the youth in the community.

2902 University Drive S
Fargo, ND 58103
Phone: (701) 232-3301

Website: is external)

We help addiction sufferers and their loved ones get well and stay well through peer addiction management coaching and other support. When clients step through our doors, we want them to know that they’re in the right place. We help take the mystery out of this disease. Our coaches are highly trained peers who have walked in your shoes. They provide practical, goal-oriented support and guide addiction sufferers and their loved ones through the wellness process. We’re independent and non-judgmental and will support any path to getting well. We also connect families to resources and services in the community, including treatment, housing, employment support and other needs to help them stay on track. Our coaching is confidential and available to anyone for any length of time. We serve clients at any stage of recovery. Our coaches will help those impacted by drug and alcohol addiction find their way to wellness.

1650 45th St. S, Ste. 122
Fargo, ND 58103
Phone: (701) 361-6951

Need help finding safe and sober housing, a job/career and/or finishing your education? How about substance use treatment (inpatient/outpatient), mental health services, obtaining your driver’s license/ birth certificate and/or Social Security number, community health services, family reunification, support groups (Alcoholics Anonymous, Gambler’s Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous), recovery worship, grief counseling or help with budgeting?

For the person seeking to change their life in a positive manner, our years of experience have helped direct individuals to the proper resources. By utilizing a person-centered approach, the Freedom Through Recovery team will provide advocacy, peer support, resource navigation and ongoing case management.

Elisha Hoye and Elliott Kabanuk
Care Coordinator
Phone: (701) 388-8144 or (701) 799-3031
Email: sends email)

Dr. Allick, MD Psychiatrist opened Healing Circle Psychiatric Service in January 2023. Dr. Allick has extensive experience practicing psychiatry with a career spanning over 20 years. Dr. Allick mission statement: “Humanistic approach that touches the soul. By providing Western, Eastern, and Native American philosophies and spirituality helps individuals find their true authentic selves”. Dr. Allick acknowledges that the Budha states “It is only when we live our true self that we find happiness and contentment”. Dr. Allick is highly skilled in working with trauma, grief, palliative care, PTSD, and cross-cultural psychiatry. Dr. Allick has extensive experience working with Native American populations as well as refugee populations. Dr. Allick services include diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental health disorders. Healing Circle uses a holistic approach to healing the mind, body and spirit with empathy and compassion. Providing person-centered care recognizing the unique needs of individuals struggling emotionally and spiritually. With support, your journey of healing and growth can be achieved.

Healing Circle provides:

Psychiatric services – Medication Management, Individual and Family Therapy

  1. Targeted Case Management

  2. Free Through Recovery Care Coordination

  3. Community Connect Care Coordination
  4. Skills Training


Healing Circle Psychiatric Services

3220 18th St So Ste 7

Fargo, ND 58104

Phone: 701-532-2149

Light House Recovery Services is a place where individuals can come to receive Care Coordination and Peer Support Services for Free Through Recovery, Community Connect and 1915i Medicaid billable services. We have all struggled in our lives, and Light House Recovery Services strives to provide Care Coordinators and Peer Support Specialists who have struggled with a variety of hurts, hang-ups and habits. Individuals who have struggled with mental health issues and/or substance use issues, who are willing to be vulnerable with their stories, providing a connection through hope, healing and faith.

Staff at Light House Recovery Services provide community resources to help individuals gain and maintain stability in their lives, no matter where they are at. Delivering housing, employment, recovery resources and legal advocacy to individuals in an underserved area   Alongside Lighthouse Church, and Beacon of Light House, Light House Recovery Services offer a recovery community that continues to change lives one at a time.

921 2nd Ave S.
Fargo, ND 58102

f. 701-829-7140


Lost and Found Recovery Center’s (LNF) mission is to walk alongside of each person who is searching for wholeness in life, especially those who have been affected by substance use disorder (their own or someone else’s) and help them achieve lifelong recovery. Our staff is dedicated to assisting clients find their strengths and values to create a strong recovery as well as navigating community resources for life’s necessities. LNF offers a variety of group meetings and individual meetings, a wellness library, peer support and chemical assessments. LNF’s foundation is faith-based but we believe that each individual will have a unique pathway to recovery, and we are here to assist. Finding your way to freedom, joy and wholeness is a journey that we will walk with you.

Lost and Found Recovery Center, Moorhead MN
111 7th St. S.
Moorhead, MN 56560
Phone: (218) 287-2089

Website: is external)

The Native Community Development Inc., doing business as NATIVE, Inc., is a community development corporation designed to serve Native American communities within urban areas across North Dakota through affordable housing, human and economic services, and culture and education services. Community Development is “citizen participation in community organizations and has been viewed as a major method for improving the quality of the physical environment, enhancing services, preventing crime, and improving social conditions for the healthy development of a population.” NATIVE, Inc. is co-located with the Native American Development Center located in Bismarck, North Dakota. NATIVE, Inc. participates in the ND’s Free through Recovery Program and ND’s Community Connect Program. Participants will receive many socio-cultural services, e.g., mentoring, ceremonies, sweat Lodge, talking circles, elder, youth, parenting and family programs, Indian education and Tribal language classes and economic services, e.g., transportation, housing assistance, employment services and consumer finance, artisan, and entrepreneur coaching.

Bismarck Headquarters
CEO: Lorraine Davis
Phone: (701) 595-5181, dial 7

DHS Programs Administrator: Leigh Tasso
Phone: (701) 595-5181, dial 6

Fargo-Moorhead Office
Care Coordinator: Lenore King
Phone: (701) 936-3258

Fargo Engagement Center
222 4th St. N.
Fargo, North Dakota 58102

Email: sends email)

NIAM LLP is dedicated to focusing our energies on assisting individuals with brain injuries to lead full and productive lives. We work with a variety of community providers to ensure that our individuals have the best possible outcomes. To help individuals, we collaborate with rehabilitative brain injury specialists, to educate individuals and families in the understanding of brain injury, and the community. NIAM provides coordination of services for housing, employment, medical, vocational, and other resources available to you. NIAM’s Peer Support Specialists provide support based upon lived experience and are important members of the team. We support individuals to not only have an equal but an equitable opportunity to build psychological resilience and move forward in life. The cornerstones of our agency are kindness, dignity, respect, and persistence. Everyone’s care is individualized, provided at their pace and within their tolerances.  

1202 23rd St. S. 
Fargo, ND 58103
Phone: (701) 540-6344
Fax: (701) 540-6325 
Emergency/Text: (701) 638-1234

Recovery Works, LLC is a diverse group of authentically passionate and insightful individuals, who are incredibly committed to mentoring others on their road to recovery.

Our services follow a strength-based approach that operates on the belief that everyone has inherent personal strengths they can employ to promote meaningful and positive change.

Our purpose is to provide support and encourage individuals to empower them with the ability to identify and recognize the value of their strengths so they can achieve sustainable long-term recovery.

We believe limitless possibilities exist and can be obtained by every individual we serve and support.

3334 14th Avenue South
Fargo, ND 58103
Phone: (701) 429-0077

Ridge Treatment and Reentry Center is a comprehensive psychiatric and addictions clinic and treatment center specializing in addiction and dual diagnosis treatment services. Our clinic offers medication management, psychotherapy, addiction counseling, substance use treatment, and peer support services to adult clients. We specialist in opioid treatment, medication assisted treatment (MAT), harm reduction, and low threshold care. Patients can be seen urgently through our open access clinic at our Fargo location, which is open weekdays, or via a regular scheduled appointment at one of our various F/M locations by arranging a time that works best for them. We offer a full range of treatment services, domestic violence courses, and mental health counseling services (both individual and groups) at The Ridge Re-entry and Treatment Center which is also located in Fargo.

121 N. University Drive
Fargo, ND 58102
(218) 477-1353

Sugaal Community Service is based in Fargo, ND, and committed to provide access to their clients who need help restoring their lives with basic needs like food and shelter. Sugaal Community Service is dedicated to locate resources and connect  clients with the opportunities such as counseling, substance abuse rehabilitation, jobs, and education, through a dedicated team of care coordinators and peer support. Sugaal Community Services strives to hold the fundamental values of human kindness, including respecting an individual's dignity, confidentiality, and cultural competency. 

122 23rd St S Suite F5
Fargo, ND 58013

Sunny-Side Center is a community-centered agency in Fargo, North Dakota. Our team of mostly multilingual service managers, peer support specialists and care coordinators provide services in the areas of mental health, housing stability and assistance with obtaining employment.

Sunny-Side offers services through programs such as Community Connect, Free Through Recovery, and 1915(i). Our goal is to walk alongside participants through challenging periods, working towards short-term and long-term goals to improve their overall quality of life.

1351 Page Dr S Suite 215
Fargo, ND 58103
(701) 936-1758

The Healing Center Counseling & Consulting Services was established in June of 2016 and began operations in May of 2021 providing an array of services within the community to restore, educate, and empower.

Our Vision: To restore, educate, empower, and heal individual/s & families within our community.

Our Philosphy: Our philosophy at The Healing Center is people are more than their disease. Having a safe place to heal, be restored, educated, empowered to a healthy place within thine self without being judged or criticized for past mistakes or choices encourages healthy living practices for individual/s and their families.

Mission Statement: To bridge the gap in addiction and mental health services within the community for the underserved population and minorities.

Slogan: The Healing Center provides individual/s and families a safe place to heal by private practice consults or community referrals. 

Point of contact:

Shenika Bordeaux-Collins, MS, LMAC, ADC-S
3523 45th St. S. Suite 105
Fargo, ND 58104
Phone: (701) 261-2455

Website: is external)

The Lotus Center, INC. is a harm reduction-based recovery service center located in the Fargo-Moorhead area. We provide a continuum of services driven by human empathy and empowerment through our dedication to quality treatment of the whole person: body, mind, and spirit. We neither support nor condemn substance use, but instead encourage them to explore the option of recovery.  The Lotus Center, INC offers outpatient treatment, SUD assessments, housing case management, Overdose Response Coordination, outreach programs, care coordination, and serves as a Naloxone Access Point. Our mission is to holistically meet the needs, provide opportunities, and improve the quality of life for those impacted by all aspects of substance use disorders. 

We are located at:
1401 8th Street South STE
Moorhead, MN 56560 

Phone: (218) 284-1800
Fax: (218) 600-5484


Way of Life is a comprehensive program designed to serve as a guiding system for individuals facing challenging times in their lives.  Its primary purpose is to provide care coordination and peer support in order to restore and renew wellness.  While Way of Life is rooted in Indigenous perspective and values, it welcomes people from all nations and backgrounds.

By offering care coordination, Way of Life helps individuals access a variety of services and resources that can support them in their journey.  This may include connecting individuals with healthcare providers, mental health professionals, social services, or other relevant support systems.

Way of Life emphasizes peer support as a vital component of the program. Through peer support, individuals can find understanding, encouragement and guidance from others who have faced similar challenges.  This creates a sense of community and a supportive environment for growth and healing.

Overall, the intention of Way of Life is to help individuals regain a sense of balance and purpose with the goal of fostering resilience and well-being.

Sheyenne Puetz
Tel: (701) 581-5199
Email: sends email)