Monday, December 4, 2023 - 02:00pm Categories:
Children and families

North Dakota Health and Human Services (HHS), in partnership with Prevent Child Abuse North Dakota, today announced the launch of enhanced interactive online training for mandated reporters.

There are between 1,000 to 1,200 confirmed cases of child abuse or neglect in North Dakota each year. The training serves as a fundamental tool in informing mandated reporters what to report and how to report concerns about suspected child abuse or neglect.

Mandated reporters are individuals who are required by law to report suspected abuse or neglect of children. These include health care professionals, educators, law enforcement, child care providers, social workers, first responders and other individuals. While the training is required for professionals working with children, the online training is free and available to the public.

“The training has been updated to include current policy and is profession-specific, providing crucial information customized by profession on how to recognize and report suspected child abuse and neglect,” said HHS Children and Family Services Section Director Cory Pedersen.

Because extreme stress, unmet needs and uncertainty for families may increase the risk of child abuse and neglect, the training also focuses on prevention. Training participants will learn how to recognize if a family is in need of support or whether a child is in danger.

Describing some of the new features that promote both safety and well-being, Children and Family Services Prevention and Protection Administrator Kirsten Hansen said, “There are case examples to help individuals better understand safety, along with links to resources and services that can help meet families’ needs.”

The training is available online at, and individuals who complete it will receive a certificate of completion.

The training fulfills the annual training requirement for educators and child care providers that state lawmakers approved in House Bill 1144 during the 2023 session.

Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect
HHS reminds individuals that if they suspect a child in North Dakota is being abused or neglected, they should call the statewide toll-free Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Line at (833) 958-3500, 711 (TTY). If it’s an emergency and a child is in immediate danger, call 911.

Find more information about child protection services on the HHS website at