

The Statewide Health Strategies Grant (SHSG) represents a pioneering initiative committed to enhancing the health and well-being of all North Dakotans. The SHSG activates the ND State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP), to address North Dakota's health priorities in a cohesive and strategic manner.

Funded by the North Dakota State Legislature, this grant program embodies a collective dedication to improving health outcomes across the state and empowers communities to identify and address local priorities.

The essence of this initiative is to leverage unique expertise, resources, and perspectives to foster equitable access to health care services, promote population health outcomes, and implement sustainable solutions that positively impact the well-being of individuals and populations throughout North Dakota. 

By embracing collaborative action, the state is committed to sparking innovation, advancing evidence-based practices, and building partnerships that break down traditional barriers. Our ultimate goal is to create a healthier, more resilient state where every individual has the opportunity to achieve their best health – making North Dakota the healthiest state in the nation.

The grant application period is CLOSED. Below, you can find the original Notice of Funding Opportunity and Q & A document (compiled from questions received during the application period).  

Quick Facts

  • The SHSG was a competitive grant application process. List of projects awarded coming soon.
  • The total available funding was $3 million; $1.5 million from the community health trust fund and $1.5 million in match funding.
  • The maximum award amount per project was limited to $400,000 ($200,000 state + $200,000 match).
  • Awarded projects aligned with at least one of the priorities in the State Health Improvement Plan.

Additional Grant Information

Additional Grant Information

This grant program operates on a match-grant basis. Applicants are required to secure funds independently, which will then be matched by the Statewide Health Strategies Grant, subject to the approval and terms set forth herein. The following information summarizes key aspects of the grant. 


Please read the full Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details review the Frequently Asked Questions section below. 


This grant requires a 1:1 match (100% of the requested amount must be matched), and 100% of the match must be financial. Match funds must be recorded and submitted for approval. Pledges for future donations will NOT be considered.


Example: $3,000 total project = $1,500 organizational/community cash match + $1,500 Statewide Health Strategies Grant.

Funding obtained or previously allocated by the state legislature for other purposes cannot be considered as part of the applicant's matching funds. Applicants must ensure that the matching funds are sourced independently of any state budget allocations to maintain the integrity and independence of the project's financing.

Applicants should understand that in-kind contributions, including cost-sharing, donated services, materials, or time, do NOT qualify for the match requirement. 

Applicants are required to contribute their portion of the project funding upfront as part of the match requirement. This contribution is a prerequisite for receiving the grant funding and must be at least equivalent to the grant amount being requested. 

Upon verification of the grantee's match contribution, the full grant amount will be issued. This streamlined process is designed to expedite the availability of funds, enabling grantees to commence or continue their project activities without delay.

Grantees are expected to adhere to the proposed budget and project plan as approved at the time of grant award. 

Grantees are required to maintain accurate and comprehensive records of all expenditures. Regular reports that detail the use of the grant funds and matching contributions must be submitted according to the schedule established in the grant agreement. Grantees are accountable for the progress and outcomes of their projects. All grantees must submit quarterly progress reports and a comprehensive final report. These reports shall detail:


  • The project outcomes achieved and the impact of the project.
  • A summary of activities undertaken.
  • A budget narrative that details how the grant funds were allocated, highlighting the project’s progress and milestones.
  • Any challenges encountered and strategies implemented to overcome them.

The grant agreement will outline the schedule for submitting progress and final reports. Timely and accurate reporting is essential for evaluating the project's success and administering the grant program efficiently.

By submitting an application, the applicant acknowledges understanding and agreement to comply with ALL guidelines. The goal is to ensure transparency, accountability, and the effective use of funds to achieve meaningful and impactful project outcomes that address at least one of the four priorities of the SHIP.



Statewide Health Strategies Grant Manager:  
Alicia Belay, MPH, PhD, Assistant Director, Community Engagement  
Public Health Division, North Dakota Health & Human Services  
701.328.3860 or 

Statewide Health Strategies FAQ

Statewide Health Strategies FAQ

Funds may not be used for (1) inpatient services; (2) cash payments to intended recipients for health services; (3) purchase and improvement of land, construction or permanent improvement of buildings or purchase of major medical equipment.

Additional unallowable costs include:

  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Bad debt
  • Contingencies or reserves
  • Contributions or donations to others
  • Entertainment costs
  • Fines and penalties resulting from violations of, or failure to comply with Federal, State and local laws and regulations
  • Food costs (other than per diem expenses)
  • Fundraising
  • Interest charges and late fees
  • Lobbying or memberships in organizations substantially engaged in lobbying

No. See Notice of Funding Opportunity, page 8, additional unallowable costs includes fundraising. 

Yes. Note: If rent and utilities are being used as general operating support for the proposed project and you’re using the budget template provided, you can put rent/utilities in the “Other” line item. Be sure to include appropriate justification.

The Statewide Health Strategies Grant (SHSG) will fund local and community-level projects designed to address one of the four priorities of the North Dakota State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP).The scope of the project as outlined in the project narrative and budget will determine if the project meets one if the priorities of the SHIP. Projects should address a need or gap in the community that spark innovation, advance evidence-based practices, and/or build partnerships that break down traditional barriers (Notice of Funding Opportunity, pages 3-4 and 7-8).

Question #3 is asking how your project will address a need or gap in the community and to provide data when possible, to justify the need and/or gap. Question #4 is asking you to identify metrics, processes, outcome measures – then to describe how you will monitor, evaluate, and report on the metrics, processes or outcome measures. Data provided in #3 could be used again in #4.


Paid media is an allowable expense. The specific paid media will be evaluated as part of the grant review process. If using the budget template provided, paid media can go in the “Other” line item. Be sure to include appropriate justification.

Incentives will not be allowed. 

Administrative costs are allowable but are limited to 10 percent (Notice of Funding Opportunity, page 8). 

$200,000 is the maximum amount that can be requested. (Notice of Funding Opportunity page 4).

Match dollars must be available upfront and cannot be funds obtained or previously allocated by the state legislature. (Notice of Funding Opportunity, page 5). 

Salary and fringe benefits are allowable costs. If using the budget template provided, the first two lines provide space for personnel and fringe benefits. Be sure to include appropriate justification.

If using the budget template provided, you can put office furnishings and items such as printers, faxes, and computers in the “Supplies” line item. Be sure to include appropriate justification. Note: Anything over $5,000 needs to go in the “Equipment” line item.

If using the budget template, recruitment and marketing materials can be included under the "Other" line item. Be sure to include appropriate justification.

Applications with direct and impactful activities related to the health of North Dakotans will be prioritized.

For projects that are awarded, grantees must provide payment to the Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of the required match. Next, the grant from HHS will be provided to the grantee for the full amount, which includes the state portion plus the match. The expected timeline between receiving the match funds and disbursement of the full grant award will be less than 6 weeks. 

Yes, more than one project may be submitted in a single application, but must have their own project plan including narrative, work plan, budget template and justification. (Notice of Funding Opportunity, page 7).

For projects that are awarded, grantees must provide payment to the Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of the required match. Next, the grant from HHS will be provided to the grantee for the full amount, which includes the state portion plus the match. The expected timeline between receiving the match funds and disbursement of the full grant award will be less than 6 weeks.

In Question #3, gaps are identified. As much as possible, data will be included to highlight what the need is. In #5, applicants justify the need funds with an appropriate rationale. Please ensure the application includes both the gap/need and appropriate justification. Both #3 & #5 can be addressed together in the narrative, if appropriate.

Funds may not be used for purchase and improvement of land, construction or permanent improvement of buildings or purchase of major medical equipment.’ (Notice of Funding Opportunity, page 8).

Applicants should submit their application in a single email to The files can be submitted as one pdf file or as individual files. It would be helpful if the file/s were named with the entity and/or project title.

The 1.5 million dollars that was legislatively appropriated is contingent upon dollar-for-dollar matching funds.

No, once the match dollars are received, the state will award the full amount (state funds plus match) to the organization. For reporting requirements see NOFO Page 6.

For projects that are awarded, grantees must provide payment to the Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of the required match. Next, the grant from HHS will be provided to the grantee for the full amount, which includes the state portion plus the match.

If an organization is awarded, match funds will be paid to the State and will become part of the grant award to the awarded organization. Match funds will be part of the organization’s award and will be used to meet the project goals and must be spent per the proposed budget. If personal funds are used to meet the match requirement, these funds could only be used to implement the awarded HSHG project. Important note: Money being provided as the match must be used for the project.

No. Funds may not be used for purchase and improvement of land, construction or permanent improvement of buildings or purchase of major medical equipment.’ (Notice of Funding Opportunity, page 8). 

No. Please be sure to label the documents so that the reviewers can easily identify all the elements of the application.

No, it does not need to be included again if you have already addressed evaluation in the narrative. 

Match cannot be from funds that have been previously obtained or allocated from the state legislature. If the project is awarded, funds must be paid upfront to North Dakota Health and Human Services. All match funds from the organization and funds from the state must be used per the approved budget for the awarded project.