On Aug. 17, 2020, North Dakota became the seventh state in the country to receive approval of its Family First Prevention Services Act Title IV-E Prevention Services Plan ND from the federal Children's Bureau. The plan gives our state access to federal Title IV-E funding for approved evidence-based prevention services proven to strengthen and stabilize children and families so children can stay in their family home safely. Services include both mental/behavioral health and substance abuse treatment and recovery support services as well as in-home parent skill-based programs. Learn more.
Training Grant Funds Available - until March 31, 2025
North Dakota is inviting agencies and individual providers to apply for the Title IV-E Prevention Services Grant funding so more organizations and professionals can deliver approved evidence-based services as identified in the state's Title IV-E Prevention Services Plan to qualifying North Dakota children and families.
- Training and implementation grant overview
- Grant Application (Fillable PDF)
- Grant Budget Template (Excel document)
Approved Services (Eligible for Title IV-E reimbursement in N.D.)
Find an Approved Title IV-E Service Provider | Apply to Receive Services | Apply to Become a Provider |
Find an Approved Screening Provider OR Find an Approved Service Provider | Eligibility must be determined for a child based on specific criteria that has been established by the federal government and will be verified by the N.D. Department of Health and Human Services. Once a child’s eligibility is approved the child and parent/caregiver can receive access to approved Title IV-E prevention services. The child must:
The individual eligibility application allows for parents/caregivers, public and private agencies, treatment providers, tribal social services, juvenile court, and others to complete and submit an application on behalf of the child. | Community and private agencies/providers can apply to become an approved Title IV-E prevention services provider.
| Apply Here | Apply Here |
Approved Programs
- Healthy Families
- Parents as Teachers
- Nurse-Family Partnership
- Homebuilders
- Brief Strategic Family Therapy
- Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
- Multisystemic Therapy
- Functional Family Therapy
- The Family Check-Up/Everyday Parenting
Additional Resources
- Approved title IV-E Programs and Services (Feb. 26, 2025)
- Video: Homebuilders Program Overview (May 20, 2021) Powerpoint Slides
- Presentation: Multisystemic Therapy (March 26, 2021) (2.12mb pdf)
- Video: Informational Overview: Title IV-E Prevention Services Provider Applicaton and Requirements (Recorded Jan. 12, 2021)
- Outcomes Survey
- Program Guidance (December 2022)
- Other Resources for Families
If you need more information about individual applications, finding approved providers, enrolling as an approved provider, or have other questions, please email titleiveprevention@nd.gov. Thank you.
Need More Information? Contact Us
Children and Family Services Section
600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Department 325
Bismarck, ND 58505-0250
Phone: (701) 328-2316
Toll-Free: (800) 245-3736
Relay ND TTY: 711
Fax: (701) 328-3538
Email: dhscfs@nd.gov