Start: Monday, October 17, 2022 - 12:00 pm
Public Notices

Special Meeting 

Brain Injury Advisory Council
Monday, Oct. 17, 2022
12-1 p.m. CT

Virtual Meeting Information
Join Zoom Meeting (click link): is external)
Meeting ID: 851 2867 5818
Phone Connection Option: 1-312-626-6799
12:00 P.M. - Call Meeting to Order: Nan Kennelly, Chair 
Introductions & Welcome
Check in: I’m here because _________.
Draft State Plan: Goals and Strategies - Jill Ferrington, National Association of State Head Injury Administrators
New Council Member Toolkit - Jill Ferrington, NASHIA
Discussion/Next Steps
1:00 P.M. -  Adjournment

Individuals who need accommodations in order to participate or who would like information about joining the meeting can contact Caitlin McDonald at 701-224-0588 ext. 5, 711 (TTY) or sends email)

Meeting Contact Information:
The Brain Injury Advisory Council follows established state guidance regarding the scheduling and management of state advisory councils. The Brain Injury Advisory Council currently holds scheduled meetings via videoconference options. Members of the public can access the meeting by using the provided videoconference contact information above.

Brain Injury Advisory Council Mission.
The Mission of the North Dakota Brain Injury Advisory Council is to improve the quality of life for all individuals with brain injury and their families through brain injury identification, awareness, prevention, research, education, collaboration, support services and advocacy.

Date Posted: April 1, 2022
Date Revised:  Oct. 14, 2022 (meeting details/agenda added)