NREMT: Removal of Distributive Education Limits as of September 30, 2022
These events have been submitted to DEMS by various entities and are not necessarily sponsored by the Division. To obtain continuing education approvals, submit a request to To request your events be posted on the DEMS website send a request to Not all events on this list include approved continuing education.
Measles: Recognize the clinical presentation of measles, identify risk factors and susceptible groups, and review immunization and public health recommendations.
- March 6, 2025
- 6:00 - 7:00 PM (MST)
- Virtual
- See flyer HERE (including registration information)
Mental Health First Aid (MFHA)
- Learn how to support friends, family, and neighbors
- MHFA Teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adults
- Approved for EMS CEUs
- Registration Link
- Mental Health First Aid Flyer
- ND MHFA Resources (updated January 2025)
Infection Prevention and Control Training for EMS
- EMS Personnel face a variety of IPC challenges which can differ from those of facility-based healthcare workers. In the pre-hospital environment, EMS personnel: Treat patients in the field, transporting to and from a variety of healthcare settings; Manage unknown diagnoses; Handle rapidly evolving situations
- Learn more now!
safeTY jacket: EMS Best Practices for the Identification of an Interaction with Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
- Sponsored by North Dakota Autism Center
- Course Length: 2 Hours
- .5 hours of NCCR and 1.5 hours of LCCR
- Flyer HERE
Lake Region State College: Community Paramedicine & Paramedic to Nurse
The Community Paramedicine program is a great way to help expand your current healthcare skills. With local healthcare gaps, the Community Paramedic/EMT is an asset to a community in a variety of healthcare areas. The Community Paramedic will help reduce unnecessary ER visits, save on healthcare costs, reduce hospital admissions, and the list goes on.
EMS Regional Conferences
NDEMSA hosts four regional conferences during the fall and winter months, typically in Medora, Jamestown, Minot, and Grand Forks. These conferences provide attendees with an intimate setting in which they have the opportunity to receive hands-on, practical education and skills review. For more information and registration, please contact NDEMSA.
Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma and Burnout for First Responders and Medical Professionals
- Live & On-Demand Course Registration
- Offered by North Dakota Health and Human Services Behavioral Health Division
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adults.
This course is offered 3 times per month and continues to fill quickly! You will build the skills and confidence you need to reach out and provide initial support to those who are struggling. You'll also learn how to help connect them to appropriate support.
This course has been approved for 8.75 hours of LCCR/ICCR CEUs by the ND EMS Unit. See flyer for other CEU approvals.
Must register 2 weeks in advance of your selected date. Training requires 2 hours of pre-work, a post-test, and evaluation.
Register HERE and view an informational flyer HERE.
BNSF Railway: Hazmat Training, etc.
- BNSF Hazmat Training
- Virtual-Reality Web-Based training (WBT): Two new virtual-reality web-based trainings (WBT) are available for free: Initial Incident Size-Up and Reading a Train List. These 20 minute WBTs provide
sresponders with information which will lead to a safe and efficient response - Instructor Led Training: BNSF Hazmat continues to conduct, upon request, instructor led hazmat training for first responders in communities along our railroad
- Scholarships to Security and Emergency Response Training Center (SERTC) in Pueblo, CO: BNSF still provides scholarships to cover the tuition to railroad emergency response training at the industry’s SERTC in Pueblo, CO. To learn about SERTC got to
To register for one of these training opportunities go to and select the Community Responders Tab.
ASKRAIL - The ASKRAIL app provides responders at no cost with immediate access to accurate, timely data about what type of hazardous materials are in a specific rail car or on a train so they can make an informed decision about how to respond to a rail emergency. AskRail also has desktop and web-based versions available for local Emergency Communication Centers (ECC) that can be used to provide responders with this necessary hazmat car and train information. For onboarding and assistance integrating AskRail with your ECC, please contact Railinc at (877) 724-5462 or Get more information about the AskRail app here:
BNSF Hazardous Materials Traffic Flow Reports - BNSF also provides hazardous materials traffic flow reports to fire departments and emergency managers. These reports provide a listing of the hazardous materials that BNSF transported through a city or county over the last 12 months. To request a hazardous materials traffic flow report please go to and select the Community Responder Tab.
- BNSF’s System Emergency Response Plan - A copy of BNSF’s System Emergency Response Plan is available for your review and use through . Part of our System Emergency Response Plan is BNSF’s Incident Management Team (IMT). Our IMT allows for the mobilization of resources at varying levels as dictated by incident circumstances. BNSF’s IMT maintains a large group of well-trained personnel to lead and assist with emergency response incidents and is comprised of a local or state IMT, a Regional Away Team, and a Corporate Crisis Management Team (known as a “Go-Team”).
Hennepin County Medical Center: EMS TRA-CCS Trauma and Critical Care Series: Simple Education for Complex Care
- EMS Trauma & Critical Care Series is a free monthly hour-long webinar made possible by the Hennepin County Medical Center departments of Trauma Services and Emergency & Critical Care Education. EMS TRA-CCS can be watched live online or in-person on the first Wednesday of each month at 2:00 PM, or on an archived recording at your leisure.
- Register here: EMS TRA-CCS Sign Up
Sanford Health EMS Education: Recertification Education Page
NDDoH Project Firstline
- NDDoH Project Firstline, in collaboration with the CDC, offers infection prevention and control trainings that are free and available to all health care workers; so you can learn practical ways to keep germs from spreading, keeping you and everyone around you safer and healthier.
- To learn more about trainings offered by NDDoH Project Firstline, visit our website at
- Email us at if you would like to receive updates on new trainings or if you have questions.
- Project Firstline flyer HERE.
Department of Emergency Services (NDDES) Training and Events Calendar
Simulation in Motion - North Dakota (SIM-ND)
- Statewide Emergency Care Education with Mobile Simulation - Altru Health System, Essentia Health, St. Alexius, Sanford-Bismarck, and Trinity Health have joined forces under the directorship of ND STAR (North Dakota Simulation, Teach and Research Center for Healthcare Education) at the University of North Dakota to bring emergency care education to your area. SIM-ND is a statewide, mobile education system using high fidelity human patient simulators to train pre-hospital and hospital personnel. Grant funding from the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust allowed ND STAR and the North Dakota Department of Health to design and implement SIM-ND with four large trucks outfitted with adult, pediatric, infant and pregnant / delivery simulators. SIM-ND strives to bring the highest quality emergency medical education to your area.
- For more information and to schedule a training session to to the SIM-ND Website.
Death Investigation Training (Basics, Cultural Competency, Advanced Topics, Forensic Pathology)
- Online, enroll anytime
- 3 months to complete the course upon registration
- Independent study
- Work at your own pace
- Course Registration / Information Here
- EMS ICCR hours approved: Basic - 7.75, Cultural Competency - 2.25, Advanced Topics - 5.0, Forensic Pathology - 18.0
Free EMS Continuing Education
- Approved by North Dakota DEMS.
- Supported by Stryker