
Fatherhood Experiences Survey: 

The North Dakota Fatherhood Experiences Survey is an initiative of the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services in collaboration with the Center for Social Research at North Dakota State University aimed at understanding dads’ health, attitudes and experiences before and shortly after the birth of their child. The survey is administered alongside the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring Survey (PRAMS), which has been distributed to new moms in North Dakota since 2017, collecting data on maternal attitudes and experiences before, during and shortly after pregnancy. 

Having a new baby is a significant event for families, particularly for dads, and can often come with unique challenges. Dads play a critical role in the overall health and well-being of their families, so it is important to ensure that they feel informed and supported around this big change. The survey aims to collect data directly from dads about their overall experience, attitudes, health and any challenges they faced.

Studies like the Fatherhood Experiences Survey provide a window into men’s health behaviors and service needs, which can inform recommended clinical services such as screening for health concerns, depression and oral health. 

If you are chosen to participate, please complete the survey to help improve the health and wellness of North Dakota dads, babies and families! 

Fatherhood Experiences Survey

Fatherhood Experiences Survey

Questions? Contact Us
For further information, data requests, or questions, please contact:

600 E Blvd Ave, Dept 301
Bismarck, ND 58505-0200