Purpose of Licensing
- Programs are monitored for the health and safety of the clients served.
- Establish and ensure quality assurance standards are practiced.
- Ensure programs are operating in compliance with administrative codes.
- Process ensures quality, efficient, and effective services are provided by all substance abuse treatment programs in North Dakota.
How to Become a Licensed Treatment Program
Become a Licensed Treatment Program in North Dakota
Before a license can be issued to provide substance use disorder treatment services in ND, the following must be received and reviewed by the Division. An initial review of the application and policy manual may take up to 6 weeks.
- Programs must submit an application (SFN 971) to the Behavioral Health Division and put in our BHD email dhsbhd@nd.gov.
- The program is required to submit policy and procedures (address all items identified in North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC) 75-09.1 see: http://www.legis.nd.gov/information/acdata/html/75-09.1.html. Once submitted, the BHD may request or make recommendations for revisions or edits in the agencies policy and procedures manual.
- If providing services to adolescents, the program will required to submit a Criminal Record Check results for all employees working with adolescents
- If an addiction counselor is applying as a private practice, the program is to provide confirmation from North Dakota Board of Addiction Counselor Examiners (NDBACE) as registered and licensed as a private practitioner).
- If operating as a business, the BHD will seek confirmation of this through the State of North Dakota, Secretary of State Certification/Registration.
- The program is to employ and identify sufficient and qualified staff members to meet the needs of clients, name the LAC/LAC’s. Determined also by levels of care identified in the application.
- Identify the individual or entity responsible for the conduct of the program (also in policy manual).
The Department of Human Services’ Behavioral Health Division (BHD) is responsible for licensing all substance abuse treatment programs in North Dakota as identified in North Dakota Century Code 50-31.
For any questions, please contact the Behavioral Health Division at dhsbhd@nd.gov or 701-328-8920.
Become an Opioid Treatment Program in North Dakota
- Stage 1: Certification of Need
Submit a Certificate of Need to the State Opioid Treatment Authority (SOTA) at the Behavioral Health Division dhsbhd@nd.gov for approval. - Stage 2: Application for Licensure
Once a Certificate of Need is approved, the program may begin the application process by submitting the following Once all documentation for Stage 2 is received, the review process will begin and may take approximately 6 to 8 weeks to complete. Notification will be provided at that time if additional information or revisions are required. Once all information and follow-up contacts are approved, a Provisional Opioid Treatment Program License may be issued. NOTE: An OTP cannot operate with a provisional license.- Completed and signed application for OTP licensing (SFN 591)
- Program’s OTP Policies and Procedures in accordance with North Dakota Administrative Code 75-09.1-10.
- North Dakota Substance Abuse Treatment Program license or application to become licensed as a Substance Abuse Treatment Program
- Proposed Community Relations Plan with names and contact information
- List of all operating OTPs including address, telephone number, and dates of operation
- Submit all federal accreditation and state review reports from programs in operation by the company from the past 6 years
- Documentation showing appropriate county, city, or tribal ordinances
- Any additional information requested by the division
- Stage 3: Final Documentation Requirements for Licensure:
Following the issuance of a Provisional Opioid Treatment Program License, the program may begin the next stage and must submit the following final requirements for approval:- Application and Certification from the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- Registration by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
- Proof of DATA 2000 Waivers for prescribers
- Program Sponsor’s background check
- Documentation showing enactment of the proposed Community Relations Plan
- Transportation Plan for reasonable transportation to services
The review process for Stage 3 may take approximately 4-6 weeks. Notification will be provided if additional information or revisions are required. Once all information and follow-up contacts are approved, the program may proceed to Stage 4.
- Stage 4: On-site review
The BHD will schedule an on-site review of the proposed opioid treatment program. The review will consist of a tour of the facility and interview with staff regarding knowledge and understanding of policy and procedures.
Upon approval of Stage 4, an Opioid Treatment Program License will be issued and the program may operate as an OTP.
The Department of Human Services’ Behavioral Health Division (BHD) is responsible for licensing all substance abuse treatment programs in North Dakota as identified in North Dakota Century Code 50-31. If you have any questions, please contact dhsbhd@nd.gov or 701-328-8920.
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Seminar Program Licensing and Certification
If applying to hold a license for ASAM Level 0.5, DUI Seminar Program, programs must have an ND Certified DUI Seminar Instructor (application is located here) for ASAM Level 0.5. >