We are beyond grateful you want to extend your role as a certified peer support specialist! Below are the steps to recertification. Please allow a minimum of 30 business days to process your application.
- Verify that you meet the recertification eligibility requirements listed below.
- Mail a $50 recertification application fee in the form of check or money order. Please make write it out to “ND Department of Health & Human Services” and send it to:
Attn: Julie Huwe
600 E. Boulevard Ave. Dept 325- Judicial Wing
Bismarck, ND 58085
Please include the name of the recertification applicant on the check or money order.
- Download and complete the template below for the personal statement
- Download and sign the North Dakota Certified Peer Support Specialist Code of Ethics
- Complete the application, including necessary attachments.
Please do not send any application pieces with the certification fee. Those must be submitted in the online application
Please use the attached templates for your personal statement, and signed code of ethics:
- Personal Statement Certified Peer Support Specialist I Recertification
- Personal Statement Certified Peer Support Specialist II Recertification
- Code of Ethics
Please note the Behavioral Health Division monitors compliance with the continuing education requirements of Certified Peer Support Specialists. You are not required to submit proof of the continuing education requirement in your recertification application.
If your certification is selected for review, you will receive notice and you will be required to submit copies of the proof of completion for the continuing education requirement.
Minimum Requirements
Certified Peer Support Specialist I:
- Currently reside or employed within the state of North Dakota;
- Self-identify as an individual who has personal lived experience and is willing to publicly identify as an individual in recovery from a mental health disorder, brain injury, substance use disorder, or combination; or is a family member of an individual living with a mental health disorder, substance use disorder, brain injury or combination;
- At least eighteen years of age;
- Have a high school diploma or general equivalency or can demonstrate the ability to read and write at a level proficient enough for training, documentation, and the type of work peer support will require;
- Successfully complete a division approved peer support training program.
Certified Peer Support Specialist II:
- Currently resides or employed within the state of North Dakota;
- Self-identify as an individual who has personal lived experience and is willing to publicly identify as an individual in recovery from a mental health disorder, brain injury, substance use disorder, or combination; or is a family member of an individual living with a mental health disorder, substance use disorder, brain injury or combination;
- At least eighteen years of age;
- Have a high school diploma or general equivalency or can demonstrate the ability to read and write at a level proficient enough for training, documentation, and the type of work peer support will require;
- Successful completion of a division approved peer support supervision training;
- Successfully complete a division approved peer support training program; and
- Applicant has at least one thousand five hundred direct service hours as a peer support specialist.
Certified Peer Support Specialist I:
- Has completed twenty hours of continuing education, two of the hours on the topic of peer support specialist ethics
- Meets all certification eligibility requirements
Certified Peer Support Specialist II:
- Has completed twenty hours of continuing education, two of the hours on the topic of peer support specialist ethics, and four hours specific to the supervision of peer support specialists.
- Meets all certification eligibility requirements
Please note the Behavioral Health Division monitors compliance with the continuing education requirements of Certified Peer Support Specialists. You are not required to submit proof of the continuing education requirement in your recertification application.
If your certification is selected for review, you will receive notice and you will be required to submit copies of the proof of completion for the continuing education requirement.