If you are a child care facility located OUTSIDE of North Dakota and you need to request a North Dakota Criminal Background Check or North Dakota registry check for a potential employee, please see the resources below for information about each of the required Interstate Checks.
Interstate Criminal Background Check
Agency Name: North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation
Address: 1720 Burlington Dr, Suite B, Bismarck, ND 58504
Phone Number: 701-328-5500
Email: agoso@nd.gov
Instructions: Complete and submit the original signed form along with the required fee by mail to the BCI. Payment by check or money order (NO CASH), made payable to "ND Attorney General."
Forms: You need the subject’s:
- Full name, including maiden name, former name and any known aliases;
- Date of Birth;
- Social Security Number OR the subject’s fingerprints; and
- Subject's current address OR a signed authorization form (SFN 51156)
- Unless a signed authorization accompanies the request, the BCI will mail a notice to the subject that the criminal history record has been released.
Fees: $15
- An eligible non-profit charitable organization may submit an Application for Reduction in Fee. Upon approval, the fee is reduced to $5.
Is the state a National Fingerprint File (NFF) state? NO
Is the state a National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact State? YES
Interstate Sex Offender Registry (SOR) Check
Agency Name: North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation
Address: 1720 Burlington Dr, Suite B, Bismarck, ND 58504
Phone Number: 701-328-5500
Email: agoso@nd.gov
Website: https://sexoffender.nd.gov/
Instructions: The Sex Offender Registry is public facing. There are no fees or forms associated with the registry. Fields utilized include first and last name. The registry also allows for a secondary residential search using city, county, zip code.
Forms: NA
Fees: NA
Interstate Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) Registry Check
Agency Name: Children and Family Services
Address: 600 East Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 325, Bismarck, ND 58505
Phone Number: 701-328-2316
Email: dhscfs_cani@nd.gov
FAX: 701-328-3538
Website: https://www.hhs.nd.gov/providers/criminal-background-checks/out-state-registry-checks
Is the CAN check conducted through a County Administered Registry or Centralized Registry? The CAN check is conducted through a centralized registry.
Instructions: Requestors complete SFN433 and submit to Children and Family Services via email or fax to make a request.
Forms: SFN 433
Fees: NA
Description of information that may be included in a response to a CAN registry check: Information provided indicates if the subject is or is not on the Index. If they are on the Index, the case decision date is provided, as well as contact information for the requestor to reach out to for additional information.
State’s definition of “substantiated” instances of child abuse and neglect:
North Dakota uses the term “confirmed” which equates to the federal term of “substantiated.” The North Dakota Century Code 50-25.1-02(11) states “confirmed” means that upon completion of a child protection assessment, the department determined, based upon a preponderance of the evidence, that a child meets the definition of an abused or neglected child, and the department confirms the identity of a specific person responsible for the child’s welfare which is responsible for the abuse or neglect.
North Dakota also uses the term “confirmed with unknown subject” which also equates to the federal term of “substantiated.” The North Dakota Century Code 50-25.1-02(12) states “confirmed with unknown subject” means that upon completion of a child protection assessment, the department determined, based upon a preponderance of the evidence, that a child meets the definition of an abused or neglected child, but the evidence does not confirm the identity of a specific person responsible for the child’s welfare which is responsible for the abuse or neglect.
North Dakota Century Code 50-25.1-02(1) states “a person responsible for the child’s welfare’ means an individual who has responsibility for the care or supervision of a child and who is the child’s parent, an adult family member of the child, any member of the child’s household, the child’s guardian, or the child’s foster parent; or an employee of, or any person providing care for the child in, a child care setting. For the purpose of institutional child abuse or neglect, “a person responsible for the child’s welfare” means an institution that has responsibility for the care or supervision of a child.
North Dakota Century Code 50-25.1-02(3) states an “abused child” means an individual under the age of eighteen years who is suffering from abuse as defined in section 14-09-22 caused by a person responsible for the child’s welfare, and includes a sexually abused child who is suffering from or was subjected to any act in violation of sections 12.1-20-01 through 12.1-20-07, sections 12.1-20-11 through 12.1-20-12.3, or chapter 12.1-27.2, by any individual, including a juvenile.
North Dakota Century Code 50-25.1-02(19) states a “neglected child’ means a child who, due to the action or inaction of a person responsible for the child’s welfare:
- Is without proper care or control, subsistence, education as required by law, or other care or control necessary for the child's physical, mental, or emotional health, or morals, and is not due primarily to the lack of financial means of a person responsible for the child's welfare;
- Has been placed for care or adoption in violation of law;
- Has been abandoned;
- Is without proper care, control, or education as required by law, or other care and control necessary for the child's well-being because of the physical, mental, emotional, or other illness or disability of a person responsible for the child's welfare, and that such lack of care is not due to a willful act of commission or act of omission, and care is requested by a person responsible for the child's welfare;
- Is in need of treatment and a person responsible for the child's welfare has refused to participate in treatment as ordered by the juvenile court;
- Was subject to prenatal exposure to chronic or severe use of alcohol or any controlled substance as defined in section 19-03.1-01 in a manner not lawfully prescribed by a practitioner;
- Is present in an environment subjecting the child to exposure of a controlled substance, chemical substance, or drug paraphernalia as prohibited by section 19-03.1-22.2, except as used in this subsection, controlled substance includes any amount of marijuana; or
- Is a victim of human trafficking as defined in title 12.1.