Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
The Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia report contains de-identified information on North Dakota residents diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, the report contains links to the new State Plan along with resources available.
Autism Report
The Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia report contains de-identified information on North Dakota residents diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Additionally the report contains links to the new State Plan along with resources available.
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is an annual statewide telephone surveillance system designed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Childhood Blood Lead
The Childhood Blood Lead dashboard contains de-identified incidence data for children ages 0-15 diagnosed with a blood lead level at or above 3.5 μg/dL.
Community Health Profiles
County level profiles that pull together data from a variety of sources including births and deaths, education, health risk factors, crime and information on children.
Disease Report Dashboard
Diseases and Conditions: Data for infectious mandatory reportable conditions, including salmonellosis, chlamydia, tickborne illness, and other reportable conditions.
Health Equity
This report presents mortality data from the Division of Vital Statistics and morbidity data from the Division of Disease Control.
Immunization Rates
Immunization Rates NDIIS: Coverage rates for various vaccines and age groups were calculated using data from the North Dakota Immunization Information System.
Information on seasonal influenza activity, immunization information, and more.
Men's Health Dashboard
This report presents information regarding men's health and risk factors associated with health.
North Dakota Suicide Overview (NDSO)
The North Dakota Suicide Overview Dashboard contains information on suicides, suicide attempts and suicide ideation in ND.
North Dakota Violent Death Reporting (NDVDR)
The North Dakota violent death reporting program is a state-based reporting system that pools data from multiple sources into an anonymous database to provide insight into the who, when, where, how and why these deaths occurred.
Opioid Dashboard
The North Dakota Opioid Dashboard contains information on prescription drugs here in ND and by county, emergency room visits and crime statistics. It also provides a link for proper medication disposal.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
The North Dakota PRAMS is a survey that gathers information from new ND moms about their maternal experiences before, during and shortly after pregnancy in order to improve the health and wellness of ND mothers, infants and families.
This report presents information regarding rabies virus detections across North Dakota.
Respiratory Illness Surveillance Dashboard
This report presents information and current trends regarding influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and COVID-19 activity across North Dakota.
State Health Assessment
The SHA consists primarily of data collected by the state of North Dakota, including both quantitative and qualitative data. The foundation for the SHA data analysis is the leading causes of death - determined by death record data.
Title V Maternal and Child Health Dashboard
The Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) dashboard provides information on initiatives, identified through the MCH needs assessment, implemented to improve the health of mothers, children, and their families.
Tobacco Surveillance Data
The North Dakota Tobacco Surveillance Data Dashboard contains de-identified information on people in ND, by county, age and gender. It also provides links for additional tobacco reports.
West Nile Virus
This report presents information regarding west nile virus detections across North Dakota.
Youth Risk Behavior Survey
The North Dakota Youth Risk Behavior Survey contains de-identified survey information on ND Students in grades 74-8 and 9-12. The information gathered is used to identify behaviors among school-aged children to can lead to poor health outcomes.
Sources of Aggregate (Summarized) Data Results
This provides a link to various data sources.