Vocational Rehabilitation Internship
This is a unique experience to provide teachers, community partners, and Health and Human Services employees an opportunity to learn about Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and partner agencies.
This is a two-part training beginning with in-person learning about the VR process. The second part will be spent at your local VR office observing intakes, learning about business services, learning about career assessments, and more.
Part 1 - Internship
Part 1 - In-Person - June 11-13, 2024
June 11th and 12th
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST
June 13th
8 a.m. - 12 p.m. CST
Part 1 of the internship will take place in Bismarck where participants will receive an overview of the VR process and learn about our partners.
Part 2 - Internship
June 17 - Aug. 2, 2024
For Part 2 you will set up flexible dates and times with your local VR office (tentatively in Bismarck, Devils Lake, Dickinson, Fargo, Grand Forks, Jamestown, Minot, and Williston). If you are participating in the educator track, you will need to complete 25 hours. If you are participating in the non-teacher track you will need 10 hours.
You will get hands-on experience and spend time observing intakes, developing Individual Employment Plans, exploring labor market information, VR business services, career assessments, etc.
Training Credits
Educators who would like Minot State University professional development credits are required to take both parts of the internship. For Part 2, you will need to complete 25 hours at your local VR office.
Non-teachers will be offered hour-for-hour certificate of completion. For Part 2 you are not required to complete 10 hours at your local VR office, however it is highly recommended.
Assistance may be offered for in-state per diem to include meals, mileage, and lodging. For more information contact:
Barbara Burghart CRC, LCSW
Program Administrator
Department of Health and Human Services
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Section
1000 E Divide Ave
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: 701-328-8927
Email: bburghart@nd.gov
Website: hhs.nd.gov/vr
VR Internship Applications are due by Feb. 23, 2024. Maximum of 12 interns will be selected by Mar. 15, 2024.
Internship Information
Contact Information
Minot State University (MSU)
North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services Vocational Rehabilitation Section
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Internship 2024
MSU Instructor
Evan Dean Borisinkoff, PhD, BCBA, LBA
Associate Professor
Program Director for AS, BS & MS in DHS
Department of Special Education
Minot State University
500 University Avenue W
210J Memorial Hall
Minot, ND 58707
Phone:701-858-3055 / 800-777-0750 ext. 3055
Email: evan.borisinkoff@minotstateu.edu
Website: MinotStateU.edu
VR Internship Host
Barbara Burghart CRC, LCSW
Program Administrator
Department of Health and Human Services
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Section
1000 E Divide Ave
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: 701-328-8927
Email: bburghart@nd.gov
Website: hhs.nd.gov/vr
Part 1
Interns begin in Bismarck with an in-depth “classroom style” orientation to VR, from June 11 – 13, 2024. Topics will include, the VR process, opportunities after high school, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), pre-employment transition services, laws on sub-minimum wage, college disability support services, business, vision, career assessment services, benefits planning, etc.
Part 2
Interns will spend time at their local VR office. Activities may include job shadowing VR counselors in various aspects of their duties, including intakes, eligibility reviews, assessments, observing guidance and counseling, writing employment plans, reviewing financial aid letters, learning about all VR services etc. You will have the opportunity to visit VR partner agencies to learn about a broad list of resources. Agencies may include local Human Service Centers, Independent Living Centers, Protection and Advocacy, Job Service, Family Advocacy organizations, etc. Partner agencies will vary based on individual learning preferences, and availability of agencies.
All hours whether taken for credit or not must be completed by Aug. 2, 2024.
Hours for non-educators who do not want credit:
- Part 1: Hour for hour certificate of completion (up to 20 hours) will be offered;
- Part 2: Up to 10 hours working at your local VR office, not required, however highly recommended.
Hours for Educators who seek credits:
- Educators are required to have a total of 45 hours to receive 3 credits hours of professional development graduate credits
- Part 1: 20 hours in person training;
- Part 2: 25 hours working at your local VR office.
- Interns are required to schedule times they are available with their respective VR regional administrator immediately after notice of acceptance into the Internship. Scheduling as soon as possible, will promote effective use of everyone’s time, and provide for maximum intern benefit.
- Schedules are flexible, however, need to be within 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- Record the hours completed – a timesheet may be provided, or you may use your own.
Learning Objectives
- Participants will understand how VR determines eligibility.
- Participants will understand the process and services counselors use to assist individuals complete the comprehensive assessment of rehabilitation needs, and develop the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE).
- Participants will understand and identify VR Services, how counselors determine if services are reasonable and necessary to assist the individual in reaching their employment goal and how these services address their disability.
- Participants will understand and identify five community partners and/or agencies whom VR utilizes to assist individuals with employment needs, including support services to address barriers to employment.
- Participants will be able to identify the various staff roles within the VR office, and how that staff supports individuals to become successfully employed.
- Participants will understand VR has two customers, individuals with disabilities and employers.
Cost to Attend
For classroom training:
- VR may provide assistance with in-state per diem to include mileage, lodging and meals to interns who are outside of the ND Department of Health and Human Services.
For Educators Only
Syllabus: Special Education (SPED) 2000 (3 credits)
Welcome to the Minot State University Store! Professional Development
Click on the above link to take you to the link for online registrations for Minot State University. Scroll down to find your class, click on it, fill in your information, add it to your cart, pay for it and you will get an e-mail confirmation once it is complete.
'Voc Rehab Internship' online registration will close on June 29th at midnight.
Effective Jan. 1, 2017, all late adds into Professional Development Graduate Classes will be charged a $25 late fee. Please make sure everyone gets registered on time.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Amy Woodbeck
Professional & Community Ed Coordinator | CEL
500 University Avenue West
Minot, ND 58707
701-858-3989 | MinotStateU.edu
Final Paper Requirements
Final papers are due by 4:30 p.m. CST on or before Aug. 2, 2024. Hours and final paper are expected to be completed and submitted to the Bismarck VR Coordinator and MSU. MSU will give a grade of 'Satisfactory' or 'Unsatisfactory', transcript will be recorded, and three credit hours posted for summer term.
If unable to complete the internship hours by this date, an extension may be requested. If the paper is not submitted on the due date and no extension has been approved, a grade of “U” will be submitted to the Registrar’s office.
Guidelines for the final paper (500-word minimum)
- Reflect on what has been learned while observing VR staff and how you will share this experience with your colleagues.
- What services did you identify to be useful for transition students and how are these appropriate for the students you serve?
- How will you use this knowledge to work with your students?
Interns will be evaluated by the local VR Administrator. The MSU instructor will use these evaluations in addition to information obtained through either observation or discussion with supervisors to decide upon a grade of 'S' (satisfactory) or 'U' (unsatisfactory).
Schedule for Part 2
June 17, 2024 through Aug. 2, 2024
Course readings, lectures, and associated internship experiences
CEC Standard
CEC Advanced Prep Standard 7 - Special education specialists apply their consultative and collaborative skills among both internal and external stakeholders to improved outcomes and services for individuals with disabilities and their families.
Major Elements
- Special education specialists have a thorough understanding of the importance of collaboration and use this knowledge to improved outcomes and services for individuals with disabilities.
- Special education specialists use collaboration among professionals to improve services and outcome services for individuals with disabilities.
- Special education specialists use their understanding of diversity to enhance collaboration.
Readings from the classroom and the field.
Final paper and log of hours.
Course Policies
1.) Professionalism: Professional conduct and academic honesty is expected during all internship activities. Students must follow each site’s policies and regulations (e.g., confidentiality, dress code, etc.) during the internship experience. Academic dishonesty includes plagiarism and failure to do one’s own work and will not be tolerated. If an internship student violates a site’s professional conduct procedures or Minot State University’s academic honesty policies, the following consequences may result in decreased points for the final paper; a failing grade on the final paper; an unsatisfactory grade in the class; and/or possible expulsion from Minot State University.
2.) Class Attendance: It is expected you will attend all classroom trainings. Presentations will be made, discussions and activities will take place, and a great deal of material will be presented that will not be available outside of class. Your regular attendance reflects your commitment to professional development at the graduate level. Each participant is a member of the learning community. As such, each participant has valuable and unique contributions to make to the community in addition to attending to gather knowledge and information. Therefore, class attendance is mandatory to facilitate the development and cohesiveness of the learning community. Late arrivals and early departures interrupt the learning of all students. Please be here and ready to begin promptly at the beginning of class. If personal issues require a level of absenteeism that affects the ability of the student to keep up with class and/or assignments, it may be in the best interest of that student to drop the course and retake it at a less personally demanding time. Each person’s situation is unique; students are expected to make an appointment with the class instructor to privately discuss issues regarding individual circumstances in this area.
3.) Class Participation, professionalism, and classroom etiquette: Class participation that is conducive to the learning of all course participants is expected. During the initial class session, participants will develop a set of ground rules to guide class participation. All class participants are expected to follow the ground rules during the entirety of each class session. As professionals you are expected to give your full attention to class activities and discussions. Please turn off and store all cell phones and related electronic devices while you are in class.
4.) Incompletes are not available for this course. If the final assignment requirements are not submitted at the end of the internship a grade of “U” will be recorded on the student’s transcript. After the assignments are submitted and are of high quality, a grade of “S” will be submitted to the Registrar’s office.
5.) Students must maintain confidentiality regarding all client and staff information. No personally identifiable information should be taken from the work sites.
University Sanctioned Events Policy
Minot State University has a commitment to students who represent the University in official capacities. University-sanctioned activities include events that are required or encouraged by a class, program, club, or athletic team. When a student has a scheduled absence due to a university-sanctioned activity, it is the student’s responsibility to communicate with the faculty member at least one week prior to his or her absence. Any assignments that are due during the absence may be turned in prior to departure or at the next scheduled class after the event has concluded.
Disability Statement
In coordination with the Disability Support Service, reasonable accommodations will be provided for qualified students with disabilities (LD, Orthopedic, Hearing, Visual, Speech, Psychological, ADD/ADHD, Health Related, TBI, PTSD and Other). Please meet with the instructor during the first week of class to make necessary arrangements. Accommodations and alternative format print materials (large print, audio, disk or Braille) are available through the Disability Support Service, located on campus in the lower level of Lura Manor, or by calling 701-858-3371.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Minot State University subscribes to the principles and laws of the state of North Dakota and the federal government pertaining to civil rights and equal opportunity, including Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments. Minot State University policy prohibits discrimination based on race, gender, religion, age, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability in the recruitment and admission of students and the employment of faculty, staff, and students, and in the operation of all college programs, activities, and services. Evidence of practices which are inconsistent with this policy should be reported using the Student Complaint and Anti-Discrimination Form.
Title IX Statement
If you choose to write or speak about having survived sexualized violence, including non-consensual sexual intercourse, non-consensual sexual contact, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, Minot State University (MSU) policy requires that, as your instructor, I share this information with the Title IX office. The Title IX coordinator will contact you to let you know about your options, accommodations, and support services at MSU. If you do not wish the Title IX office notified, instead of disclosing this information to your instructor, you can speak confidentially with individuals on campus and in the community. They can connect you with support services and help explore your options now, or in the future.
Contact Information:
Lisa Dooley| Title IX coordinator
Minot State University |Memorial 412
500 University Ave W | Minot, ND 58707
Ph: 701.858.3447 | lisa.dooley@NDUS.edu
Title IX Resources
Reporting Forms
Communication Requirements
The instructor will respond to course communications within 48 hours. Students are expected to meet the same standard. Word-processing Requirements: Assignments will be submitted using the Assignments Tool found in the Course Tools Menu. Students must submit all assignments using Microsoft Word unless otherwise indicated. Remember, it is the student's responsibility to back-up all assignments on their personal computer. Help Desk: Direct your inquiries about course operations to the instructor. For issues involving your computer or software issues contact the MSU Help Desk by selecting the 'Help Desk' link under the 'Web Links' in your Course Tools menu. You will need PowerPoint or a PowerPoint Reader or MAC equivalent to view some files. If you need closed captioning for any audio/video components in the class, go to Closed Captioning Instructions website to learn how to turn this feature on. This course contains content that is PDF-based and will require a PDF Reader which can be downloaded for free at the Adobe web site or by going to the 'Web Links' on the Home Page and proceeding to the Software Download.
Tutoring Center Statement
The Minot State University Tutoring Center would like to help you reach your academic goals by offering free drop-in peer tutoring beginning the second week of classes in Old Main 103. No appointment is necessary and there is no limit to how many times you may meet with a tutor. Go to the CETL web site for a current tutoring schedule. Times and subjects offered may change during the semester so check the schedule often. Visiting the Tutoring Center early in the semester with regular attendance produces the best results.
For more information
1000 E. Divide Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: (701) 328-8950
Toll Free: (800) 755-2745
711 (TTY)
Fax: (701) 328-1884
Email: dhsvr@nd.gov