What is the Child Care and Development Fund?
The Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (CCDBG) is the law that authorizes the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program, which is administered by states, territories, and tribes.
CCDF supports North Dakota’s efforts to provide child care subsidies through the Child Care Assistance Program to more than 4,100 children from 2,600 income-eligible families, making child care more affordable as they work toward economic security.
How does CCDF benefit all North Dakota children?
CCDF dollars enhance the quality of child care for all children by:
- Protecting the health and safety of children in child care,
- Promoting continuity of access to subsidy for income-eligible families,
- Informing parents and the general public about child care choices available to them,
- Improving the overall quality of early learning and afterschool programs.
Additionally, North Dakota uses CCDF to invest in quality by:
- Building the skills and qualifications of the teacher workforce
- Supporting child care programs to achieve higher standards
- Providing consumer education to help parents select child care that meets their families’ needs
How does CCDF set the basis for health and safety standards for child care providers?
To receive CCDF funds, states must establish requirements for health and safety standards in 11 areas. All licensed and self-declared providers in North Dakota are eligible to receive CCDF funding and must follow these standards:
- Prevention and control of infectious diseases (including immunization)
- Prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and use of safe sleep practices
- Administration of medication, consistent with standards for parental consent
- Prevention and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions
- Building and physical premises safety, including identification of and protection from hazards, bodies of water, and vehicular traffic
- Prevention of shaken baby syndrome, abusive head trauma, and child maltreatment
- Emergency preparedness and response planning for emergencies resulting from a natural disaster or a man-caused event
- The planning at the child care provider level must include procedures for evacuation, relocation, shelter-in-place and lockdown, as well as training and drills for staff and volunteers, communications and reunification with families, continuity of operations, and accommodations for infants and toddlers, children with disabilities and children with chronic medical conditions.
- Handling and storage of hazardous materials and the appropriate disposal of bio-contaminants
- Appropriate precautions in transporting children (if applicable)
- Pediatric first-aid and pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- Recognition and reporting of child abuse and neglect
To assure health and safety standards are being met by child care providers, Licensing Specialists will conduct both announced and unannounced monitoring visits annually.
Comprehensive background checks are also required as a basic safeguard to protect the safety of children in child care and minimize children’s risk of abuse and neglect.
CCDF Fact Sheet
Through the CCDF child care providers and families receive these services and support:
- Equal access to the Child Care Assistance Program
- Health and safety standards for all licensed or self-declared providers
- Child Care Resource and Referral agency
- Bright & Early North Dakota, the state’s Quality Rating and Improvement System
- Licensing inspection and monitoring information
- Complaint process for families and providers
CCDF State Plan
States receiving CCDF funds are required to submit a CCDF State Plan every three years.
The state plan serves as the lead agency's application for CCDF funds by providing a description of how the program will be administered in accordance with CCDF law and regulations to provide high-quality child care services to eligible families, which benefits all children in North Dakota by setting the basis for health & safety standards, professional development, and background checks.
The state plan also presents an opportunity for states and territories to demonstrate the activities and services they are providing to meet the needs of low-income children and families.
State Plan Sections
The plan is organized into 10 sections:
1. CCDF Program Administration
2. Child and Family Eligibility and Enrollment and Continuity of Care
3. Child Care Affordability
4. Parental Choice, Equal Access, Payment Rates, and Payment Practices
5. Health and Safety of Child Care Settings
6. Support for a Skilled, Qualified, and Compensated Child Care Workforce
7. Quality Improvement Activities
8. Lead Agency Coordination and Partnerships to Support Service Delivery
9. Family Outreach and Consumer Education
10. Program Integrity and Accountability
State Plan Process
Every three years, North Dakota’s HHS Early Childhood and Economic Assistance sections develop the triennial state plan in consultation with key partners.
Prior to being submitted at the end of June every third year, HHS holds an open meeting to gather public comment.
After the plan is submitted, it is reviewed by the regional office and the Office of Child Care (OCC).
If any areas of non-compliance (deficiencies) are found, the state works with the regional team to make the necessary corrections to ensure all CCDF requirements are being met. To be compliant, changes may need to be made to law, rule, policy, or procedures.
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) makes approved plans publicly available to many users including members of Congress, Congressional committees, state and local child care administrators, advocacy groups, researchers, and the general public.
2025-2027 State Plan
Current Plan
Approved Plan - Effective 10/1/2024
Public Comment - May 2024
CCDF Reports
Visit our Data and Reporting page to learn more about North Dakota’s CCDF reports, including aggregate data on serious injuries, deaths, and substantiated cases of child abuse and neglect, Quality Progress Reports, and Expenditure Reports.
Questions? Contact Us
Early Childhood
600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 325
Bismarck, ND 58505-0250
Phone: (701) 328-2115
Toll-Free: (800) 997-8516
Relay ND TTY: 711
Email: dhsec@nd.gov