Licensing Crosswalk and Comparison Study
In 2024, the Early Childhood section completed a crosswalk and comparison study of the laws, rules, and policies relevant to North Dakota’s 6 license types and 2 non-license types that make up the North Dakota’s child care infrastructure.
Serious Injuries, Deaths, and Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect
As part of CCDF requirements, child care providers are required to report when a child is seriously injured or dies in care, even if it wasn’t the result of a rule violation. They are also required to report when a child is abused or neglected. Parents or other individuals can report concerns by contacting an Early Childhood Licensing Specialist in their county.
Families need information in order to make informed choices about who will care for their children while parents and guardians are working or in education or training. This information helps parents choose a child care provider that best meets their family’s needs.
What data is included in the report?
Included in the report is the annual number of serious injuries and deaths that occurred in CCDF eligible licensed and licensed-exempt programs over a 3-year period. A serious injury is defined as any accident or injury which occurs in the early childhood setting or as a result of care provided in the early childhood setting and results in medical treatment. Medical treatment is considered any treatment beyond basic First Aid.
The annual total instances of substantiated cases of child abuse and neglect that occurred in CCDF eligible licensed and license-exempt programs over a 3-year period is also reported.
What types of child care providers does this information apply to?
Licensed Child Care Providers
- Licensed Family Child Care: Family providers may care for up to 7 children, of which no more than 3 children are under the age of 24 months, plus two additional school-age children.
- Licensed Group Child Care: Group child care programs may be licensed in a home or a facility. Groups may be licensed for up to 30 children, with the actual license capacity determined by available space, staff to child ratios, and sometimes local ordinances.
- Licensed Child Care Center: Child care centers are licensed for at least 19 children in a facility, with the actual license capacity determined by available space, staff to child ratios, and sometimes local ordinances.
- Licensed Preschool Programs: Preschools provide educational and socialization experiences for children age 2 years to kindergarten and may operate sessions for no more than 3 hours per day.
- Licensed School-Age Programs: School-age programs are licensed for at least 19 children in a facility, with the actual license capacity determined by available space, staff to child ratios, and sometimes local ordinances. School-age programs offer services before and after school, and sometimes on school holidays and through the summer months
- Multiple License Facility: This type of program has more than one type of license, such as a center and preschool.
License-Exempt Child Care Providers
- Self-Declaration Providers: Care is provided in a private residence for 5 or fewer children, of which no more than 3 children are under the age of 24 months. These providers must meet minimum standards including a background check and basic health and safety training, are inspected prior to annual approval, and receive one additional monitoring visit per year.
2024 Aggregate Data
Licensed Child Care
Family Child Care
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 1,536
- Serious Injuries*: 1
- Deaths: 0
Group Child Care
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 11,481
- Serious Injuries*: 12
- Deaths: 0
Child Care Centers
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 14,055
- Serious Injuries*: 31
- Deaths: 0
Preschool Programs
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 796
- Serious Injuries*: 0
- Deaths: 0
School Age Programs
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 3,157
- Serious Injuries*: 6
- Deaths: 0
Multiple-Licensed Programs
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 7,807
- Serious Injuries*: 22
- Deaths: 0
Licensed-Exempt Child Care
Self-Declaration Providers
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 187
- Serious Injuries*: 0
- Deaths: 0
Number of Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect
All License Types: 2
*A serious injury is defined as any accident or injury which occurs in the early childhood setting or as a result of care provided in the early childhood setting and results in medical treatment. Medical treatment is considered any treatment beyond basic First Aid.
2023 Aggregate Data
Licensed Child Care
Family Child Care
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 1,636
- Serious Injuries*: 1
- Deaths: 0
- Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect: 1
Group Child Care
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 11,664
- Serious Injuries*: 17
- Deaths: 0
- Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect: 0
Child Care Centers
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 13,616
- Serious Injuries*: 23
- Deaths: 0
- Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect: 0
Preschool Programs
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 903
- Serious Injuries*: 2
- Deaths: 0
- Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect: 0
School Age Programs
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 2,682
- Serious Injuries*: 6
- Deaths: 0
- Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect: 0
Multiple-Licensed Programs
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 7,722
- Serious Injuries*: 16
- Deaths: 0
- Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect: 0
Licensed-Exempt Child Care
Self-Declaration Providers
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 209
- Serious Injuries*: 0
- Deaths: 0
- Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect: 0
*A serious injury is defined as any accident or injury which occurs in the early childhood setting or as a result of care provided in the early childhood setting and results in medical treatment. Medical treatment is considered any treatment beyond basic First Aid.
2022 Aggregate Data
Licensed Child Care
Family Child Care
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 1,423
- Serious Injuries*: 3
- Deaths: 1
- Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect: 0
Group Child Care
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 12,099
- Serious Injuries*: 16
- Deaths: 0
- Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect: 0
Child Care Centers
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 12,437
- Serious Injuries*: 35
- Deaths: 0
- Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect: 1
Preschool Programs
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 649
- Serious Injuries*: 1
- Deaths: 0
- Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect: 0
School Age Programs
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 2,732
- Serious Injuries*: 3
- Deaths: 0
- Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect: 1
Multiple-Licensed Programs
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 7,036
- Serious Injuries*: 28
- Deaths: 0
- Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect: 0
Licensed-Exempt Child Care
Self-Declaration Providers
- Estimated Number of Children in Care: 150
- Serious Injuries*: 0
- Deaths: 0
- Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect: 0
*A serious injury is defined as any accident or injury which occurs in the early childhood setting or as a result of care provided in the early childhood setting and results in medical treatment. Medical treatment is considered any treatment beyond basic First Aid.
Provider Profile Data
Select your county to see point-in-time data about the status of child care supply and demand in your area. You will also find information about the different types of child care available, rates for full-time care, census data, and more.
County Profiles
Child Care Aware® of America partnered with experts to develop state reports that rate each state against benchmark criteria. These reports serve as a compass to guide everyone to higher-quality, affordable child care environments for all children. System administrators may use them to promote continuous quality improvement efforts that advance child care quality in their state and the supply of high-quality child care in the U.S. as a whole. (Source: Child Care Aware® of America)
Questions? Contact Us
Early Childhood
600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 325
Bismarck, ND 58505-0250
Phone: (701) 328-2115
Toll-Free: (800) 997-8516
Relay ND TTY: 711