Start: Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 01:00 pm
End: Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 02:30 pm
Public Notices


N.D. Health and Human Services - Developmental Disabilities Section
Community Input Meeting: Person-Centered Practice Goals

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

1 – 2:30 P.M. Central Time SESSION

The North Dakota Department of Health and Human Service Developmental Disabilities (DD) program wants to hear from people receiving services, family members, guardians, community advocates and providers about the person-centered practice’s goal. Participants can choose to attend either the afternoon or evening session. The same information will be shared at both sessions.

The DD Team has been working with partners and experts to develop material on the “dignity of risk” for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. “Dignity of risk” is the right to make informed choices and take reasonable risks. Information will be shared on the drafted material, and the DD team will be gathering feedback from attendees for consideration in the final product.  


Join Microsoft Teams meeting on your computer, mobile app or device 
Click here to join the meeting 
Meeting ID: 232 833 148 05 
Passcode: Lk9BzY 
Join by phone (audio only) 
701-328-0950, Conference ID: 161 651 183#


  • Introduction to the person-centered practices and system’s goal 
  • What is dignity of risk?
  • Guiding principles and best practices
  • Components to balancing choice and risk
  • Comments and feedback from the audience 

Individuals needing special accommodations to participate can contact Colette Perkins at 701-328-8935, toll-free 800-755-8529, 711 (TTY) or sends email) prior to the meeting. 

Date Posted:  Nov. 18, 2022