Start: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 - 10:00 am

Northwest Human Service Center Advisory Group
Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024
10 a.m. to 12 p.m. CT

In-Person Information 
316 2nd Ave. W., Williston, Conference Room A200

Virtual Information 
Join by computer: Join the meeting now
Join by phone: (701) 328-0950, Conference ID # 682 598 069#


  • Introductions
  • Personnel Updates
    • Turnover rate
    • Shortage impact to care
    • Solutions
  • Regional Updates
    • Accreditation
    • Licensure with BHD
    • Crisis Stabilization Unit
      • Stats
      • Withdrawal management update
    • Collaboration with stakeholders to improve crisis response
    • CCBHC
      • Transition
      • Expansion
  • Review Regional Data
    • Team Updates
  • Legislative Update

Individuals who need accommodations in order to participate or who would like information about joining the meeting can contact Charlotte Ferrell, (701) 774-4672, 711 (TTY) or

Date Posted: April 1, 2024 
Date Revised: Sept. 6, 2024 (agenda/meeting details added)