Start: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 - 01:00 pm
Public Notices

North Dakota Medicaid Drug Use Review Board
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
1 to 4 p.m. Central Time

In-Person Information 
Conference Room 210/212, 2nd Floor, Judicial Wing, State Capitol
600 E. Boulevard Ave., Bismarck 

Virtual Information 
Join virtually: Click here to join the meeting  
Join by phone: 701-328-0950, Conference ID: 278 214 277#


1.    Administrative items

  • DHS announcements

2.    Old business

  • Review and approval of September 2022 meeting minutes           
  • Budget update  
  • Review top 25 drugs for the third quarter of 2022 
  • Prior authorization/PDL update
  • Update to Prurigo Nodularis (Dupixent)
  • Update to Endometriosis Pain (Myfembree)
  • Update to Hematopoietic Syndrome of Acute Radiation Syndrome (NPlate)
  • Second Review of Amyloidosis (Vyndaqel, Vyndamax, Tegsedi)
  • Second Review of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Radicava)
  • Second Review of Chelating Agents (Ferriprox)
  • Treatment follow up questions for Eosinophilic Esophagitis
  • Annual prior authorization review of prior authorization forms and criteria

3.    New business

  • Discussion of RDUR response letter
  • Retrospective DUR profile review update
  • Retrospective DUR criteria recommendations
  • Upcoming meeting date/agenda 

Next meeting is March 1, 2023
4.    Adjourn                     

Individuals with disabilities who need accommodations, including appropriate auxiliary aids to participate, can contact Stacey Koehly at 701-328-4807, toll-free 800-755-2604, 711 (TTY) or

Date Posted:  Jan. 20, 2022
Date Revised:  Dec. 6, 2022 (agenda/meeting details added)