End: Friday, September 15, 2023 - 12:00 pm Categories:
You are invited to participate in the following State Procurement Opportunity.
Solicitation Number: 325-23-415-062
Type: Request for Proposal
Title: Cross-Disability and Development Disabilities Waiver Subject Matter Expert Consultant
Issuing Agency: North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services, Medical Services Division
Issued: July 21, 2023
Deadline for Questions: August 11, 2023, at 12:00 PM, CT
Closes: September 15, 2023, at 12:00 PM, CT
Procurement Officer: Krista Fremming
E-Mail: krfremming@nd.gov
Phone: 701-328-2342
Short Description: To procure a subject matter expert (SME) consultant to guide STATE on the planning, design, and implementation of the cross-disability children's waiver, level of care reform for the comprehensive developmental disabilities Medicaid home and community-based waiver, and a service option that will allow payment to a legally responsible individual who provides extraordinary care to an eligible individual through the Medicaid 1915(c) waivers.
Instructions: Click the link below to view this solicitation. Contact the Procurement Officer if you have any questions or are unable to obtain the documents from the website:
If the above link does not work:
-Go to https://www.omb.nd.gov/doing-business-state/procurement
-From the left menu, click Bidding Opportunities - click Current Solicitations
-Recent Solicitations are listed by close date.