Examples of How Grant Funds Can be Utilized
Students without insurance
- Clinical behavioral health services for individuals not covered by Medicaid or other private insurance.
Students with insurance, but there are service/support gaps in coverage
- Individuals who are insured, but insurance doesn’t cover required clinical or support services.
- Transportation costs when a child/family is unable to access transportation or funding for transportation to and from services.
Prevention and early intervention services and supports
- Prevention and early intervention (including emotional wellbeing promotion curriculums), to be reviewed and approved by the Behavioral Health Division prior to implementation.
- Early intervention screenings and assessments (when not reimbursable through other means).
Examples of How Grant Funds CANNOT be Utilized
- Any strategy related to or utilizing seclusion and/or restraint.
- To pay for behavioral health services that are reimbursable through a third-party payer (Sanford, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medicaid, Medicaid Expansion, etc.)
- To pay for services or supports that are experimental or not evidence-based/best practices.