ND Medicaid renewals are happening to make sure members still qualify for coverage. Members could lose coverage if they don’t take these simple steps.
Here's How You Can Prepare
Update Information
If you recently moved or your contact information has changed, let us know!
Check Your Mail
ND Medicaid may mail you a letter about your coverage and steps to keep it, if you still qualify.
Complete Renewal
If your letter includes a renewal form, complete and return it to the Customer Support Center right away! The form will help us determine if you still qualify.
Update your information in the Self-Service Portal (SSP) using the link below.
New to the SSP? Visit the SSP Help Page for videos, step-by-step instructions, FAQs and more.
Get started in the SSP
You can also update your contact information or ask questions about your coverage by contacting the Customer Support Center.
Phone: Toll-Free 866-614-6005 or 711 (TTY)
Email: applyforhelp@nd.gov
Mail: P.O. Box 5562 Bismarck, ND 58506
In-Person: Visit a human service zone office. Find one near you.
Customer Support Center is available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. CT.
What if I No Longer Qualify for Medicaid?
If you or a family member no longer qualify for Medicaid, you may be able to receive coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace.
For free application assistance from a ND Navigator, call 800-233-1737 or visit their website for more details.
Downloadable Resources and Materials
Help us spread the word! More materials are still under development including several flyers, posters and other resources in Spanish and Somali languages. Check back often! To access the materials, click on the + sign.
Community Toolkit
Member Poster
Have you heard the news? ND Medicaid may need to contact members about their coverage.
Be sure you stay covered! Get ready now.
- Make sure your contact information is correct.
- Check your mail.
- Complete your renewal form (if you get one).
To update your contact information or for questions, contact the Customer Support Center:
- Toll-free: 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY)
- Email: applyforhelp@nd.gov
To learn more, visit hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND
Download Member Poster PDF (English version)
Download Member Poster PDF (Somali version)
Download Member Poster PDF (Spanish version)
Member Flyer
Medicaid Members: Update your contact information!
ND Medicaid may need to contact you to see if you still qualify for coverage. Here are THREE actions you need to take to prepare.
- Make sure your contact information is correct.
- Check your mail.
- Complete your renewal form (if you get one).
To update your contact information or for questions, contact the Customer Support Center:
- Toll-free: 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY)
- Email: applyforhelp@nd.gov
If you no longer qualify for Medicaid, ND Navigators can help you find a plan on the federal Health Insurance Marketplace. Visit www.ndcpd.org/NDNavigator or call 1-800-233-1737.
To learn more, visit hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND
Download Member Flyer PDF (English version)
Download Member Flyer PDF (Somali version)
Download Member Flyer PDF (Spanish version)
Member Half-Page Flyer
Medicaid Members: Update your contact information!
ND Medicaid may need to contact you to see if you still qualify for coverage.
To learn more, visit hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND
To update your contact information or for questions, contact the Customer Support Center:
- Toll-free: 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY)
- Email: applyforhelp@nd.gov
Download Member Half-Page Flyer PDF (English version)
Download Member Half-Page Flyer PDF (Somali version)
Download Member Half-Page Flyer PDF (Spanish version)
Social Media Posts
Post 1: English
Has your phone number, mailing address or email address changed? Contact the Customer Support Center right away to make sure your information is correct! Learn how at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (English version)
Post 1: Somali
Miyaad beddeshay lambarkaaga telefoonka, ciwaanka boostada ama ciwaanka iimaylkaaga? La xidhiidh N.D Medicaid ama xafiiska degmadaada ee u adeegyada dadka isla markiiba! Si aad waxbadan ugubarato fadlan booqo halkan hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (Somali version)
Post 1: Spanish
¿Ha cambiado su número de teléfono, dirección postal o dirección de correo electrónico? ¡Póngase en contacto con ND Medicaid o la oficina local de su zona de servicios humanos de inmediato! Aprenda cómo en hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (Spanish version)
Post 2: English
Hey, North Dakota! Make sure ND Medicaid has your correct contact information so they can send you a letter about your coverage. Find out how you can update yours at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (English version)
Post 2: Somali
Hello, North Dakota! Hubi in ND Medicaid ay hayso macluumaadkaaga xidhiidhka ee saxda ah si ay kuugu soo diri karaan warqad ku saabsan caymiskaaga.raadi sida aad ucusbooneysiinlahayd kaada fadlan booqo hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (Somali version)
Post 2: Spanish
¡Hola, Dakota del Norte! Asegúrese de que ND Medicaid tenga su información de contacto correcta para que puedan enviarle una carta acerca de su cobertura. Averigüe cómo puede actualizar la suya en hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (Spanish version)
Post 3: English
Listen up ND Medicaid members! You may receive a letter about steps you need to take to see if you still qualify for Medicaid. Learn more at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (English version)
Post 3: Somali
Dhageyta Xubnaha ND Medicaid! Waxaa laga yaabaa inaad hesho fariin ama warqad ku saabsan tallaabooyinka aad u baahan tahay in aad qaado si aad u ogaato haddii aad wali u qalanto Medicaid. Si aad waxbadan uga ogaato fadlan booqo halkan. hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (Somali version)
Post 3: Spanish
¡Atención miembros de ND Medicaid! Usted puede recibir una carta acerca de los pasos a seguir para saber si usted todavía califica para Medicaid. Obtenga más información en hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (Spanish version)
Post 4: English
If you are enrolled in ND Medicaid, you may receive a letter about your coverage. This letter will also let you know if you need to complete a renewal form to see if you still qualify for coverage. Have questions? Call toll-free 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY) or visit hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (English version)
Post 4: Somali
Haddii aad ka diiwaangashantahay ND Medicaid, waxaa laga yaabaa inaad hesho warqad ku saabsan caymiskaaga. Warqadani waxay sidoo kale ku ogeysiin doontaa haddii aad u baahan tahay inaad buuxiso foomka cusboonaysiinta si aad u aragto inaad weli u qalanto caymiska . su'aalo ma qabtaa? Wac lacag la'aan 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY) ama booqo hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (Somali version)
Post 4: Spanish
Si usted está inscrito en ND Medicaid, es posible que reciba una carta sobre su cobertura. Esta carta también le informará en caso sea necesario llenar un impreso de renovación para ver si sigue teniendo derecho a la cobertura. ¿Tiene preguntas? Llame gratis al 866-614-6005, 711 (Teletipo) o visite hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (Spanish version)
Script (:30 seconds)
Have you heard the news? North Dakota Medicaid may need to contact members about their coverage and steps to keep it.
Make sure North Dakota Medicaid has your correct contact information so they can reach out to you about your coverage.
If they mail you a letter that includes a renewal form, complete and return it to a human service zone office right away!
Learn more at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND.
VIDEO: Stay Covered ND - What You Need To Do (English Version)
VIDEO: Stay Covered ND - What You Need To Do (Spanish Version)
VIDEO: Stay Covered ND - What You Need To Do (Somali Version)
Script (:15 seconds)
North Dakota Medicaid may need to contact members about their coverage. To prepare, make sure North Dakota Medicaid has your correct contact information! Find out more at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND
VIDEO: Stay Covered ND - Update Your Contact Information
Script (:15 seconds)
If you are enrolled in North Dakota Medicaid, listen up! Make sure North Dakota Medicaid has your correct contact information so they can reach out to you about your coverage. Learn more at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND.
VIDEO: Stay Covered ND - Make Sure Your Contact Information is Correct
Script (:30 seconds)
Healthy kids are happy kids! That’s why it’s so important to stay covered. If your family has health coverage through North Dakota Medicaid, listen up! Make sure North Dakota Medicaid has your correct contact information so they can reach you about your coverage. If they mail you a letter that includes a renewal form, complete and return it to a human service zone office right away! Learn more at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND.
VIDEO: Stay Covered ND - Family Focus
Script (:30 seconds)
If North Dakota Medicaid provides your loved one with coverage that helps them live as independently as possible, listen up! Make sure North Dakota Medicaid has their correct contact information so they can be reached about their coverage. If they receive a letter that includes a renewal form, complete and return it to a human service zone office right away! Learn more at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND.
VIDEO: Stay Covered ND - Caregivers
Radio - Public Service Announcement
Script (:30 seconds)
Have you heard the news? North Dakota Medicaid may need to contact members about their coverage and steps to keep it!
Make sure North Dakota Medicaid has your correct contact information so they can reach out about your coverage.
If you get a letter that includes a renewal form, complete and return it to a human service zone office right away!
Learn more at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND.
Member Drop-In Article
This drop-in article can be shared by community partners and organizations on websites or in newsletters.
TITLE: Medicaid members: Update your contact information with ND Medicaid
BYLINE: North Dakota Health and Human Services
BODY: If you and/or your family have health coverage through ND Medicaid, we may need to contact you to see if you still qualify.
Here are three action steps you need to take now.
1. Make sure your address is correct
If you have recently moved or your contact information has changed, let us know!
You can update your information on our Self-Service Portal at hhs.nd.gov/applyforhelp/ssp-help or contact the Customer Support Center:
- Toll-free: 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY)
- Email: applyforhelp@nd.gov
2. Check your mail
ND Medicaid will mail you a letter with information about your coverage.
3. Complete a renewal form (if you get one)
If your letter includes a renewal form, fill it out and return it to the Customer Support Center right away.
What if you don’t qualify for ND Medicaid?
If you and/or your family no longer qualifies for coverage, ND Navigators can help find a plan on the federal Health Insurance Marketplace. Find a navigator at ndcpd.org/NDnavigator or call 1-800-233-1737.
Learn more about Medicaid renewals at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND.
Tribal Toolkit
Member Poster
Have you heard the news? ND Medicaid may need to contact members about their coverage.
Be sure you stay covered! Get ready now.
Enrolling in Medicaid positively affects you and your community. Here’s how you can prepare.
- Make sure your contact information is correct.
- Check your mail.
- Complete your renewal form (if you get one).
To update your contact information or for questions, contact the Customer Support Center:
- Toll-free: 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY)
- Email: applyforhelp@nd.gov
To learn more, visit hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND
Download Tribal Member Poster PDF
Member Flyer
Medicaid Members: Update your contact information!
ND Medicaid may need to contact you to see if you still qualify for coverage. Enrolling in Medicaid positively affects you and your community.
Here are THREE actions you need to take to prepare.
- Make sure your contact information is correct.
- Check your mail.
- Complete your renewal form (if you get one).
To update your contact information or for questions, contact the Customer Support Center:
- Toll-free: 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY)
- Email: applyforhelp@nd.gov
If you no longer qualify for Medicaid, ND Navigators can help you find a plan on the federal Health Insurance Marketplace. Visit www.ndcpd.org/NDNavigator or call 1-800-233-1737.
To learn more, visit hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND
Download Tribal Member Flyer PDF
Member Half-Page Flyer
Medicaid Members: Update your contact information!
ND Medicaid may need to contact you to see if you still qualify for coverage.
To learn more, visit hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND
To update your contact information or for questions, contact the Customer Support Center:
- Toll-free: 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY)
- Email: applyforhelp@nd.gov
Download Tribal Member Half-Page Flyer PDF
Script (:30 seconds)
Your decision to enroll in Medicaid positively affects you and your community.
Now it’s time to take action again and stay covered.
Make sure ND Medicaid has your correct contact information so they can reach you about your coverage.
If they mail you a letter that includes a renewal form, complete and return it to a human service zone office right away.
Learn more at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND.
VIDEO: Stay Covered ND - Spirit Lake Nation
VIDEO: Stay Covered ND - Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
VIDEO: Stay Covered ND - Three Affiliated - MHA Nation
VIDEO: Stay Covered ND - Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa
VIDEO: Stay Covered ND - Tribal Medicaid Members
Radio - Public Service Announcement
Script (:30 seconds)
Have you heard the news? North Dakota Medicaid may need to contact members about their coverage and steps to keep it!
Make sure North Dakota Medicaid has your correct contact information so they can reach out about your coverage.
If you get a letter that includes a renewal form, complete and return it to a human service zone office right away!
Learn more at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND.
Social Media Posts
Post 1:
Has your phone number, mailing address or email address changed? Contact the Customer Support Center right away to make sure your information is correct! Learn how at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Post 2:
Hey, North Dakota! Make sure ND Medicaid has your correct contact information so they can send you a letter about your coverage. Find out how you can update yours at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Post 3:
Listen up ND Medicaid members! You may receive a letter about steps you need to take to see if you still qualify for Medicaid. Learn more at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Post 4:
If you are enrolled in ND Medicaid, you may receive a letter about your coverage. This letter will also let you know if you need to complete a renewal form to see if you still qualify for coverage. Have questions? Call toll-free 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY) or visit hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Stakeholder Toolkit
Stakeholder Fact Sheet
What you need to know about ND Medicaid renewals and how you can encourage members to take action!
Starting April 1, 2023, ND Medicaid may need to contact members to see if they still qualify for coverage.
What do ND Medicaid members need to know?
ND Medicaid is working to inform members about steps they need to take to stay covered, if they qualify. These include:
- Ensure contact information is correct.
- Check the mail.
- Complete their renewal form (if they get one).
Here’s how you can help:
1. Share where and how to update their information.
- Contact the Customer Support Center toll-free 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY) or email applyforhelp@nd.gov.
2. Offer assistance.
- Help them update their contact information, read and understand the letter they may receive in the mail or submit the requested documentation online. (e.g. pay stubs, income tax returns, proof of disability, etc.).
3. Share resources.
- Encourage conversations about renewals and/or share resources in your community.
If they no longer qualify for ND Medicaid and need help finding a plan on the federal Health Insurance Marketplace, have them contact ND Navigators at ndcpd.org/NDNavigator or 1-800-233-1737.
Learn more, visit hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND
Download Stakeholder Fact Sheet PDF
Stakeholder Flyer
Medicaid renewals. How can you help!
ND Medicaid may need to contact members to see if they still qualify for coverage. You play a critical role in educating members about steps they need to take to prepare.
Here are three things you can do:
1. Encourage ND Medicaid members to update their contact information.
- Share where and how to update their information.
2. Direct people to get help.
- Contact the Customer Support Center toll-free 1-866-614-6005, 711 (TTY) or email applyforhelp@nd.gov.
- No longer qualify for Medicaid? Contact ND Navigators at ndcpd.org/NDNavigator or 1-800-233-1737 for help on finding a plan on the federal Health Insurance Marketplace.
3. Offer help to:
- Update their contact information.
- Read and understand the letter they may receive in the mail.
- Submit documentation online (e.g. pay stubs, income tax returns, proof of disability, etc.).
Learn more, visit hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND
School Toolkit
Social Media Posts
Post 1: English
If the children in your life have ND Medicaid coverage, make sure their family's contact information is correct so ND Medicaid can send a letter about their coverage. Learn more at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (English version)
Post 1: Somali
Haddii carruurtada ama kuwa aad kamusuultahay haystaan caymiska ND Medicaid, hubi in macluumaadka xiriirka qoysaskoodu ay saxanyihiin si ND Medicaid ay kuugu soo diri karto fariin ku saabsan caymiskooda. Si aad wax badan uga barato fadlan booqo halkan: hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (Somali version)
Post 1: Spanish
Si los niños y ninãs en su hogar tienen cobertura de ND Medicaid, asegúrese de que la información de contacto de su familia sea correcta, para que ND Medicaid pueda enviar una carta sobre su cobertura. Obtenga más información en hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (Spanish version)
Post 2: English
If your family has ND Medicaid coverage, check your mailbox. You may receive a letter about your coverage and steps you need to take to see if you still qualify for coverage. Learn more at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Post 2: Somali
Haddii qoyskaagu leeyihiin caymiska ND Medicaid, Fiiri boostadaada. Waxaa laga yaabaa inaad hesho warqad oo ku saabsan caymiskaaga iyo tallaabooyinka aad u baahan tahay inaad qaado si aad u ogaato inaad weli u qalanto caymiska. Si aad wax badan ka barato Fadlan booqo: hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (Somali version)
Post 2: Spanish
Si su familia tiene cobertura ND Medicaid, verifique su correo. Es posible que reciba una carta acerca de su cobertura y los pasos que debe seguir para ver si aún reúne los requisitos para la cobertura. Más información en hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND #StayCoveredND
Download graphic (Spanish version)
School Flyer
Health coverage is critical for children to thrive in school and in life.
If you care for a child enrolled in ND Medicaid, we may need to contact you to see if they still qualify for coverage. Here are
THREE actions you need to take to prepare.
- Make sure your contact information is correct.
- Check your mail.
- Complete your renewal form (if you get one).
To update your contact information or for questions, contact the Customer Support Center:
- Toll-free: 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY)
- Email: applyforhelp@nd.gov
Learn more or visit hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND
Download School Flyer PDF (English version)
Download School Flyer PDF (Somali version)
Download School Flyer PDF (Spanish version)
Drop-in Articles
These drop-in articles can be shared by schools districts on websites or in newsletters.
Article 1:
TITLE: Update your contact information with ND Medicaid
BYLINE: North Dakota Health and Human Services
BODY: Having health coverage is important for children to thrive at school and in life. Studies have shown that students with health coverage are less likely to miss school due to illness and are better prepared to learn.
If you and/or your child(ren) are enrolled in ND Medicaid and you have recently moved or your contact information has changed, let us know!
We may need to contact you to see if you still qualify for coverage.
TAKE ACTION NOW. Report changes to your address, phone number or email address by using our Self-Service Portal at hhs.nd.gov/applyforhelp/ssp-help or contacting the Customer Support Center:
- Toll-free: 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY)
- Email: applyforhelp@nd.gov
If you no longer qualify for ND Medicaid, ND Navigators can help find a plan on the federal Health Insurance Marketplace. Find a navigator at ndcpd.org/NDnavigator or call 1-800-233-1737.
Visit hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND to learn more.
Article 2:
TITLE: Take action to help your student #StayCoveredND with ND Medicaid
BYLINE: North Dakota Health and Human Services
BODY: If you are a parent or caregiver to a student who is enrolled in ND Medicaid, we may need to contact you about their coverage to see if they still qualify.
Here are three action steps you need to take now.
1. Make sure address is correct.
If your family has recently moved or your contact information has changed, let us know!
You can update your information on our Self-Service Portal at hhs.nd.gov/applyforhelp/ssp-help or contact the Customer Support Center:
- Toll-free: 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY)
- Email: applyforhelp@nd.gov
2. Check the mail
ND Medicaid may mail a letter with information about your student’s coverage.
3. Complete a renewal form (if you get one)
If the letter includes a renewal form, fill it out and return it to the Customer Support Center right away.
If your student no longer qualifies for ND Medicaid, ND Navigators can help find a plan on the federal Health Insurance Marketplace. Find a navigator at ndcpd.org/NDnavigator or call 1-800-233-1737.
Learn more about Medicaid renewals at hhs.nd.gov/StayCoveredND.
Other Resources
ND Medicaid Webinar
ND Medicaid held a webinar on Tuesday, March 7 from 1-1:45 p.m. CST to share information with partners, providers and other community stakeholders on how they can help prepare ND Medicaid members for renewals starting April 1, 2023. View webinar recording and webinar PowerPoint slides.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are regular Medicaid renewals resuming?
The federal government declared a public health emergency (PHE) when the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020.
During this time, states were required to continue health care coverage for medical assistance programs, even if someone’s eligibility changed.
In late December 2022, the federal 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act was signed into law. This requires states to begin Medicaid renewals for people whose coverage was temporarily extended due to the PHE.
Human service zone offices are now reviewing eligibility for everyone enrolled in ND Medicaid to make sure they still qualify. This started on April 1, 2023 and will take 14 months to complete.
In order to do this, ND Medicaid may need to contact members about their coverage.
What can I do now to prepare for renewals?
You should report any changes to your mailing address, phone number or email address by one of these ways.
- Use the Self-Service Portal: applyforhelp.nd.gov
Contact the Customer Support Center:
- Phone: Toll-free 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY)
- Email: applyforhelp@nd.gov
- Visit a human service zone office:
You should also check your mail often and READ all information from ND Medicaid.
How should members update their contact information?
Members should use one of these options to report any changes to their mailing address, phone number or email address.
- Use the Self-Service Portal: applyforhelp.nd.gov
Contact the Customer Support Center:
- Phone: Toll-free 866-614-6005, 711 (TTY)
- Email: applyforhelp@nd.gov
- Visit a human service zone office:
Individuals who receive health care coverage through the ND Medicaid Expansion program can also update their contact information by calling Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota toll-free 1-833-777-5779.
What is the renewal process?
The renewal process checks to see if you still qualify for ND Medicaid. Renewals, also known as reviews, happen every year.
When your renewal is due, ND Medicaid will use information we have in your file or from other data sources to see if you still qualify. If this information shows you qualify, you will be auto-renewed. You’ll get a letter in a regular envelope saying your coverage will continue for the next year.
If you are not auto-renewed
If we can’t verify that you still qualify, you will get an envelope like this.
Inside it, there will be a pre-filled review form (see example of page 1 below). You need to review it and update it as needed. You may have to provide a pay stub, tax return or other paper work.
You must respond within 30 days.
Members who no longer qualify will be referred to the federal Health Insurance Marketplace for coverage options.
ND Navigators can help you find and enroll in a low-cost plan on the federal Health Insurance Marketplace. ND Navigators are a federally-funded enrollment assistance grant program and are not a part of ND Medicaid. Navigators do not have access to your Medicaid account information.
When is my renewal due?
Your renewal date is the month when you are first enrolled with ND Medicaid.
If your renewal is coming up, you should check your mail for a letter from ND Medicaid.
Your renewal date may change if you also receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. We are matching up renewal dates between the two programs, when possible.
Can my household renew SNAP and Medicaid at the same time or will we receive separate renewal letters?
We are working on matching renewal dates, when possible, so they will happen all at the same time.
This will reduce the number of renewals and help you better track when your renewal date is coming.
What if my renewal form got lost in the mail, is there another way to get the form?
Yes. If you have an online self-service portal account, you can do your renewal there.
You can also contact the Customer Support Center toll-free (866) 614-6005 or by email applyforhelp@nd.gov. You can also go to a human service zone office to get a copy.
What are other health care coverage options?
If you no longer qualify for ND Medicaid, you can find other options on the federal Health Insurance Marketplace. See https://www.healthcare.gov/ or call the Marketplace Call Center at (800) 318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325).
If you need help with your Medicaid renewal or to review options on the Marketplace, you can contact ND Navigators at (800) 233-1737 or ndcpd.org/NDnavigator/.
What if I lose coverage?
We want all North Dakotans to stay covered, if they qualify.
After a full renewal and if you no longer qualify, you will receive:
- a notice when your coverage will end,
- information on how to appeal, and
- information on buying a plan on the federal Health Insurance Marketplace.
If you need help reviewing options on the Marketplace, contact ND Navigators at (800) 233-1737 or ndcpd.org/NDnavigator/.
What is ND Medicaid doing to communicate with members?
We launched a 12-month campaign using TV and radio ads, Facebook ads, audio streaming and other digital channels to tell members about renewals.
We also made posters, flyers, social media posts and other materials that partners can use to help spread the word. These items can be found in the toolkits above.
Whether you want to update your contact information or need help completing your renewal form, we're here for you!
Email: applyforhelp@nd.gov
Phone: Toll-free 866-614-6005 or 711 (TTY)