
Do you know a child who doesn't have health insurance coverage? The state's Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) can provide a healthier future for many of these children.

CHIP is for children who:

  • Are North Dakota residents
  • Are U.S. citizens or qualified aliens
  • Do not have health insurance coverage
  • Are 18 years of age or younger
  • Live in families with qualifying incomes

How to Apply

If you are a pregnant woman or a member of a family with children under age 21, and you ONLY want to apply for medical coverage, complete the Application for Health Care Coverage (SFN 1909) and return it to North Dakota Health and Human Services, 600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 325, Bismarck, ND 58505-0250. This application is used to see if people qualify for coverage under the CHIP or Medicaid.

If you want to apply for health care coverage AND help with child care expenses, food or other assistance, the Application for Assistance will allow you to apply for any or all of these programs.

Applications are also available at Human Service Zone offices or by calling toll-free (866) 614-6005 or emailing sends email).

Who is Eligible?

CHIP is intended to meet the needs of working families, who cannot afford health care coverage for their children, yet earn too much to qualify for Medicaid. Coverage is available for uninsured children through the month they turn age 19 who live in families with qualifying incomes. Single 18-year-olds with eligible incomes may also apply.

The income guidelines are established by the North Dakota Legislature (May 2009) as amended by the Affordable Care Act. To qualify, a family's Modified Adjusted Gross income (MAGI) must be greater than the Medicaid level, but cannot exceed 205% of the federal poverty level.

INCOME LEVEL EFFECTIVE - April 1, 2024 - includes the 5% disregard
Family SizeAnnual Modified Adjusted Gross IncomeMonthly Income

For family households over ten people, increase the monthly income amount by $920 for each additional person or increase the annual income amount by $11,029.


Visit website: Insure Kids Now(link is external)

Questions? Contact Us

For Eligibility Questions:

Medical Services Division
North Dakota Health and Human Services
600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 325
Bismarck, ND 58505-0250

Email: sends email)
Toll-Free: 1 (866) 614-6005(link is a phone number)
711 (TTY)

Human Service Zone offices are also willing to answer questions about eligibility.